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Engage in the Buddha's Light International Association's Green Initiative: Planting Seeds of Love on Earth Day | 人間福報

Engage in the Buddha's Light International Association's Green Initiative: Planting Seeds of Love on Earth Day

BLIA Philippines – Bacolod Chapter conducted a tree-planting extravaganza. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Receiving the prepared saplings. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Wlaking toward thesuitable locations for tree-planting. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Venerable and volunteers found the most suitable locations, gently planting each tree into the soil. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Volunteers pnated the trees. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple
April 25, 2024

In alignment with Earth Day, the Buddha's Light International Association Philippines – Bacolod Chapter conducted a tree-planting extravaganza, injecting new vitality into environmental conservation.

Spearheaded by English Secretary Cora, the project liaised with the Bacolod City Government and Talisay Government, garnering support for tree sapling sponsorship and planting sites. On April 19th, they visited the Bacolod Department of Agriculture to receive the prepared saplings. On April 21st, led by Venerable Zhi Rong from Yuan Thong Temple, President Margarate Cordova, Supervisor Rosita Gochangco, Bacolod Youth Volunteer Amity Group, Bacolod Chapter Youth Group Rheya and Ciara, along with over twenty enthusiastic participants from the Yuan Thong Temple's SanHao Group including teachers Rutha and Virnie, journeyed to the mountainous region of Talisay, commencing this green initiative.

Despite the scorching weather, participants' hearts blazed with enthusiasm as they hand in hand planted saplings on the mountainside. Walking upon the earth, surrounded by nature, they felt the beauty and sanctity of life. These saplings not only symbolize greenery but also embody a commitment to love and protect the Earth.

Guided by Talisay personnel, they found the most suitable locations, gently planting each tree into the soil. The trees planted this time are hardwood, which will grow into a part of the forest, enriching the land in the future.

This tree-planting event saw the planting of over a hundred trees. It was not merely an action but also an embodiment of giving back to nature and expressing love for the Earth. Special thanks to Atty. BEDRIO from the Department of Agriculture for their tremendous assistance in ensuring the smooth progress of this event. Let us join hands and work together to protect our home, filling the Earth with greenery for sustainable prosperity!

Virnie mentioned it was their first time participating in tree planting, and it was very meaningful to breathe fresh air on the mountain while exercising. Rosita Gochangco expressed that despite mobility limitations, being able to participate to the best of their ability and experience various aspects of the Buddha's Light International Association and Fo Guang Shan very fulfilling.



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