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International Webinar Explores Chinese Perspectives on Human-AI Interaction | 人間福報

International Webinar Explores Chinese Perspectives on Human-AI Interaction

Venerable Dr Juewei participated as a panelist in "The Interface between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Approaches in Global Context" online seminar. photo/The Life News Agency

Pema Duddul
April 24, 2024

On April 10, 2024, Venerable Dr Juewei , the Director of Nan Tien Institute’s Humanistic Buddhism Centre Australia, participated as a panelist in an international online seminar. The seminar, titled "The Interface between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Approaches in Global Context," was hosted by the China Forum for Civilizational Dialogue, co-organized by Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and La Civiltà Cattolica.

The event aimed to foster a comprehensive dialogue on conceptual and practical frameworks for navigating the evolving relationship between humans and AI. At the heart of the discussion were key themes unearthed from a series of closed workshops held throughout the 2022-2023 academic year. These workshops, which attracted scholars, artists, and AI experts from diverse disciplines, underscored the imperative of reimagining accountability amidst the ongoing technological revolution and emphasized the necessity of fostering collaborative and co-creative partnerships between humans and AI.

The event's diverse panel of speakers brought a wealth of expertise and perspectives to the table. Among them was Dr. Juewei Shi from Nan Tien Institute, whose unique background blends two decades of experience in Humanistic Buddhism and Buddhist Studies with a deep understanding of artificial intelligence and business process re-engineering. Dr. Shi's presentation shed light on the contemporary applications of Buddhism in navigating the complexities of human-AI interaction, offering valuable insights gleaned from both academia and real-world experience.


Participants of  "The Interface between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Approaches in Global Context" online seminar. photo/The Life News Agency


Joining Dr. Shi were esteemed figures such as Thomas Banchoff, Director of Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs; Qiufan Chen, an award-winning Chinese science-fiction writer renowned for his visionary contributions to the genre; Rev. Nuno Gonçalves, S.J., Director of La Civiltà Cattolica; Fen Jennifer Lin, an associate professor at City University of Hong Kong specializing in media, communication, and technology; and Debora Tonelli, the event coordinator and a prominent researcher in the field of religious studies.

Throughout the webinar, participants engaged in lively discussions that traversed the philosophical, cultural, and ethical dimensions of AI-human interaction. From the implications of AI on religious and spiritual practices to the role of storytelling in shaping public perceptions of AI, the conversations were as varied as they were insightful.

One of the central themes that emerged from the dialogue was the need for a more inclusive global discourse on AI that incorporates diverse perspectives from across the world. While the conversation around AI has predominantly been led by voices from the United States and Europe, the webinar highlighted the importance of amplifying voices from regions such as China, which bring their own rich philosophical and cultural traditions to the table.

As the webinar drew to a close, participants were left with a renewed sense of urgency to continue exploring the complex terrain of AI-human interaction. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and embracing diverse perspectives, the webinar laid the groundwork for future endeavors aimed at navigating the evolving interface between humans and AI in an increasingly interconnected world.

For those interested in delving deeper into the discussions and learning more about the speakers and their work, recordings of the webinar and additional information can be found on the China Forum for Civilizational Dialogue's website: https://chinaforum.georgetown.edu/events/the-interface-between-human-and-artificial-intelligence-chinese-approaches-in-global-context



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