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FGS News | 人間福報

FGS News

Engage in the Buddha's Light International Association's Green Initiative: Planting Seeds of Love on Earth Day

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple April 25, 2024 In alignment with Earth Day, the Buddha's Light International Association Philippines – Bacolod Chapter conducted a tree-planting extravaganza, injecting new vitality into environmental conservation. Spearheaded by English Secretary Cora, the project liaised with the Bacolod City Government and Talisay Government, garnering support for tree sapling sponsorship and planting sites. On April 19th, they visited the Bacolod Department of Agriculture to receive the prepared saplings. On April 21st, led by Venerable Zhi Rong from Yuan Thong Temple, President Margarate Cordova, Supervisor Rosita Gochangco, Bacolod Youth Volunteer Amity Group, Bacolod Chapter Youth Group Rheya and Ciara, along with over twenty enthusiastic participants from the Yuan Thong Temple's SanHao Group including teachers Rutha and Virnie, journeyed to the mountainous region of Talisay, commencing this green initiative. Despite the scorching weather, participants' hearts blazed with enthusiasm as they hand in hand planted saplings on the mountainside. Walking upon the earth, surrounded by nature, they felt the beauty and sanctity of life. These saplings not only symbolize greenery but also embody a commitment to love and protect the Earth. Guided by Talisay personnel, they found the most suitable locations, gently planting each tree into the soil. The trees planted this time are hardwood, which will grow into a part of the forest, enriching the land in the future. This tree-planting event saw the planting of over a hundred trees. It was not merely an action but also an embodiment of giving back to nature and expressing love for the Earth. Special thanks to Atty. BEDRIO from the Department of Agriculture for their tremendous assistance in ensuring the smooth progress of this event. Let us join hands and work together to protect our home, filling the Earth with greenery for sustainable prosperity! Virnie mentioned it was their first time participating in tree planting, and it was very meaningful to breathe fresh air on the mountain while exercising. Rosita Gochangco expressed that despite mobility limitations, being able to participate to the best of their ability and experience various aspects of the Buddha's Light International Association and Fo Guang Shan very fulfilling.


Buddha’s Light International Association of Solomon Islands celebrated its first Buddha’s Birth Day with a Bathing of the Buddha event

Claudia Hii May 20, 2024 On the 15th of May 2024, the Buddha’s Light International Association of Solomon Islands (BLIASI) celebrated its very first Buddha’s Birth Day, since the chapter’s inauguration, with a Bathing of the Buddha event in Honiara. Under the leadership of BLIASI President, Hii Yii Ging, BLIASI members, teachers from Woodford International School and local Solomon Islanders participated in the event. President of BLIASI, Hii Yii Ging, welcomed attendees by sharing the significance of bathing the Buddha. He expressed that by using fragrant water to bathe the statue of the infant Buddha, it is symbolic of the purification of our body, speech and mind to cultivate wisdom, as well as a reminder to practice the Three Acts of Goodness in our daily lives to do good deeds, speak good words and think good thoughts. Together, attendees read and discussed the origin, purpose and significance of bathing the Buddha, followed by a procedural demonstration of how to bathe the Buddha. Those in attendance then individually participated in the bathing of the Buddha ceremony. This was then followed by a vegetarian appreciation dinner organised by BLIASI in order to creatively showcase a variety of meat-free dishes using produce readily available in the country. As attendees enjoyed dinner, they reflected and shared their personal thoughts on their Bathing of the Buddha experience. Local Solomon Islander friends, Ketty Ribeni and Jennifer Rex, expressed that they were sincerely grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Bathing of the Buddha ceremony. They shared that Buddhism is new to them and generally unknown within the Solomon Islands, but through this event, they were able to understand the importance of self-reflection and that practicing the Three Acts Goodness starts from oneself. They were excited to share what they had learnt with their friends and to encourage them to practice doing good deeds, speaking good words and thinking good thoughts together. Maria Hernandez, Middle School Curriculum Coordinator from Woodford International School, is from the USA and not a Buddhist herself, but was interested in attending the event after hearing about it. She shared that when she was working in countries such as India and Japan, she encountered female monks and had many questions, which she never had the opportunity to ask. By attending this event, she was able to ask BLIASI committee members questions to better understand Buddhism, the concept of Humanistic Buddhism and its incorporation into her work and life. Additionally, she shared that she is looking forward to visiting Fo Guang Shan branches in countries where she will work in the future. BLIASI members summarised their thoughts and experiences by sharing that they felt peace and joy on Buddha’s Birth Day. By bathing the Buddha, it was a physical reminder to keep body, speech and mind pure, as well as to cultivate wisdom and compassion, which only comes through daily practice. To come together with like-minded individuals on the auspicious day of the Buddha’s birth was a moment of immense gratitude felt by all. As BLIASI’s first Buddha Birth Day celebrations came to a close, BLIASI members were inspired to continue propagating Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism teachings in the Solomon Islands.


Students Experience Buddha's Birthday Bathing Ritual: A Journey to Yuan Thong Temple

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple May 27, 2024 On May 9th, 80 students from the 11th and 12th grades of St. Sebastian International School in Bacolod, accompanied by 10 teachers, totaling 90 individuals, embarked on a trip to Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple. Yuan Thong Temple, in celebration of Buddha's birthday in May, had received letters of visitation from several schools. Starting from the first day of the lunar April, they initiated the bathing of the Buddha ritual. This allowed all visiting teachers and students to participate in this special event. Under the guidance of volunteer Cora, students were introduced to the meditation hall and the history of Yuan Thong Temple, and were led to experience the bathing of the Buddha ritual. Venerable Zhi Rong shared the anecdotes of bathing the Buddha, reminding everyone that the Buddha does not need us to bathe him, but rather our minds need purification at this moment to resonate with the Buddha's heart. She also mentioned the Three Act of Goodness Campus Project, a long-term collaboration between the Philippines' Fo Guang Shan and the Department of Education Philippines, aimed at promoting good deeds, good words, and good thoughts to make the world a better place. Additionally, she shared the meanings behind the lotus hand gesture and the Three Act of Goodness hand gesture. After bathing the Buddha, students lined up to draw dharma words. Each person received a handmade lotus paper fold from the temple's resident as a memento of this experience. Moreover, students enjoyed various “Transparence” lotus exhibited at the temple. Tour leader Novem mentioned that although he is a Christian, experiencing different religious beliefs is still important for students. He found it particularly special to coincide with Buddha's birthday and experience bathing the Buddha, which he believes contributes significantly to students' moral development. Finally, Novem, on behalf of the school, presented a letter of thanks to Yuan Thong Temple, which was accepted by Venerable Zhi Rong.


Transcendence: Lotus Art Exhibition" Opens at Yuan Thong Temple, Philippines – 14 Artists Depict the Purity of the Lotus

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple April 25, 2024 Yuan Thong Temple, a branch of Fo Guang Shan in Bacolod City, Philippines, hosted the "Transcendence: Lotus Art Exhibition," which opened with great splendor on the afternoon of April 20th. This exhibition featured the works of 14 local artists, including dedicated volunteers such as Ryan and Pneuma. The opening ceremony attracted over 20 artists and more than 20 members of the Fo Guang community. Venerable Zhi Rong presided over a blessing ceremony to inaugurate the event, offering blessings to all participating artists. Host and artist Pneuma introduced each exhibiting artist and explained the background and significance of the event. As one of the initiators of the event, Pneuma expressed great satisfaction in joining such a meaningful endeavor, citing the benefits many children have derived from participating in Yuan Thong Temple's art courses. Ryan shared his motivation for joining the volunteer team, stating that the educational philosophy of Fo Guang Shan aligns with his own values of altruism and helping others. Rosita Gochangco, representing the Bacolod Chapter, extended a warm welcome on behalf of the association, expressing gratitude to the artists for their active participation. Venerable Zhi Rong elucidated the symbolic significance of the lotus flower, emphasizing its representation of the purification of the mind and the purity of practitioners. Finally, all the artists participated in a lamp-offering ceremony, symbolizing the arrival of hope and light. Venerable Zhi Rong presented tokens of appreciation to all the artists on behalf of the temple, wishing them unwavering hearts and peaceful coexistence. Among the artists, Tibo Deocades' works combined oil painting with relief sculpture. His pieces aimed to depict how carp thrive amidst mud without becoming tainted, showcasing their allure through the lotus flower. Laden with profound symbolism, his works transport viewers into realms of contemplation. After touring the exhibition, Lyra Ong was deeply moved. She remarked that many of the artworks exuded an atmosphere of harmony, compassion, and love. Particularly striking was a painting depicting a girl holding a lotus flower in the water, evoking a serene and tranquil environment that resonated with inner peace and tranquility.


Fo Guang Shan's gift of the book "Clouds and Water " inspires TAG Schools in the Philippines to explore Venerable Master Hsing Yun's educational philosophy

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple May 20, 2024 Under the leadership of Head Abbess Venerable Yung Guang, the Philippine Fo Guang Shan currently operates three hundred Good Education Schools. Earlier this year, TAG Schools in the Negros Occidental region expressed a desire for a deeper understanding and promotion of the background of Fo Guang Shan's founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Fo Guang Shan actively advocates for educational ideals and development, hoping that all teachers and students in TAG Schools can gain a profound understanding of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, comprehend why he is so devoted and actively supportive of educational development, and understand the impact of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Three Act of Goodness philosophy on society as a whole. Abbess venerable Miao Jing and Superintendent venerable Chueh Lin specially planned to gift each TAG School with a copy of "Clouds and Water ". Representing Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Zhi Rong from Yuan Tong Temple presented these books, which were received by representatives of the TAG Schools from the education bureaus of various cities in Negros Occidental. This initiative took place from early April to April 29th, benefiting 12 cities and 175 schools in the Negros Occidental region, with a total of 187 copies of "Clouds and Water " distributed. Dr. Josette, the Good Education School Coordinator for the Sagay Education Bureau, expressed heartfelt gratitude to Fo Guang Shan for promoting the Three Acts of Goodness Education Campus Project. Since participating in the project, the lives of teachers and students in elementary and secondary schools throughout the city of Sagay have changed. Schools in San Carlos City were delighted to receive the book "Clouds and Water ." Joven expressed that the Good Education Project has changed local students, and they should delve deeper into the Humanistic Buddhist philosophy of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, who has changed their lives, and reflect on how to learn attitudes and growth in life from a great figure.


Childcare Center Teachers and Students Visit Yuan Tong Temple for Experiential Learning Beyond Classroom

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Tong Temple April 9, 2024 On April 4th, Barangay Zone 3 Child Development Center in Talisay City embarked on a remarkable journey, with nearly 110 teachers, students, and parents setting foot together on a trip to Fo Guang Shan Yuan Tong Temple. This visit was not just a trip, but an adventure rich in growth, learning, and emotional experiences. Led by teacher Brenda, the children stepped out of the classroom to engage in experiential learning, delving deeper into understanding how to become better individuals. Venerable Zhi Rong shared lively and interesting stories about Guan Yin Bodhisattva, guiding the children to recite the Three Acts of Goodness: Do Good Deeds, Speak Good words, and Think Good Thoughts. Throughout the process, the children also learned the hand gesture of the lotus flower, symbolizing purity of the mind. In the interactive sessions, children were encouraged to voice their thoughts and understanding about doing good deeds and speaking kind words. They shared their perspectives, demonstrating a profound understanding of kindness and friendliness, as well as exploring and affirming the beauty of human values. With the assistance of volunteer Jennifer, Venerable Zhi Rong explained to the children in Filipino, making the communication smoother and more natural. The visit allowed each child to deeply feel the power of kindness and goodness, while also reinforcing their awareness of positive behavior and warm language. Yuan Tong Temple not only holds significant educational value but also serves as an ideal place for children to visit.


Humanistic Buddhism Forum on Dialogue and Linkages

Loisa Soh April 23, 2024 Philippine Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple and Buddha’s Light International Association, Phils- Pasig, San Juan sub-chapters and Young Adult Division in collaboration with Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism and Humanistic Buddhism Center, Philippines hosted the “Humanistic Buddhism On Dialogue and Linkages” at Mabuhay Temple Prajna Hall. The event attracted 200 participants from BLIA members, Educators, Business groups, students and Interfaith friends. Venerable Miao Guang, the personal English Interpreter of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Deputy Chancellor of Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, Associate Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at Nanhua University, and Director of Fo Guang Directory of Buddhism English Translation Project.  Mabuhay Temple Abbes Venerable Miao Jing; Trainer of Trainers, Dr. Cecilia Manikan, Dr. Maje Purino, Philosophy Professor of the University of San Carlos; and BLIA President Kathy Lim Uy are also in the panel to share insights and exchanging ideas that can lead to meaningful advancement of humanistic practice in the human world. Ven Miao Guang's speech delved into the profound legacy of Ven Master Hsing Yun, showcasing his impact through Education, Arts, and Culture within the Buddhist context. The speech also explored Buddhism's dynamic relationship with literature, arts, new media, interfaith dialogue, and its role in fostering racial harmony. Looking forward to 2024, there is a strong emphasis on integrating Buddhism in the digital age, ensuring its relevance and accessibility while continuing to promote the teachings of dharma globally. Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple Abbess, Venerable Miao Jing, on the other hand, shared the growing success of the Three Acts of Goodness Program in DepEd Schools around the Philippines. Since TAG Program was launched in 2016, there are currently around 600 DepEd Schools practicing TAG through different school programs, one of the benefits of the TAG program is helping promote Anti-Bullying Advocacy. The program granted 300 schools around the Philippines last 2023, and aims to increase the number of TAG School Grants for this year to a total of 350 schools. Dr. Cecilia Manikan, known as the Trainer of trainers, presented a video presentation of the Whole Brain and Mindfulness Training where she conducted training sessions in various school divisions across the Philippines. The Whole Brain and Mindfulness Training program is firmly grounded in the principles of Humanistic Buddhism, with a strong emphasis on mindfulness and the Three Acts of Goodness. Through the integration of these principles into educational training, Dr. Manikan's program seeks to nurture personal growth, empathy, and positive social interactions within educators and students, underscoring the transformative impact of Humanistic Buddhist philosophy in fostering comprehensive well-being and ethical engagement in both educational settings and broader society. Dr. Maje Purino shared that she is currently spearheading research, academic studies, and linkages with Humanistic Buddhism. She discussed possible researches related to Humanistic Buddhism such as Humanistic Buddhism as a modernization of the Chinese Mahayana Buddhism, Humanistic Buddhism; Theory and Practice, Humanistic Buddhism in the Philippines, Humanistic Buddhism as a Humanistic Buddhism on Artificial Intelligence, Humanistic Buddhism on Education, etc. BLIA President Kathy Lim Uy discussed the success of promoting Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Three Acts of Goodness and Four (4) Givings as exemplified in the construction of Guang Ming College for the future of the young Filipinos. She continued to share that Venerable Master Hsing Yun has changed the lives of many people, through his efforts, Siddhartha the Musical was formed to perform the life of Sakyamuni Buddha, in 17 years, they have performed more than 200 shows locally and internationally, they are also set to go on South African tour this May. Nelson Guevarra, PG Flex Group President and board member of the Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, commended the GMC Basketball team, a rookie in the field of basketball and already performing well, he reiterated the importance of sports in lessening teenage problems related to too much of social media exposure. Dr. Marjorie Evasco, a known poet and writer, professor emeritus, and Palanca Awardee, she showed appreciation to the panel, especially to Dr. Purino’s sharing, as an academician, she reiterated the importance of Humanistic Buddhism in the Academy.  


Venerables Visit Just Food community Farm in the Ottawa Greenbelt

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa April 11, 2024 On March 28, a group of nine people, including Venerable Yung Ku, abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, along with superintent Ven. Zhi Yin, other venerables and groundskeeping volunteers went to the Just Food community farm in the Ottawa Greenbelt.  The group was led by Wu Chen, a student from Algonquin College’s Business Agriculture program. During the Chinese New Year, Wu Chen and her roommates, Emma and Iris, who are studying carpentry, visited the temple to participate in activities and Dharma services. They had conversations with the venerables about their respective majors and learned that Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa had established a "Happy Farm" since 2023. Upon receiving an invitation from the advising venerable, they eagerly joined the team of farm volunteers and enthusiastically contributed to planning the 2024 planting schedule. In order to assist the venerables with the understanding of agricultural cultivation, Wu Chen organized this visit.  Sun Shan and Li Bo, who were her previous working partners in Beijing, led a guided tour of the farm. During the farm tour, the venerables and volunteers were presented the concepts advocated by Just Food, and that Just Food is committed to improving food production and distribution efficiency through sustainable agricultural practices, with a focus on fostering community engagement and providing training opportunities. Although they couldn't witness the early spring crop plantings and the farm's breeding and planting experiments firsthand, Sun Shan and Li Bo's introductions inspired the group with the passion and philosophy of "Just Food Urban Agriculture" towards sustainable agriculture and food safety. Coincidentally, during the visit, the group had the opportunity to meet Erin O'Manique, the executive director of the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard and a member of the board of directors of the Ottawa Food Bank. Sun Shan and Li Bo, who were her previous working partners in Beijing, led a guided tour of the farm. photo/The Life News Agency During this visit, everyone profoundly realized the importance of Ottawa Greenbelt. This vast green space serves as not only a vital natural resource for the city of Ottawa but also as a key factor in maintaining ecological balance and sustainable development of the entire region. The Ottawa Greenbelt is known for its rich biodiversity and beautiful natural landscapes, while also providing many important ecosystem services, such as water conservation, air purification and carbon absorption. Protecting and preserving the Ottawa Greenbelt is crucial for ensuring the health and prosperity of local communities, which also echoes the sustainable development concept advocated by Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA). This visit not only provided the venerables and volunteers with a deeper understanding of sustainable agriculture but also laid a solid foundation for the "Happy Farm" to learn from the practices of "Just Food Urban Agriculture." Through collaborative efforts, the venerables and volunteers firmly believe that they can contribute even more to the sustainable development and food safety of the communities near Richmond which will further advance the progress and prosperity of the society.


" TBIF " English Lecture: Buddhism in a Technologically Advancing World

Ching Pan April 10, 2024 Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple hosted the "Thank Buddha It’s Friday” (TBIF) English monthly lecture on March 29, featuring Ven. Jue Wei, Director of the Humanistic Buddhism Centre at Nan Tien Institute in Australia. The lecture, titled "Buddhism in a Technologically Advancing World." About 40 attendees from Australia and North America attended. Ven. Jue Wei led the discussion on the mindful use of technology to nurture Bodhicitta and foster a compassionate world (MettāVerses). Ven. Jue Wei invited the participants to contemplate on their daily screen time and social media usage, reflecting on its impact on mental and interpersonal well-being. Participants expressed fatigue and decreased concentration and yet struggled to detach from it. Ven. Jue Wei then explained the concept of the "Attention Economy," where social media platforms constantly feed tailored information and products to users based on algorithmic analysis, creating addiction while fostering an illusion of control. "Attention and mindfulness are crucial," Ven. Jue Wei emphasized. In the rapidly changing technological era, not all impacts are negative. By applying Buddhist principles of impermanence, interdependence, non-self, and dependent origination, emptiness, individuals can make informed choices regarding their relationship with technology. Ven. Jue Wei encouraged attendees to focus their attention on the "Four Immeasurables" of loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, constituting a "Buddhist-Inspired Attention Ecology" aligned with the Mahāyāna principle of benefiting all beings. By cultivating Bodhicitta and utilizing technology to propagate Buddhism, Buddhists can then contribute positively to the society and create a compassionate world (MettāVerses). "Metta" in Pali, commonly translated as "loving-kindness" or "universal love." It refers to the genuine, unconditional benevolence and goodwill towards all beings. In alignment with the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan, who defines compassion as selflessness, genuine care, and mutual assistance, Ven. Jue Wei regarded the "compassionate world" (MettāVerses) as an antidote to the violence and discrimination prevalent in today's online environment, encouraging solidarity among attendees. Peter Meluso, an attendee with a Master's degree in Business Administration, found the lecture enlightening. Noting Ven. Jue Wei's own MBA degree, he inquired about applying Bodhicitta in profit-oriented marketing. Ven. Jue Wei stressed the importance of ethical conduct, conscience, and moderation, advocating for the Circular Economy principle in marketing to balance profitability with societal well-being. Peter expressed gratitude for the insightful response.


Harmonizing Tradition and Innovation: Workshop on AI Tools for Writing and Translation

Michael April 22, 2024 On April 9, 2024, Nan Tien Institute's Centre for Humanistic Buddhism hosted an online workshop focusing on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in writing and translation. The workshop featured Venerable Miao Guang, Deputy Chancellor of Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, who provided innovative translation ideas for volunteers engaged in translating articles for the journal "Studies on Humanistic Buddhism" (https://journal.nantien.edu.au). The event attracted volunteers from regions including the United States, Mainland China, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and Taiwan. Exploring the AI Landscape The session kicked off with Venerable Miao Guang providing a comprehensive overview of the currently available AI technologies. Through relevant examples, she showcased how these tools not only streamline workflows but also elevate the quality of creative output. The workshopstressed the importance of harnessing AI tools responsibly, with a focus on understanding their limitations. Mastering the Art of AI Interaction A highlight of the workshop was the deep dive into the art of crafting effective AI prompts. Venerable Miao Guang elucidated how well-designed prompts can enhance AI-generated output.Participants were treated to live demonstrations and interactive exercises, experiencing firsthand the impact of strategic prompting on AI's responses. This hands-on approach allowed attendees to grasp the nuanced interplay between AI Capabilities and human creativity. Venerable Miao Guang encouraged reflection on how AI tools can complement the creative process, urging participants to leverage their human insight and creativity to guide AI output. Inspiring Future Integration As the workshop wrapped up, participants emerged with enriched perspectives on the integration of AI in writing and translation. More than just an introduction to AI tools, the  event served as a catalyst, inspiring attendees to explore innovative ways to incorporate technology into their creative workflows. The workshop underscored the potential of AI to serve as a powerful ally in the realm of writing and translation, provided it is guided by mindful and discerning human intervention. Venerable Miao Guang's session marked a significant step towards the harmonious fusion of technology and humanistic pursuits, paving the way for future explorations in the field.

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