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Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony in Ottawa New Life is born at Easter | 人間福報

Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony in Ottawa New Life is born at Easter

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa held the "Fo Guang Shan Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony ." photo/Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa.
The little Bodhisattva takes refuge together with their mother, earnestly reading the liturgical texts. photo/Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa.
During the refuge ceremony, Ven. Yung Ku explained that taking refuge means relying on the Triple Gem. photo/Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa.
Over 30 individuals of all ages, ranging from the very young to the elderly, took refuge and became devoted Buddhist laypersons. photo/Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa.

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
April 9, 2024

On March 31st, during the Canadian Easter long weekend, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa held the "Fo Guang Shan Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony ." Over 30 individuals of all ages, ranging from the very young to the elderly, took refuge and became devoted Buddhist laypersons.

In the presence of over 30 Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) members and relatives, the preceptees sincerely followed Ven. Yung Ku, the abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, in taking the Triple Gem refuge and receiving the blessings of the holy nectar. The preceptees conducted themselves with utmost respect, making the ceremony solemn and extraordinary. Among the 30 new preceptees, their ages ranged from 5 to 79 years old. Some were college students who traveled from Queen's University, others were mothers who took refuge with their children, and there were also those who took refuge on behalf of their beloved family pets.

“Do I need to become a monastic after taking refuge?” “Why should I take refuge if I can still learn Buddhism without taking refuge?” In response to these questions from the public regarding taking refuge in the Triple Gem, Ven. Yung Ku patiently addressed everyone's doubts and concerns during the "Good Morning Fo Guang" program.  An online briefing was conducted on March 28th to provide an explanation of the ceremony procedures.

During the refuge ceremony, Ven. Yung Ku explained that taking refuge means relying on the Triple Gem. The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are invaluable spiritual treasures. Before we embark on the path of learning Buddhism, our lives are bestowed upon us by our parents. However, after taking refuge, we nurture our Dharma bodies through sincere study in accordance with the guidance of the Triple Gem. Fo Guang Shan is a bodhisattva temple that embodies the concepts of right understanding, right view, and right faith in Buddhism. Ven. Yung Ku hopes that everyone can study with a peaceful mind, gradually cultivate their aspirations, consider Fo Guang Shan as their spiritual home, and make frequent visits to it.

Ban Tongyan, whose Dharma name is Hai Yue, is a student at Queen's University. With the help and support of Ven. Miao Rang and other venerables, she established the BLIA club on campus. She expressed gratitude to all the Dharma friends she encountered that offered her guidance. She hopes to fully comprehend every word spoken by the abbess and will hold it close to her heart. Furthermore, she aspires to use the Triple Gem – the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha – as guides and to diligently study and practice Buddhism, and uphold the teachings in her life.

Zheng Xiang, whose Dharma name is Hai Xian, is a member of the Buddha's Light Choir. She not only participated in the Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony but also officially became a member of BLIA. Hai Xian shared, "When the abbess presented me with the refuge certificate and blessed me with the holy nectar, tears welled up in my eyes. In my heart, I couldn't help but think, 'It feels so good to be home!' Taking refuge in the Triple Gem is like 'being reborn,' and from now on, I have faith in life. There is a light illuminating my heart and I vow to follow the teachings earnestly from this day forward."


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