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Transcendence: Lotus Art Exhibition" Opens at Yuan Thong Temple, Philippines – 14 Artists Depict the Purity of the Lotus | 人間福報

Transcendence: Lotus Art Exhibition" Opens at Yuan Thong Temple, Philippines – 14 Artists Depict the Purity of the Lotus

Tibo Deocades' work. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Artist's work. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Group photo. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Lyra Ong was remarked that many of the artworks exuded an atmosphere of harmony, compassion, and love. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Ryan shared his motivation for joining the volunteer team. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Artists participated in a lamp-offering ceremony. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Tibo Deocades' works combined oil painting with relief sculpture. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple
April 25, 2024

Yuan Thong Temple, a branch of Fo Guang Shan in Bacolod City, Philippines, hosted the "Transcendence: Lotus Art Exhibition," which opened with great splendor on the afternoon of April 20th. This exhibition featured the works of 14 local artists, including dedicated volunteers such as Ryan and Pneuma.

The opening ceremony attracted over 20 artists and more than 20 members of the Fo Guang community. Venerable Zhi Rong presided over a blessing ceremony to inaugurate the event, offering blessings to all participating artists. Host and artist Pneuma introduced each exhibiting artist and explained the background and significance of the event. As one of the initiators of the event, Pneuma expressed great satisfaction in joining such a meaningful endeavor, citing the benefits many children have derived from participating in Yuan Thong Temple's art courses. Ryan shared his motivation for joining the volunteer team, stating that the educational philosophy of Fo Guang Shan aligns with his own values of altruism and helping others.

Rosita Gochangco, representing the Bacolod Chapter, extended a warm welcome on behalf of the association, expressing gratitude to the artists for their active participation. Venerable Zhi Rong elucidated the symbolic significance of the lotus flower, emphasizing its representation of the purification of the mind and the purity of practitioners.

Finally, all the artists participated in a lamp-offering ceremony, symbolizing the arrival of hope and light. Venerable Zhi Rong presented tokens of appreciation to all the artists on behalf of the temple, wishing them unwavering hearts and peaceful coexistence.

Among the artists, Tibo Deocades' works combined oil painting with relief sculpture. His pieces aimed to depict how carp thrive amidst mud without becoming tainted, showcasing their allure through the lotus flower. Laden with profound symbolism, his works transport viewers into realms of contemplation.

After touring the exhibition, Lyra Ong was deeply moved. She remarked that many of the artworks exuded an atmosphere of harmony, compassion, and love. Particularly striking was a painting depicting a girl holding a lotus flower in the water, evoking a serene and tranquil environment that resonated with inner peace and tranquility.


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