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Asia | 人間福報

FGS News

The BLIA Pasig Subchapter held a Cloud Water Bathing Buddha event in Ultramega Supermarket Muntinlupa

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 24, 2024 The owner of Ultramega Supermarket in Muntinlupa, Elizabeth See, and her son Filmer See, specially invited the Pasig Subchapter of the Buddha Light International Association (BLIA) to hold a Cloud Water Bathing Buddha event on May 8th. Venerable Ru Liang, the supervisor of Mabuhay Temple, Venerable Zhi Min, the guiding Venerable of the BLIA Pasig Subchapter, President Betty Chua of the Pasig Subchapter, Supervisor Erwin Chua of the Philippines BLIA, and members of the Buddha Light Association attended the event. Over 150 employees and some passing customers participated in the bathing Buddha blessing ceremony. Venerable Ru Liang mentioned in her sermon that there are two special days in May every year. For Buddhists, one is the birth of Prince Siddhartha, who later became the Buddha and preached the law of causality to the world, and the other is the warm month when Mother's Day is celebrated globally. He pointed out that Buddha's birth, renunciation, enlightenment, and preaching all occurred in May, and he taught the Buddhist way of life through the "Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings." The Cloud Water Bathing Buddha event, by washing the sacred image of Prince Siddhartha, encourages people to reflect on their own worries and proposes methods to resolve them - the "Three Acts of Goodness," which are doing good deeds, speaking good words, and cultivating good intentions (Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words, Think Good Thought). She urged everyone to guide their lives with the wisdom of the Buddha and practice the "Three Act of Goodness and Four Givings." The bathing Buddha event brought people together at Ultramega, cleansing the impurities in their hearts through the merits of bathing Buddha. Fo Guang Shan promotes the practice of the "Three Act of Goodness" on campuses in the Philippines and participates in the bathing Buddha event with devout respect. During the event, in addition to carrying the blessings of the Buddha, "Three Act of Goodness bracelets" were also given as gifts to remind people to constantly learn from the Buddha to " Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words, Think Good Thought." Elizabeth See and her family were deeply moved by the enthusiastic participation of the employees, with members of the BLIA chanting, "Everyone practices the Three Act of Goodness, making the world a better place, Happy Buddha's Day."


Members of the Siddhartha Musical cast Take Refuge and Receive Precepts

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 15, 2024 On April 22nd, at the Manila Mabuhay Temple of Fo Guang Shan in the Philippines, a Three Refuges and Five Precepts ceremony was held, attended by all 24 staff and actors of the Siddhartha Musical. The Philippines being a predominantly Catholic country, this ceremony was not only an exchange between Buddhists and artists but also a convergence of hearts and beliefs. Actor Benjie shared his feelings after accepting the Three Refuges and Five Precepts during the ceremony. He expressed joy in this fresh start, stating that portraying the role of the Buddha gave him special insights, deepening his understanding of life and faith. Director Junrey shared his journey of developing an interest in Buddhism through the Siddhartha Musical. He mentioned that years of association with Fo Guang Shan enabled him to gain a deeper understanding of Buddhist teachings, especially being profoundly influenced by the teachings of Fo Guang Shan's founding master, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which purified and elevated his spirit. Abbess Venerable Miao Jing encouraged everyone to strive for the Three Acts of Goodness after receiving the Five Precepts— Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words, and Think Good Thought. This, she emphasized, is a demonstration of responsibility towards oneself and others, and a vivid interpretation of Buddhist values. Venerable Yung Guang, the Head Abbess of Fo Guang Shan in the Philippines, inspired contemplation on life and value through a philosophical fable. Each person is likened to different materials, each possessing unique value and utility. Some are like diamonds, inherently valuable, yet without proper utilization, their brilliance remains unseen; others are like stones, seemingly ordinary but able to wield tremendous influence in certain circumstances. Therefore, having the aspiration and taking practical action are the keys to endowing life with true value. "The holding of this ceremony is not only an affirmation of Buddhist faith but also a beautiful revelation of artistic creation and personal growth. Let us together respect life, cherish every moment, and let our spirits shine brighter in the light of faith," concluded Head Abbess Venerable Yung Guang.


Dharma talk by Ven. Miao Guang in Guang Ming College

Lourdes April 25, 2024 On April 17, 2024, the Deputy Chancellor of Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, Venerable Miao Guang, made her inaugural lecture in Guang Ming College (GMC) Tagaytay entitled “Remembering the Founder: Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Teaching through His Speech and Self-Examples.” It was attended by over 150 participants of GMC faculty and students, as well as FGS Mabuhay Temple Venerable Abbess Miao Jing, Venerable Zhi Qin, BLIA Philippines President Kathy Lim, Secretary Marlene Lao and Deputy Secretary Meeling Sze. GMC Student Affairs and International Linkages Director Prof. Maru Bautista welcomed Venerable Miao Guang who is committed to the spread of Humanistic Buddhism globally, has become an inspiration to GMC scholars and faculty to enhance the mission in developing compassionate leaders both grounded in their local realities and knowledgeable about global issues. Venerable Miao Jing gave the closing remarks as she acknowledged the needs to know and understand GMC Founder on youth education, sports and arts through Humanistic Buddhism. Venerable Miao Guang’s presence should farther the academic and cultural opportunities for Filipino scholars. Gail Matan, a third year Buddhist studies major is deeply moved by the person of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. She expressed that his teachings encourage her to be socially responsible especially with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to engage with this technology. She also mentioned that she is currently writing her thesis on AI and Humanistic Buddhism towards social responsibility and ethical mindfulness while engaging with technology. Red Mike Cinco, also a third year Buddhist Studies major shares his experience about being the bread winner of the family. He reflects on his life four years ago when he had no means of support for studies and yet Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s scholarship allowed him to continue studying and working part time to earn for his family. He was teary eyed and was touched greatly by the compassionate heart of the Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Sophia a dance major had learned and was moved by the compassionate heart of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. She expressed her wholehearted gratitude about being a scholar of GMC.


Venerable Hui Hao's Inspirational Speech at Guang Ming College Encourages Students to Surpass Themselves

Ji Chen June 4, 2024 On May 21st, Venerable Hui Hao, the abbot of Fo Guang Shan Seoul, accompanied by Venerable Miao Jing, the abbess of FGS Mabuhay Temple, Venerable Zhi Qin, the secretary-general of the Buddha's Light International Association Philippines Chapter, Marlene Lao, and Korean entrepreneur Mr. Kim Ku-Young, visited Guang Ming College in Tagaytay, Philippines. Venerable Hui Hao delivered an inspirational speech titled "Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Teachings by Example and Word" to an audience of more than a hundred students. The college community warmly welcomed the delegation with a lively performance of the "Four Givings" song and a tour of the campus. Venerable Hui Hao shared his lifelong aspiration to become a monk, recounting how he joined the novice Buddhist school at Taiwan's Fo Guang Shan Monastery at the age of 14. After completing his military service in Korea, he returned to the monastery, serving as a translator for Venerable Master Hsing Yun and assisting in various Chinese-Korean exchanges. Venerable Master Hsing Yun profoundly influenced him with the words: "Hui Hao, surpass me; do not follow the old path. Meditation is rest, activity is practice, and practice is about cultivating the mind." This steadfast belief inspired the students to strive for self-improvement. Korean entrepreneur Mr. Kim Ku-Young expressed deep admiration for Venerable Master Hsing Yun's vision in founding Guang Ming College. Paulline Angeles, a first-year student in the Dance and Arts Department, expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to study at Guang Ming College and was deeply moved by Venerable Hui Hao's speech. She felt enlightened and inspired to study diligently, break through her limitations, surpass her past self, and create a better future. Victor Akinyede, a second-year student and member of the basketball team from the Sports Science Department, found great encouragement in Venerable Hui Hao's teachings on life's path and direction. Originally from Nigeria, Victor discovered a sense of belonging at Guang Ming College. He appreciates the beautifully constructed sports facilities and the international platform provided by the "BLIACUP University Basketball Tournament." Venerable Hui Hao's words filled him with hope and confidence, motivating him to excel in basketball to give back to Fo Guang Shan. Marry Joy, a first-year student in the Buddhist Studies Department, learned from Venerable Hui Hao's speech the importance of making correct choices and persevering. Despite life's uncertainties, she believes that with the right path, unwavering willpower, and confidence, success is inevitable. Rey-Mark Garcia felt that Venerable Hui Hao's greatest message was the need for dedication to overcome challenges and achieve one's aspirations. Mr. Kim Ku-Young invited Venerable Hui Hao and his delegation to visit the Cavite Korean Meditation Center and the K-12 Lumbini Institute, which he established at the age of 60. Venerable Hui Hao praised Mr. Kim and his wife's unwavering commitment to Buddhism. For 17 years, they have arranged for monks from Korea to give teachings, enabling Koreans in the Philippines to continue their Buddhist faith and establishing schools to teach Buddhism to Filipinos.


TAG Grants School Visits

Kit Brian Valderrama May 30, 2024 On May 10, 2024, the Three Acts of Goodness facilitator led by Venerable Miao Jing, Director of TAG project with TAG Schools Program Screening Committee Lourdes Wang, Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA)Pasay President, Dharma Brother Nelson Yao, FGS Education Benefactor, Dharma Sister Sansan Yao, Guang Ming College graduate, Kit Brian Valderrama and Temple Staff, Dharma Sister Flordeluna Apaalisbo went to Pampanga region to visit TAG practices in Laoc Pao Elementary School and Malino National High School in Pampanga region. The purpose of the visit is to monitor the implementation of the projects of said schools. In the heartwarming display of community spirit and empathy, TAG facilitators aimed to see first hand the instilled values of the implemented projects propose by each school towards students and see how students practices their project not only in school but also how they practice it at home.  Two-hour drive from mabuhay Temple the team had first arrived at SDO Pampanga to visit DepEd partners to express gratitude by helping TAG be implemented in their region. Lead by Ms. Dorie Soliman, TAG coordinator Pampanga division and Mr. George Jose Maria C. Guilas, senior Education Program Specialist-Research and all their subordinates had welcomed the team with their warmth smiles. SDO visit was also to share Buddha bathing ceremony, TAG new projects and events, also introducing Guang Ming College scholarship grants. On that note, exchange of gratitude from TAG facilitators and SDO Pampanga is a success and to quote Mr. George Jose Maria C. Guilas, senior Education Program Specialist-Research message “Thank you for sharing with us your blessings of what is to be a human in the life of Buddhism and helping our school to know and practice Three Acts of Goodness.” After the visit in SDO Pampanga a forty minutes’ drive to Laoc Pao elementary Schools was made to visit their TAG project on garbage segregations. TAG facilitators with the help of Ellaine Martin Manuel, TAG coordinator in the school was able to know the importance of having the grants to supports their projects and to help students at a young age to know and understand great values by doing good, speaking good, and thinking good. Two of the students expresses their gratitude and share how the project help not only them but also help the people around them by doing garbage segregation. At a young age she knows that these will help our environment fight towards global warming. Furthermore, after the first school visit TAG coordinators then went to Malino National high School to introduce Buddha Bathing to the faculties lead by their principal, Ms. Dolores I. Pelayo. Importantly monitor and see their TAG projects implemented through years of practicing it. TAG team was greeted by the student singing a welcoming song and classroom visits was then made possible by Irene Perez, TAG coordinator of the school. At the visit several projects were introduce and their plans towards maintaining each of their projects. During these visits, students engage in interactive sessions where they learn about the significance of the Three Acts of Goodness and how they can translate these principles into tangible actions.


Communis: Common ground and Coexistence in the Religious Response to the Climate Crisis

Brian V. March 28, 2024 In the wake of alarming reports and escalating environmental concerns, voices from various religious group are invited in a forum to address the pressing issue of climate change themed“Communis: Common ground and Coexistence in the Religious Response to the Climate Crisis.” Students from De La Salle High School with the strand of Humanities and social science invited Kit Valderrama and Rachelle Sy of Buddha’s Light International Association Young Adult Divisions (BLIA YAD) Manila Subdivision led by Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Mabuhay Temple Abbess Venerable Miao Jing to be one of the esteemed speakers, along with Ms. Lourdes Arsenio of Archdiocese of Manila and Ms. Ianelle Dalumbay a social science teacher and Buddhist practitioner. The Forum is centered on teachings and commitment taken to mitigate climate crisis. Over 80 students attended on March 21, 2024 in La Salle University Yunchengco Hall. Venerable Miao Jing highlighted the practices of FGS to maintain a harmonious balance among self, others and the world. Buddhists take action to mitigate climate change by taking vegetarian diet and plant trees.  Programs such as Three Acts of Goodness for school children have introduced the concept of environmental and spiritual preservation to young Filipinos. Typhoon relief operations and charitable activities by BLIA and FGS shall always include the material, medical, humanitarian and spiritual aids for the holistic wellness of the victims. BLIA YAD Kit discussed Buddhist teachings such as compassion, interconnectedness, and impermanence as core principles in navigating the uncertainty and complexity of climate change. By acknowledging the impermanent nature of all phenomena, including our current ecological challenges, we can cultivate resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. Through a deep understanding of interdependence, we recognize that our individual actions, no matter how seemingly insignificant, are an integral part of the larger ecological whole, and that positive change is possible through collective effort and collaboration. BLIA YAD Rachelle talked about her growing up in a Buddhist family has moulded her to live simple and preserve resources. She has learnt from Venerable Master Hsing Yun “to be the parrot which saved the forest fire” as an uninvited friend rendering services. Afterwards, Ms. Lourdes discussed the Christian perspectives on the climate crisis, she emphasizes the principles of stewardship, solidarity, justice, and love. As stewards of God's creation, Christians are called to care for the Earth and all its inhabitants, working towards a more just and sustainable world for present and future generations. Furthermore, Ms. Ianelle Dalumbay a social science teacher and practicing Buddhist, dwell on her knowledge on the concept of Four Noble Truths and Eight-fold Paths encouraging youths to voice up and engage in the combating of climate crisis. When asked “what are practical ways they can do in addressing climate change?” all speakers advise to be mindful of our actions on daily activities. For example, turning off lights when it is not needed. Ms. Candice Aguila said that, “the diverse backgrounds of forum speakers have opened my perspective on caring for our environment. I have liked Three Acts of Goodness to keep my actions and thoughts kind towards our Mother Earth.” Ms Eufia Jasmine Lo the President and Head of the Steering Committee who led the organizing team appreciated the opportunity to reinforce the youth awareness and understanding on climate change. She is pleased to know that when we protect our environment, we respect all forms of  life and sustain the wellbeing in all. Indeed, by prioritizing the well-being of all beings and recognizing our shared responsibility for the welfare of the planet, we can work towards collective solutions that address both the symptoms and the systemic drivers of the climate crisis.


Distinguished members of society visited Guang Ming University, expressing their full commitment to supporting the educational endeavors

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple April 16, 2024 Architect Gilbert Yu and his wife Agustina Yu deeply admire Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founding patriarch of Fo Guang Shan. Earlier, they had exchanged ideas on temple architecture design with the Philippines' head Abbess, Venerable Yong Guang. On April 5th, they invited 11 distinguished individuals from society to visit Guang Ming University. Accompanied by Ven. Miao Jing the abbess of the Mabuhay Temple in the Philippines, and Ven. Zhi Qin, Maru Percela, the Director of Student Affairs, and Professor Katte Sabate warmly welcomed and introduced them. Architect Gilbert Yu praised the world-class facilities of the sports hall and the vibrant spatial planning of the buildings. The 91-year-old Mrs Evelyn Ang was deeply moved while listening to students singing "Buddhism Depends on Me." The couple from the automotive industry, Mr and Mrs Joaquin and Lucy Sy, were amazed by the students' adherence to vegetarianism and language taboos, deeply impressed by the implementation of life education. Moved by the experience, Gilbert Yu pledged full support for the Venerable Master's benevolent education project and the mission of Fo Guang Shan education. Grateful for the transformation of lives through education by the Venerable Master and Fo Guang Shan, they aim to create a positive learning environment that instills gratitude and moral integrity in Filipino youth, molding them into future successful individuals. Gilbert Yu, former president of the Filipino-Chinese Stage Arts Association, playwright, and director, wrote and staged plays depicting the struggles of Chinese immigrants in the Philippines to support newcomers. Among them was the meaningful production "Blessings of Many Children." The accompanying VIPs were mostly renowned figures in the entertainment industry, praising Venerable Master Hsing Yun's efforts in nurturing young artists. Joshua de Puyart, captain of the third-grade basketball team, expressed gratitude for the scholarships provided by the Venerable Master and the support of the guests and BLIA members. He said, "During the pandemic when I graduated from high school, my family couldn't afford to send me to college. My brother took me as an apprentice, earning only 200 pesos a day." When he felt lost, Guang Ming College gave him a future. He learns every day with gratitude and treats others with kindness. "Buddha bless! Last year, I represented the school and went to Taiwan and Japan, connecting with the world. The Venerable Master told us to be rooted in the Philippines but also to look to the world." Accompanying the visit were Kathy Uy, the president of the Buddha’s Light International Association of Philippines, and Zheng Lishuang, the choir leader of Mabuhay Temple.


Community Engages in Heartwarming Buddha Bathing Tour to Fulfill Devotees' Wishes

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 5, 2024 On May 23. Abbess Venerable Miao Jing of Mabuhay Temple, along with Ven. Ru Liang, Ven. Zhi Min, and around 15 members of the BLIA, conducted a Buddha Bathing tour in Greenhills and Valenzuela. Due to the significant attention drawn by the previous Buddha Bathing Ceremony in the community, Head Abbess Fo Guang Shan Philippines Venerable Yung Guang instructed to fulfill the wishes of devotees with limited mobility. As a result, a special home visit Buddha Bathing event was arranged today. This initiative ensures that the elderly have the opportunity to participate in the Buddha Bathing ritual, striving to fulfill their wishes as much as possible. Today they visited Brigido Ong as Fo Guang Shan Educator Benefactor and Emilia Tan  with a total of around 100 people joining the event. The Buddha Bath cart is newly designed to stand alone by BLIA Philippines advisor Erwin Choa. He used a pull-out handle to hold the lotus poster, LED candles and green lawn to make the peaceful vibe of Lumbini garden where the Buddha was born. Ven. Zhi Min highlighted that when the baby Buddha was born, auspicious signs appeared as nine dragons poured water over his body. This act of bathing the Buddha commemorates his birth and signifies that his compassion, like Dharma water, cleanses both our inner defilements and the dirt of this human world. She introduced the practice of making three vows: to do good deeds, say good words, and think good thoughts while bathing the Buddha with both hands. Ven. Miao Jing delivered a Dharma message, noting that baby Buddha and baby Jesus Santa Niño meet twice every year: once during the "When Buddha Meets Gods" event on December 25, and again at the Sinulog Grand Parade in January. She emphasized that seeing each other with our eyes, hearing each other with our ears, and being kind to each other in our thoughts brings happiness and peace through mutual respect. Wang Lirong, Vice President of the Pasig Chapter, has participated in five ceremonies this year. She recalled Venerable Master's teaching to "reach out" and bring joy to people. Witnessing the sincere prayers of those who bathed the baby Buddha filled her heart with the purity of Buddha's blessings. Christy Chen expressed her happiness in welcoming the baby Buddha to her family factory in Valenzuela. She noted that the long-serving workers took this opportunity to share Buddhist culture. Additionally, having the monastics offer prayers for safety and good health on Buddha's Birthday under the tree was a significant blessing.


BLIA at Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network to Uplift Children and Youth

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 31, 2024 On May 2, 2024, together with 25 faith-based representatives, Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Hong Kong Subchapter Dharma Sister Belinda Tantuco was invited to attend Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network organized by UniHarmony Partners of Manila, and expounded on the topic "Interfaith Women’s Planning Meeting" with faith-based women leaders. Based on the practice of Humanistic Buddhism, Belinda Tantuco raised three social concerns which might be addressed when we have faith. First, BLIA advocates Three Acts of Goodness (TAG) to do good deeds, say good words and think good thoughts. We introduced TAG to the Department of Education as what we had had the subject of Good Manners and Right Conduct growing up. Moral values, proper manners and instilling character formation in our youth development can better social order. Second, BLIA teaches Five Precepts and Five Harmonies to build strong family, societal and environmental relationships. Third, BLIA sponsors youth education through the Guang Ming College scholarship to alleviate poverty and make education accessible. We have seen education flipped life. The Interfaith Women's Planning Meeting has focused on leadership and family value to improve life quality for children and youth.  All who attended had expressed the spirit of altruism and had admired the true spirit of altruism in Venerable Master Hsing Yun as a Buddhist Bodhisattva. Every thought, each word and  action have always shown deep concern, loving care and well-being of others.


The Director of the Ilocos Norte City Department of Education presented a token of gratitude, a trophy, to the Philippine Fo Guang Shan Foundation on behalf of the education bureau

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple May 20, 2024 On April 12th, Atty. Donato Balderas, Jr., the superintendent of the Ilocos Norte City Department of Education, represented the department by personally traveling for several hours to the Philippine Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple to present a token of gratitude, a trophy, to the Philippine Fo Guang Shan Foundation. This gesture was to express appreciation for Fo Guang Shan's longstanding support and collaboration in the field of education. As the newly appointed superintendent, he expressed his desire to deepen his understanding of Fo Guang Shan and conveyed gratitude for its efforts in promoting education, including important initiatives such as the Three Acts of Goodness Project, Three Act of Goodness Painting, TAG Human Connections, and the Guang Ming College. The superintendent also mentioned his experience visiting the monastery and Ven. Master Hsing Yun Art Gallery, reflecting on the significance of the collaboration between the Philippine Department of Education and Fo Guang Shan in the Three Acts of Goodness Project, emphasizing its importance in changing lives and fostering good partnerships. Venerable Yung Guang, the Head Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Philippines, encouraged the superintendent to engage more with Fo Guang Shan, pointing out that education is fundamental in shaping individuals, and emphasizing that only by firmly establishing roots can one grow tall and strong.

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