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FGS News | 人間福報

FGS News

Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group Resumes Lunar New Year Celebrations at Nursing Homes Post-Pandemic

FGS Toronto March 1, 2024 After a hiatus of four years due to the pandemic, the Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group has joyously resumed its community outreach, marking a poignant reunion for residents and staff at local nursing homes. Led by Venerable Miao Tsun, the group rekindled connections with over 150 individuals at Tendercare Nursing Home, Mon Sheong Scarborough Long-Term Care Centre, and Heritage Nursing Home in downtown Toronto on February 17th and 18th, infusing warmth and compassion into the Lunar New Year festivities. Specially invited the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Dragon and Lion Dance Team to perform contributing to a lively and heartening Chinese New Year program for seniors. Seniors eagerly gathered outside the activity room, expressing excitement at the prospect of experiencing the Lunar New Year celebrations again. The event commenced with a captivating Lion Dance performance accompanied by additional performances featuring a small dragon, youth kung-fu, and elegant fan dancing, eliciting laughter and applause from the seniors. Volunteers from the caring group then presented a series of uplifting New Year songs, fostering an atmosphere of joy and celebration. The grand final was a Light Offering Ceremony, where Venerable Miao Tsun explained the symbolic meaning of bringing light, hope, and happiness. Amidst serene chanting, seniors, staff, and volunteers offered lamps in front of the statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. The caring group also prepared the Lunar New Year Greeting couplets written by the Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan, and auspicious red envelopes presented to all seniors. The resumption of these heartwarming Lunar New Year celebrations signifies a significant step towards reconnecting with the community.


Bathing Buddha Ceremony Unites Faith in Ong Pin Street's Chinese Community

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 21, 2024 The fervor of faith in the Chinese community: the continuous holding of the bathing Buddha ceremony in Ong Pin Street Manila, Philippines. The faith activities of the Filipino Chinese community once again reached a climax, and Ong Pin Street became a feast of faith and enthusiasm. From the early gathering place for Chinese people to today's religious center, this street witnesses the development and spiritual pursuit of the Chinese community. Today, May 3, under the leadership of Venerable Ruliang from the Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple, Venerable Zhi Min, Venerable Zhi Rong, and a group of volunteers enthusiastically joined together to bring blessings and prayers to the believers. The bathing Buddha ceremony was held in the alleys of Ong Pin (王彬) Street. Nearly a hundred people participated in this event. This event not only attracted the enthusiastic participation of believer families but also drew the employees of companies and shops to join in the bathing of the Buddha. Under the leadership of Venerable Ru Liang, each bathing Buddha ceremony was filled with an atmosphere of blessings and prayers, integrating the faith and culture of the Chinese community. Venerable Zhi Min, on behalf of the monastery, even presented tokens of affinity to all participants, making this event even more meaningful. Surprisingly, not only did employees of shops participate, but even Filipino vegetable vendors from roadside stalls specially invited participants to bathe Buddha at their stalls. The momentum of the bathing Buddha ceremony extended from shops to vegetable stalls and even into homes. One of the noteworthy participants was the Chinese newspapers, including the W World News Daily, Inc. and United News Ph. They also participated in this event to express their respect and support for faith. The staff of these newspapers also participated in the bathing Buddha ceremony, praying together with other believers, and jointly hoping for the peace and harmony of the community. Furthermore, Glasses Company specially opened its doors early to welcome believers, praying for the entire commercial street to be even safer. Despite the scorching sun, believers still maintained their enthusiasm, jointly bringing blessings and hope to the community. The power of this faith will continue to shine on Ong Pin Street, illuminating every step forward.


Cultivating 3G4G Values NZ Leaders Collaborate to Build a Harmonious Society

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 23, 2024 The 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing 2024 commenced on the 30th April, and has hosted its 15th session to date. Over 2400 students, teachers and parents from Auckland’s primary and secondary schools have participated in this annual education program at the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland. On 10th May, distinguished guests including MP Rima Nakhle, Superintendent Scott Gemmell, Area Commander of Counties Manukau East Inspector Rod Honan, Howick Local Board Chairperson Damian Light and Member Adele White, and Principal Heath McNeil, took charge of various tasks including cooking Three Goodness Rice for over 400 students in the kitchen. Over the past 10 years, 63 local schools in Auckland and Christchurch have participated in this education program. Over 30,000 students, teachers and parents took part and engaged in mindfulness meditation, calligraphy, light offerings, incense offerings, watching The Life of Buddha movie and learning the 3G4G song, which was composed by BLIA New York Chapter President, Jenny Chen. The program has received substantial support from the New Zealand Police, with over 50 officers assisting in fostering a harmonious society. School Community Officers Sen Const Matt Green, Sen Const Marina Phillips and Sen Const Pauline Orpet engage with students in role-playing and case studies to help students make positive choices in life amidst temptations and challenges. In addition, there were four officers from the Neighbourhood Policing Team, led by Sgt Richard Bracey, who also helped clean up autumn falling leaves and cook Three Goodness Rice for over 250 students on the 3rd of May, bringing warmth to the society in action.  Venerable Abbess Manshin and the Temple team served the community wholeheartedly, spreading joy and enriching lives while fostering wisdom and happiness in the community. The 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing will continue until the end of May, with 15 more schools and over 2000 students expected to visit the Temples to learn about the value of Three Goodness and Four Givings, aiming to instil more positive energy in society.


Live Demonstration of Ceramic Tile Painting in FGY Art Gallery Christchurch

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand April 2, 2024 The Resurgence Exhibition currently showcased at the Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery Christchurch, has received high acclaim since its opening on 27th January, 2024. The main curator of the exhibition, ceramic artist Hugh Richard, conducted a live demonstration on 16th March, offering art enthusiasts a unique chance to observe his creative process up close. Hugh’s ceramic paintings are exquisite and lifelike. In the demonstration, he shared his painting technique, using a photograph of a seaside sunset as a reference. He cut a corner from a clay slab to use as a brush, skilfully sketching and outlining the landscape on the slab. He also invited attendees to participate in the creation process, fostering a delightful and interactive atmosphere. Throughout the demonstration, the audience was captivated by Hugh’s dedication and attention to detail. Hugh explained that after painting, the artworks are placed in a kiln for firing, a process that permanently fuses the pigments with the ceramic. The finished pieces are not only ideal for home decoration but also serve as unique gifts. Artist Tricia Morant was also present to show her support. The event offered art lovers a valuable and precious opportunity to engage directly with the artists and experience the joy of creation. Hugh shared that the quality behind each piece is the result of continuous hard work and dedication, and that focusing on painting is an enjoyable process. He expressed his gratitude to FGY Art Gallery Christchurch for providing the necessary resources and a beautiful venue to share the beauty of creation with the public.


Hsi Lai Temple Shares Over 12,000 Bowls of Tasty Laba Porridge Filled with Auspicious Blessings

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple March 6, 2024 On January 18, Hsi Lai Temple distributed over 12,000 bowls of Laba porridge to the public—marking the first time the dining hall was open for Laba porridge dine-in since the pandemic. Both inside and outside the dining hall, people eagerly waited to enjoy the tasty Laba porridge, with over 40 BLIA members guiding them. The 8th day of the lunar December commemorates the day when Buddha attained enlightenment; also referred to as the "Dharma Day" to honor the Buddha's grace. On this day, Fo Guang Shan Monastery in Taiwan, along with branches worldwide on five continents, cook and distribute savory Laba porridge to convey the compassion and wisdom of Buddha. A bowl of fragrant Laba porridge symbolizes the blessings and care from the temples for the public, wishing everyone peace, prosperity, and the growth of merit and wisdom. Ven. Hui Dong, the Abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, delivered a sermon after the Dharma service, emphasizing that the Dharma Day commemorates the Buddha's enlightenment and liberation. He shared the story of a shepherdess offering a bowl of milk porridge to Buddha, who, after gaining strength, ultimately attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree on the diamond throne. Buddhism commemorates the Buddha's enlightenment by consuming Laba porridge, but more importantly, it is an opportunity to understand and to learn the Dharma. Ven. Hui Dong also expressed gratitude to over 100 volunteers, "Today, over a hundred volunteers returned to the temple before dawn to assist. The kitchen started preparations at 4 a.m. Volunteers participated in porridge distribution activities to experience service and dedication, letting go of attachments, and purifying their hearts." Alex Wu, President of BLIA Los Angeles Chapter, mentioned that Hsi Lai temple, BLIA members, and volunteers collaborated to prepare, pack, and distribute Laba porridge. The goal was to spread joy and warmth to every family. To ensure smooth traffic flow at Hsi Lai Temple, BLIA members from various subchapters adopted a "quick in, quick out" approach to collect the porridge. The BLIA LA Chapter Elder Advisor committee and a team of 30 elder advisors began preparations at 7 a.m., providing nearly 4,000 bowls of porridge to BLIA members. Elder advisor director Zhao Linfeng expressed joy in preparing Laba porridge filled with blessings and compassion. BLIA LA Chapter Board of Directors member Yeh Li-Mei brought her 93-year-old mother, Yeh Wu Wen-Chuan, to the event. Mother Yeh is a first-generation follower of Fo Guang Shan, sharing the family's five-generation connection with Fo Guang Shan. She choked up with emotion while recounting her relationship and affinity with founding master Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Influenced by Venerable Master's "Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings," Mother Yeh once pledged to sponsor over 200 Vietnamese refugee families, offering them hope. Sorba Shakya, a descendant of the Shakya clan from Nepal, and his family have been supporting the temple since its early days and returns every year on Dharma Day to enjoy the steaming hot Laba porridge. Anjelene Quin, a local resident, praised the taste of the porridge during her first experience at Hsi Lai Temple, expressing admiration for the temple's serenity and the friendly volunteers.


Students from Branksome Hall Girls School Learn About Humanistic Buddhism at Toronto's Fo Guang Shan Temple

FGS Toronto February 27, 2024 On February 13th, a group of 43 fourth-grade students from Branksome Hall, a distinguished girls' school in Toronto, visited the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Toronto. Accompanied by their teachers, the students aimed to delve into the principles of Humanistic Buddhism and explore the rich tapestry of Buddhist culture. Welcomed by Venerable Zhi Guan, the Superintendent of FGS Toronto, Venerable Ru An, Director of Social Education Unit, and volunteer Martyn Knowles, the students were immersed in an experience centered around the theme "Aspiration and Dedication," in connection with the tradition of the Chinese New Year. At the temple's Main Shrine, the students were captivated by the magnificent and dignified atmosphere, learning about the Buddha's story and the importance of practicing the Three Acts of Goodness. In an interactive session facilitated by Martyn in the conference room, the concept of "equanimity" was elucidated through an animation video, inspiring the students to embrace respect and equality for societal harmony. The students eagerly posed inquiries regarding karma and etiquette during the Q & A session. Venerable Zhi Guan elaborated on the significance of the Lunar New Year greeting from the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, "May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful." She also encouraged students to express their New Year wishes and blessings by inscribing them on Bodhi leaf wish cards adorned with symbols representing the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings. These heartfelt messages were then hung on the wish tree, symbolizing the collective hopes and aspirations of the young visitors. Teacher Megan Currie expressed her delight, stating, "Students have gained a deeper understanding of Humanistic Buddhism and Chinese traditional culture, with the lessons on 'Three Acts of Goodness' and 'equanimity'." Currie also extended gratitude for the warm welcome extended by the temple.


Fo Guang Shan's gift of the book "Clouds and Water " inspires TAG Schools in the Philippines to explore Venerable Master Hsing Yun's educational philosophy

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple May 20, 2024 Under the leadership of Head Abbess Venerable Yung Guang, the Philippine Fo Guang Shan currently operates three hundred Good Education Schools. Earlier this year, TAG Schools in the Negros Occidental region expressed a desire for a deeper understanding and promotion of the background of Fo Guang Shan's founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Fo Guang Shan actively advocates for educational ideals and development, hoping that all teachers and students in TAG Schools can gain a profound understanding of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, comprehend why he is so devoted and actively supportive of educational development, and understand the impact of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Three Act of Goodness philosophy on society as a whole. Abbess venerable Miao Jing and Superintendent venerable Chueh Lin specially planned to gift each TAG School with a copy of "Clouds and Water ". Representing Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Zhi Rong from Yuan Tong Temple presented these books, which were received by representatives of the TAG Schools from the education bureaus of various cities in Negros Occidental. This initiative took place from early April to April 29th, benefiting 12 cities and 175 schools in the Negros Occidental region, with a total of 187 copies of "Clouds and Water " distributed. Dr. Josette, the Good Education School Coordinator for the Sagay Education Bureau, expressed heartfelt gratitude to Fo Guang Shan for promoting the Three Acts of Goodness Education Campus Project. Since participating in the project, the lives of teachers and students in elementary and secondary schools throughout the city of Sagay have changed. Schools in San Carlos City were delighted to receive the book "Clouds and Water ." Joven expressed that the Good Education Project has changed local students, and they should delve deeper into the Humanistic Buddhist philosophy of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, who has changed their lives, and reflect on how to learn attitudes and growth in life from a great figure.


Toronto Educational Talk on Psychological Counseling: Nurturing Children with Love and Hope

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto April 10, 2024 On March 23rd, the Social Education Department of FGS Toronto and BLIA Da Tzu Subchapter organized an educational talk titled "Giving Children Love and Hope" at FGS Temple of Toronto. The talk was conducted by a registered social worker and psychological counsellor Ms. Zhihong Chen, and attracted 80 Fo Guang members, both in-person and online. Ven. Zhi Guan, the Superintendent of FGS Toronto, delivered a welcoming speech, sharing the educational philosophy of the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Emphasizing education based on compassion and tailored to individual needs, she highlighted Ms. Zhihong Chen's academic and clinical achievements, recognizing her contributions to the community. Ms. Zhihong Chen began by discussing the importance of self-education and social education among the four types of education. She addressed common concerns about procrastination and screen time, emphasizing its role as a coping strategy for stress. Elaborating on psychologist Erickson's "eight stages of life" growth theory, Ms. Zhihong Chen illustrated the developmental characteristics of each stage of life, along with potential challenges, using lively examples. Drawing from her own childhood experiences, she emphasized the profound impact of language on a child's growth, encouraging parents to "think good thoughts and say good words" and to pay attention to the importance of body language in communication. Addressing the question of "how to resolve conflicts between children and parents," Ms. Zhihong Chen guided parents to meet their children's emotional needs by providing companionship, love, play, praise, recognition, and apologies. She introduced the "TK model" to meet emotional needs and the "five-step communication support method" for effective communication. Attendees actively engaged in practicing these methods. She then demonstrated scenarios to help parents apply her designed "five-step communication support method" and emphasized the importance of rational analysis combined with emotional support when practicing the method. The attending parents actively participated in practicing the five-step support method. In conclusion, Ms. Chen pointed out that when we have faith, we are in the "self-actualization needs" level, and "Humanistic Buddhism" is in touch with people. Ms. Aiqing Liu, president of the Da Tzu 1 Sub-chapter thanked Ms. Zhihong Chen for her informative lecture. She encouraged attendees to apply the knowledge, nurture their families with love and joy, and grow with their children.


Sagay Education Bureau Visits Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple to Exchange TAG School Campus Concepts

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 4, 2024 On May 16th, Dr. Josette P. Balandra, Sagay Education Bureau, led a delegation of six, including art teachers and elementary and middle school teachers, to visit Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple. The visit was in preparation for the upcoming Buddha's Birthday celebration. They were warmly received by Ven. Zhi Rong, who represented the temple, and the teachers participated in a bathing Buddha ceremony, crafting lotus flowers on the spot as offerings. Dr. Josette expressed her honor in representing Filipino educators at the upcoming award ceremony and year-end exhibition for the Three Act of Goodness School Campus initiative held by Fo Guang Shan in Kaohsiung. Sagay City has been the sole Filipino city where all primary and secondary schools have implemented the Three Act of Goodness School Campus concept for several years now. Before departing, Dr. Josette specifically visited the temple to express gratitude to the Buddha. She noted that Fo Guang Shan organizes many meaningful events, with the current Transcendence Lotus Art Exhibition at Yuan Thong Temple showcasing local artists' interpretations of lotus flowers. Dr. Josette hopes that everyone can embody the principles of the Three Act of Goodness. Rema Aguirre, from Sagay National High School, oversees the school's art and activity programs. She has long been involved in and enthusiastic about activities at Fo Guang Shan, recognizing their educational significance. Lyn Lacson, from Sagay City Ecozone Farm School, visited Yuan Thong Temple for the first time and was filled with curiosity. She expressed gratitude to Dr. Josette for the invitation and persistence in arranging this visit over the years. Rose Mermida showed a keen interest in Buddhist artifacts, finding them and Taiwan's artistic creations to be imbued with sacredness and unique flavors. Before concluding their visit, the teachers agreed to return on May 26th to participate in a Three Act of Goodness School Dance event at Yuan Thong Temple.


Buddhist Compassion: BLIA Sydney Chapter Provides Charity Lunch on Vesak Day

Florence Yuen May 30, 2024 On May 15, 2024, in celebration of Buddha’s birthday, BLIA Sydney Chapter organized a special charity event. Abbess Chueh Shan, the Guiding Venerable, led the team including Deputy Advisor General Vincent Hong, President Daniel Wu, Loving Care Group Western Subchapter and BLIA YAD Western Sydney team members to visit Parramatta Mission Meal Plus, a nonprofit organization affiliated with the Uniting Church in Australia, and to serve a delicious vegetarian lunch to over 150 vulnerable community members. Parramatta Mission has a rich history of over two centuries, focusing on supporting homeless individuals and those with mental health challenges. The Meal Plus program provides breakfast and lunch services on weekdays, along with accommodation and mental health support, aiming to enhance well-being and to empower community members. Service Manager Paul Moussa warmly welcomed Abbess Chueh Shan and the BLIA Sydney Chapter team, expressing heartfelt gratitude for their generous provision of vegetarian meals. The recipients of the lunch were full of praise for the food, expressing sincere thanks. Eunice Huynh, President of BLIA YAD Western Sydney shared her experience from the event. She emphasized the importance of faith and collective strength, gained through interacting with community members and learning from the process. Her wholehearted involvement made her acutely aware of social injustices, and she hopes that mutual assistance can ensure equal opportunities for everyone. She looks forward to more community service opportunities for the youth group to become responsible citizens. President Daniel Wu highlighted the significance of interacting with various religious organizations on Buddha’s birthday. The principle of Buddhist generosity advocates that “the giver and receiver are not different from one another.” Thus, there is only mutual respect instead of differentiation. He encouraged all volunteers to reflect on this, allowing BLIA Sydney Chapter to continue to grow and to improve on its provision of care to its members and the community. Abbess Chueh Shan stated that this charity lunch service at Parramatta Mission not only contributes tangibly to the community but also embodies the spirit of Buddhist compassion. By providing warm meals and care to those in need, they put the Buddha’s teaching of “relieving suffering” into action. This not only aligns with Buddhist charitable traditions but also strengthens connections with the community, promoting social harmony and inclusivity. The selfless dedication of the BLIA volunteer team exemplifies the true essence of giving, purifying hearts and elevating societal morality.

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