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FGS Mabuhay Temple and BLIA Organized Iftar Giving Ceremony | 人間福報

FGS Mabuhay Temple and BLIA Organized Iftar Giving Ceremony

FGS Mabuhay Temple and BLIA Organized Iftar giving ceremony. photo/The Life News Agency
The event started with prayers led by Venerable Ru Liang, followed by a Muslim prayer by Dr Diampuan. photo/The Life News Agency
BLIA VP Kenny Sy remarked, “Venerable Master Hsing Yun promotes oneness and co-existence.”photo/The Life News Agency
Dr Diampuan delivered her speech. photo/The Life News Agency
The Iftar giving beneficiaries are Barangay Maharlika in Taguig and Women’s Correctional in Mandaluyong. photo/The Life News Agency
Professor Bong Baybado was also present to receive two wheelchairs for the Catholic community. photo/The Life News Agency

Luisa So
April 24, 2024

The Holy month of Ramadhan ended last April 11, 2024.  In celebration of Iftar Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple and Buddha’s Light International Association, Phils-Manila two, Hongkong, San Juan and Makati subchapters organized an Iftar giving ceremony at Mabuhay Temple on April 20 Saturday at 2pm.  There are about 30 people which include the Venerables; BLIA Vice President, Kenny Sy; BLIA subchapter Presidents, Riva Sy, Luisa So, Si Peng Peng, and Jocson Ng;  and friends from Interfaith community.

The event started with prayers led by Venerable Ru Liang, followed by a Muslim prayer by Dr Diampuan. The Iftar giving beneficiaries are Barangay Maharlika in Taguig and Women’s Correctional in Mandaluyong, a total of 375 packs of food items like bread, cookies, noodles, and Milo drinks were prepared. And two wheelchairs were received by Dr Potre Dirampatan-Diampuan.

Dr Diampuan, a member of the Uniharmony Partners of Manila; a Global Council Trustee  at the United Religions Initiative and served as a Regional Coordinator for Southeast Asia and the Pacific. She works as a CEO of a Halal Certifying Body in the Philippines, delivered her speech: “To the members of the FGS and BLIA, your kindness has not gone unnoticed, It is constantly demonstrated through social, medical, and educational programs. You have given more than just food, you have brought hope and a reminder that despite our diverse paths in faith, we are all working together in the journey of life, supporting one another. The significance of this gesture is not merely a donation, it is a bridge built between hearts, a dialogue of love spoken in the universal language of empathy.

“Thank you for your selfless act of giving and for your commitment to interfaith harmony. Thank you for your thoughtful and impactful gesture. May your organization continue to be blessed with abundance and capacity to spread joy and support to all corners of our society.” Professor Bong Baybado, of UST Religious Studies and also the convenor of Uniharmony Partners, Manila was also present to receive two wheelchairs for the Catholic community.

BLIA VP Kenny Sy remarked, “Venerable Master Hsing Yun promotes oneness and co-existence, he said we are family living in the same human world. In this auspicious day of Iftar, we practice Venerable Master’s Four Givings, to give other confidence, joy, hope and convenience. We are turning over some goods to our Muslim brothers and sisters, may everyone who receive and contribute the items be filled with joy of giving and receiving.”

The ceremony ended with singing of “We are family” and lights offering to the Buddha by the guests.


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