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Over Ten Thousand Individuals Celebrate the Spring Festival at Fo Guang Shan Toronto | 人間福報

Over Ten Thousand Individuals Celebrate the Spring Festival at Fo Guang Shan Toronto

Devotees ring the "Happiness Bell" at the Temple courtyard. photo/The Life News Agency
Families gather at FGS Temple of Toronto to celebrate the arrival of spring and participate in the Chinese New Year's Thousand Buddhas Dharma Service. photo/The Life News Agency
Distinguished guests attend the FGS Temple of Toronto to celebrate the Chinese New Year. photo/The Life News Agency
Distinguished guests pay respects and celebrate the Chinese New Year at FGS Temple of Toronto. photo/The Life News Agency
Attendees watch the auspicious lion dance performance presented by the Fo Guang Lion Dance Team. photo/The Life News Agency
Devotees joyfully offer incense at FGS Temple of Toronto. photo/The Life News Agency
Attendees receive auspicious red envelopes from Venerables. photo/The Life News Agency
Attendees watch the lion dance and interact with the auspicious lion. photo/The Life News Agency
Devotees hang their New Year's wishes on the Wishing Tree. photo/The Life News Agency
MP Leah Taylor Roy presented a congratulatory letter. photo/The Life News Agency

FGS Toronto
February 19, 2024

On February 10th, 2024, Toronto experienced an unexpected warmth, drawing families from all walks of life to the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Toronto to celebrate the festivities of the Chinese New Year. With temperatures reaching a pleasant 10 degrees Celsius, over 10,000 individuals gathered to mark the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Upon arrival, visitors eagerly engaged in cultural events, such as ringing the Happiness Bell and capturing moments with auspicious dragons and the wishing tree at the temple's entrance. Inside, the temple buzzed with activity as crowds participated in traditional ceremonies and performances.

Distinguished guests, including Canadian Member of Parliament MP Leah Taylor Roy and Deputy Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Toronto Mr Cheng Hongbo, Consul Cang Litong from Overseas Chinese Affairs, Richmond Hill Councillor Castro Liu, and Oakville Councillor Scott Xie, graced the event with their presence, offering their respects and extending New Year's greetings to the community.

During the celebration, Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan delivered an inspiring Dharma Talk, emphasizing the significance of paying respect to the Buddhas and making vows for the new year. She highlighted the importance of diligence and cultivating joy to attain happiness and peace.

MP Leah Taylor Roy and Consul Cheng Hongbo expressed wishes for prosperity and unity in the community, praising FGS for its commitment to cultural understanding and community service.

The festivities featured performances by the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Dragon and Lion Dance Team, with blessings distributed by the God of Wealth. Visitors also received auspicious "red envelopes" containing Dharma teachings and auspicious blessing symbolic items.

The festive event at FGS Toronto was more than a celebration; it was a reaffirmation of cultural heritage and community spirit, uniting diverse individuals to welcome the New Year with auspiciousness and joy.



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