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Cardinal Mario Gretch visiting FGS Mabuhay Temple | 人間福報

Cardinal Mario Gretch visiting FGS Mabuhay Temple

Cardinal Mario Gretch, visited the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Mabuhay Temple in Manila, Philippines. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
January 31, 2024

On January 28, 2024, His Eminence, Cardinal Mario Gretch, visited the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Mabuhay Temple in Manila, Philippines. This concludes his visit to the different churches as part of his trip to see the bishops, officials and lay people of the Catholic faith and in celebrating the Philippine Conference on New Evangelization. He was invited by Venerable Miao Jing when they met at a gathering in the Pope Pious XII Catholic Center, Manila. The Cardinal obliged a visit to the temple and said that his visit to the temple is a meaningful conclusion of his trip to the Philippines.

The Cardinal obliged a visit to the temple and said that his visit to the temple is a meaningful conclusion of his trip to the Philippines. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple

Head Abbess of FGS Mabuhay Temple said that FGS mission directed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun (VMHY) focus on educational and cultural developments; which organized children camp, musical theater, language classes. VMHY’s one stroke calligraphy has raised fund for Good Seeds Scholarship in Guang Ming College (GMC) which has offered 10 years of free education in the Philippines.

VMHY promoted respect and coexistence in interfaith relations, and many Buddhists are major in Catholicism and minor in Philippines. FGS advocating Three Acts of Goodness (TAG) and Four Givings as daily practices amid of universal value for betterment of humankind. Head Abbess introduced Venerable Master Hsing Yun who understood the importance of equality and entrusted female disciples to serve abroad. Head Abbess said she was grateful for the presence of his eminence as Vatican has also received FGS Head Abbott and Humanistic Buddhism delegation last year.


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Cardinal Mario Gretch said that ecumenical gatherings initiate healing. And his visit to the temple to meet the Buddhist Venerable and practitioners was a moment of grace. The Venerable agreed and said that his visit confirms inter-religious friendship with Catholic brothers and sisters. The Cardinal said that the Catholic and Buddhist faith have many commonalities. Although we have different faiths, let us live it faithfully. The Cardinal stressed that we foster harmony, tear down walls, and believe in love thereby contributing to the well-being of every human being.

The Cardinal concluded his talk saying that he will tell the Pope about his visit to FGS Mabuhay Temple and wishes that the wind of love and peace blows to all. After the short speech by Venerable Yung Guang and Cardinal Mario Grech, BLIA choir rendered a song. Afterwards, the group proceeded to the Art Gallery of Master Hsing Yun. In conclusion, pictures were taken and sent off to the Cardinal’s delegation.



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