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Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event and Buddha Bathing Ceremony | 人間福報

Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event and Buddha Bathing Ceremony

Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event.
Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event.
Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event.
Buddha Bathing Ceremony.
Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event.
Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event.
Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event.
Guang Ming College held Balintataw at Dayaw Culminating Event.

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
May 20, 2024

Hosted by the first-year students of Guang Ming College (GMC) under Ms. Heidi Emelo’s advisory, the Three Acts of Goodness Children Community culminating event, titled “Balintataw at Dayaw (meaning imagination and culture in Tagalog) through Arts, Culture and Sports,” aiming to foster community engagement among Tagaytay City’s barangays around GMC Tagaytay campus.

With the theme “Strengthening Community through Arts, Culture and Sports”. The event was held at GMC Arena on April 27, 2024. The program commenced with an opening ceremony attended by 300 participants, parents, faculty and students. Venerable Abbess Miao Jing, together with Venerable Zhi Qin of Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple, remarked joyfully that GMC has offered a learning platform where students from diverse backgrounds become trustful members of the neighborhoods. At the newly inaugurated GMC campus, it was a meaningful celebration to feel the excitement of the parents as they saw their children learnt new things.

The first-year GMC students were responsible to teach community children classes on their scheduled National Service Training Program. These classes enrolled over 200 community children in story-telling, ballet, hip-hop, and basketball. The ballet and hip-hop performances were staged. Two Basketball games were also held.

GMC conducted a Buddha Bathing Ceremony and vegetarian food fair. This event had created a solidified connection between the community and the school. The Buddha bathing ceremony successfully commenced as many people took time to vow with sincerity as they poured water on Buddha’s shoulders and back.

Parents and kids from barangays who participated in the events were pleased with how Guang Ming College embodies the spirit of compassion and establishes a connection in many ways possible. People, celebrating their first Buddha’s Birthday, enjoyed participating in the bathing ceremony while vowing to speak good words, do good deeds, and cultivate good thoughts. 

At three years old, little ballerina Lunafrey Ramirez joined GMC Ballet class. Her parents were strongly touched by GMC spirit of giving back and said, “GMC is the first to offer ballet class. Our daughter smiles a lot when she dances.” Kent Dimaranan, who came with his mother to learn to play basketball, said, “Thank you for the chance to become a strong athlete.” His mother further said, “GMC is a safe and friendly place. My son learns proper techniques and good characters from his student-coaches.”

The event ended with an awarding ceremony and a community dance, presented by GMC Academic Director Professor Katte Sabatte and Buddha’s Light International Association Advisor Kelly Li. Local Barangay Mendez representative Ms. Edith Perey has appreciated GMC commitment to reach out to teach arts and sports, while practicing Three Acts of Goodness. John Mark Recibe who was a student-teacher for hip-hop said, “Venerable Master Hsing Yun had inspired me to share what I have to the others. I want to see the children meet new friends, learn performing dance, and be kind to each other.”


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