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Communis: Common ground and Coexistence in the Religious Response to the Climate Crisis | 人間福報

Communis: Common ground and Coexistence in the Religious Response to the Climate Crisis

Students from De La Salle High School with the strand of Humanities and social science invited Kit Valderrama and Rachelle Sy of Buddha’s Light International Association Young Adult Divisions (BLIA YAD) Manila Subdivision led by Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Mabuhay Temple Abbess Venerable Miao Jing to be one of the esteemed speakers, along with Ms. Lourdes Arsenio of Archdiocese of Manila and Ms. Ianelle Dalumbay a social science teacher and Buddhist practitioner. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple
The Forum is centered on teachings and commitment taken to mitigate climate crisis. Over 80 students attended on March 21, 2024 in La Salle University Yunchengco Hall. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple
BLIA YAD Kit discussed Buddhist teachings such as compassion, interconnectedness, and impermanence as core principles in navigating the uncertainty and complexity of climate change. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple
BLIA YAD Rachelle talked about her growing up in a Buddhist family has moulded her to live simple and preserve resources. She has learnt from Venerable Master Hsing Yun “to be the parrot which saved the forest fire” as an uninvited friend rendering services. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple
Ms. Ianelle Dalumbay a social science teacher and practicing Buddhist, dwell on her knowledge on the concept of Four Noble Truths and Eight-fold Paths encouraging youths to voice up and engage in the combating of climate crisis. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple

Brian V.
March 28, 2024

In the wake of alarming reports and escalating environmental concerns, voices from various religious group are invited in a forum to address the pressing issue of climate change themed“Communis: Common ground and Coexistence in the Religious Response to the Climate Crisis.”

Students from De La Salle High School with the strand of Humanities and social science invited Kit Valderrama and Rachelle Sy of Buddha’s Light International Association Young Adult Divisions (BLIA YAD) Manila Subdivision led by Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Mabuhay Temple Abbess Venerable Miao Jing to be one of the esteemed speakers, along with Ms. Lourdes Arsenio of Archdiocese of Manila and Ms. Ianelle Dalumbay a social science teacher and Buddhist practitioner. The Forum is centered on teachings and commitment taken to mitigate climate crisis. Over 80 students attended on March 21, 2024 in La Salle University Yunchengco Hall.

Venerable Miao Jing highlighted the practices of FGS to maintain a harmonious balance among self, others and the world. Buddhists take action to mitigate climate change by taking vegetarian diet and plant trees.  Programs such as Three Acts of Goodness for school children have introduced the concept of environmental and spiritual preservation to young Filipinos. Typhoon relief operations and charitable activities by BLIA and FGS shall always include the material, medical, humanitarian and spiritual aids for the holistic wellness of the victims.

BLIA YAD Kit discussed Buddhist teachings such as compassion, interconnectedness, and impermanence as core principles in navigating the uncertainty and complexity of climate change.

By acknowledging the impermanent nature of all phenomena, including our current ecological challenges, we can cultivate resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. Through a deep understanding of interdependence, we recognize that our individual actions, no matter how seemingly insignificant, are an integral part of the larger ecological whole, and that positive change is possible through collective effort and collaboration.

BLIA YAD Rachelle talked about her growing up in a Buddhist family has moulded her to live simple and preserve resources. She has learnt from Venerable Master Hsing Yun “to be the parrot which saved the forest fire” as an uninvited friend rendering services.

Afterwards, Ms. Lourdes discussed the Christian perspectives on the climate crisis, she emphasizes the principles of stewardship, solidarity, justice, and love. As stewards of God's creation, Christians are called to care for the Earth and all its inhabitants, working towards a more just and sustainable world for present and future generations.

Furthermore, Ms. Ianelle Dalumbay a social science teacher and practicing Buddhist, dwell on her knowledge on the concept of Four Noble Truths and Eight-fold Paths encouraging youths to voice up and engage in the combating of climate crisis.

When asked “what are practical ways they can do in addressing climate change?” all speakers advise to be mindful of our actions on daily activities. For example, turning off lights when it is not needed. Ms. Candice Aguila said that, “the diverse backgrounds of forum speakers have opened my perspective on caring for our environment. I have liked Three Acts of Goodness to keep my actions and thoughts kind towards our Mother Earth.” Ms Eufia Jasmine Lo the President and Head of the Steering Committee who led the organizing team appreciated the opportunity to reinforce the youth awareness and understanding on climate change. She is pleased to know that when we protect our environment, we respect all forms of  life and sustain the wellbeing in all.

Indeed, by prioritizing the well-being of all beings and recognizing our shared responsibility for the welfare of the planet, we can work towards collective solutions that address both the symptoms and the systemic drivers of the climate crisis.



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