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The Creative Studio Class at Hsi Fang Temple Gain Insight into News Production at CBS News 8 | 人間福報

The Creative Studio Class at Hsi Fang Temple Gain Insight into News Production at CBS News 8

Students and parents from the Creative Studio class at Hsi Fang Temple had an educational visit to CBS News 8 on May 3rd. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
The visit commenced with an exploration of the control room, where the intricacies of screen broadcasting, coding, and content sequencing were elucidated by Shawn from the production department. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
In a session with Michelle from the digital team, the students gained insights into the modern approach to news dissemination, emphasizing the importance of understanding audience preferences and feedback. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
Guided by Josh Meza (left) from the marketing department, the group received a comprehensive overview of the various aspects involved in delivering news to the public. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
The group was then treated to a tour of the news set, providing them with the opportunity to sit at the anchor desk and experience the perspective of news reporting. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
The group was then treated to a tour of the news set, providing them with the opportunity to sit at the anchor desk and experience the perspective of news reporting. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
Transitioning to the studio, the visitors encountered the marvel of green screen technology. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
The team's efforts to leverage data analytics to optimize news distribution across various platforms resonated with the visitors, highlighting the evolving landscape of journalism in the digital age. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
CBS News Anchor, Marcella Lee taking photo with the group. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
The group presented Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s calligraphy blessing of “May you be free as cloud and water, auspicious and joyful” expressing gratitude for the hospitality extended by Josh and his colleagues. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple

By Qing ling Chan

Students and parents from the Creative Studio class at Hsi Fang Temple had an educational visit to CBS News 8 on May 3rd, where they gained insights into the intricate process of news production. Guided by Josh Meza from the marketing department, the group received a comprehensive overview of the various aspects involved in delivering news to the public.

The visit commenced with an exploration of the control room, where the intricacies of screen broadcasting, coding, and content sequencing were elucidated by Shawn and John from the production department. The students were fascinated to learn about the dynamic nature of news production, where timely adjustments are essential to reflect evolving events accurately.

Transitioning to the studio, the visitors encountered the marvel of green screen technology. Josh demonstrated how the weather forecast is often presented, showcasing the versatility of the green screen in creating immersive visual experiences for viewers. The students marveled as they witnessed firsthand the magic of the green screen, with objects such as a green sandbag and even their name tags seamlessly integrating with the news backdrop.

The group was then treated to a tour of the news set, providing them with the opportunity to sit at the anchor desk and experience the perspective of news reporting. Observing the computers beneath the desk, they learned about the vital role of technology in facilitating seamless communication and information access for news reporters.

In a session with a member of the digital team, the students gained insights into the modern approach to news dissemination, emphasizing the importance of understanding audience preferences and feedback. The team's efforts to leverage data analytics to optimize news distribution across various platforms resonated with the visitors, highlighting the evolving landscape of journalism in the digital age.

The visit concluded with a viewing of the four o'clock news broadcast in the employee lounge, where the group presented Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s calligraphy blessing of “May you be free as cloud and water, auspicious and joyful” expressing gratitude for the hospitality extended by Josh and his colleagues. The experience left a lasting impression on the students, with some expressing aspirations to pursue careers in news production. As they bid farewell, enriched with newfound knowledge and inspiration, the students departed with a deeper appreciation for the collaborative efforts driving the dissemination of information through the media.


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