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FGS News

Venerable Jue Cheng Inspires Toronto Buddhist Community with Global Humanistic Buddhism Journey

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto April 1, 2024 March 16th, 2024 at Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, Venerable Jue Cheng, the Head Abbess of Fo Guang Shan's branch temples in Singapore, Malaysia, India, and Thailand, delivered an inspiring lecture with her profound insights on the global journey of Humanistic Buddhism. The event, hosted by the FGS Temple of Toronto in collaboration with the BLIA Toronto chapter, attracted over 300 attendees from Toronto and Detroit, both in-person and online. In the lecture titled "The Pioneer's Trail: Spreading Humanistic Buddhism Far and Wide," attendees were privileged to witness the culmination of Venerable Jue Cheng's extensive travels and experiences, which she eloquently shared to shed light on the transformative power of Humanistic Buddhism in various corners of the world. The event commenced with a warm welcome from Venerable Chueh Fan, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Toronto, who expressed deep gratitude to Venerable Jue Cheng's dedication to sharing her wisdom, despite her demanding schedule, including participation in the 68th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, resonated deeply with the audience. She particularly thanked Venerable Jue Cheng for bringing the precious photos from the Hope Village in India, highlighting the impact of education on the lives of the impoverished. During her lecture, Venerable Jue Cheng provided insights and explanations about the achievements and reactions from local communities to the efforts and projects undertaken by Fo Guang Shan and the BLIA (Buddha's Light International Association) in countries such as India, Indonesia, and Afghanistan. She discussed the positive outcomes, challenges faced, and the impact of these initiatives on the respective regions. Her narratives, enriched with personal anecdotes and touching videos, underscored the core mission of spreading and preserving Humanistic Buddhism in diverse cultural contexts. Drawing from the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Jue Cheng emphasized the importance of perseverance, self-awareness, and compassion in navigating life's challenges, such as in India, Indonesia, and Afghanistan, including the establishment of the Hope Village and humanitarian relief efforts. Her insights, coupled with Venerable Master’s guidance, provided attendees with invaluable tools for personal growth and societal contribution. In according with the Venerable Master's teachings, Venerable Jue Cheng spoke on the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity and the power of transformation through self-awareness and compassion. Venerable Master Hsing Yun's advice on adopting a mindset of "going with the flow" was particularly impactful when Venerable Jue Cheng was planning to launch the educational project in the Hope Village in India. She receives the Master's encouragement symbolized through 20 pieces of precious One Stroke Calligraphies "Buddha" from the Venerable Master. A poignant highlight of the event was Venerable Jue Cheng's recounting of her visits to Pakistan, where she lauded local efforts in preserving Buddhist heritage. Through her experiences, she illustrated the profound impact of Buddhism in fostering hope and resilience amidst adversity. In closing, Venerable Jue Cheng urged attendees to embody the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and become beacons of Buddhism through love and compassion. Following the lecture, she engaged in a heart-to-heart session with the BLIA Young Adult Division, fostering connections with the younger generation. The event concluded with a shared dinner and singing, symbolizing unity and fellowship within the Buddhist community.


Resetting the Heart for a Fresh Start” - Hsi Lai Temple’s One-Day English Retreat

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple March 7, 2024 Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple held a one-day English retreat, January 20th, to help calm and reset the hearts and minds of 50 participants for the new year. Like pressing the reset button on a computer, they engaged in a day full of activities, meditation, classes, and sutra calligraphy to rediscover inner peace amidst the turmoil of life. Due to overwhelming registrations, most opportunities were reserved for first-time participants. Teresa Anaya, attending for the first time, had a connection to the temple dating back over a decade ago when she accompanied her son in the "Buddha’s Light Sharing Love in Winter" event in which numerous scholarships were distributed. Since then, she has harbored a wish to return to this tranquil sanctuary. Now, with her son serving in the army, she finally has fulfilled her long-held desire. Patricia Nathali, attending for the fifth time, has consistently benefited and highly recommended the experience to her friend Cenny Kuesal. The program, guided by Ven. Hui Cheng began with everyone sitting upright and experiencing the start of the day with a focused mind. To first-timers, Abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, Ven. Hui Dong taught Buddhist practices encompassing a variety of methods with meditation being just one aspect. Drawing inspiration from Buddha's enlightenment on the Diamond Throne, Ven. Hui Dong encouraged attendees to view life from a different perspective–one of truthfulness. While ordinary individuals are engrossed in the daily grind with their minds like monkeys jumping from one thing to another, enlightened individuals perceive life and things as they truly are. This retreat emphasized training one’s mind to focus on daily life. Ven. Hui Cheng taught meditation and Buddhist principles, while Ven. Zhi You led sutra calligraphy. Even morning exercises and lunch were centered around mindfulness. During group discussions, a participant shared how she enjoyed the relaxed writing pace during the first calligraphy session. However, the second time around, she began feeling rushed and pressured. So, she stopped. Reminded herself: if I don’t experience the true joy of relaxation, what is the meaning of sutra calligraphy? Immediately centered and refocused, she entered into a state of joyfulness. Melissa Lai missed the last one-day retreat—due to late registration—but not this time! She thanked her mother, Zheng Honglin, secretary of the BLIA LA Chapter Elder Advisor committee, for keeping a watchful eye on the temple’s online announcements and promptly registering her. Melissa expressed great satisfaction and pledged to attend again. Ven. Hui Cheng expressed deep joy in seeing many participants return to the temple after attending the one-day practice to engage in Buddhist classes, participate in various BLIA events within the community, and volunteer at the temple—continuing their joyful journey on the Buddhist path.


FGSITC Buddhism Friendship Scholarship: Nurturing Global Youth in Dharma Propagation

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple April 1, 2024 Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center (FGSITC) and the AJ Wang Foundation have been collaborating since 2023 to offer the "Buddhism Friendship Scholarship" to outstanding bilingual students from colleges and high schools in Southern California. On March 16, 2024, marking the second year of collaboration, FGSITC hosted its first workshop of the year at the FGS Hsi Lai Temple. The workshop aimed to enhance the twenty-six participants’ understanding of the translation center and leverage their diverse expertise in propagating Dharma while emphasizing the internationalization of Buddhism. Venerable Yi Chao, the executive director of FGSITC, introduced the center and the scholarship's objectives. Founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun in 1996 at Hsi Lai Temple in the United States, FGSITC aims to realize Venerable Master's vision of "letting the Dharma stream flow across all five continents." FGSITC, in collaboration with all of the publishing houses under the FGS system, has translated and published Buddhist classics and series in twenty-one languages. Not only have these publications received awards, but they have also been designated as textbooks by university professors. FGSITC provides free public access to its publications and has established a website that facilitates the global dissemination of Humanistic Buddhism. It serves as a platform for participants to showcase their diverse talents in the hope that they will become vital forces in the propagation of Buddhism. Venerable Yi Chao also expressed gratitude to the scholarship provider, the AJ Wang Foundation, founded by Alice and JP Wang. Shigu Amanda Ling from FGSITC and Echo Tsai, the coordinator of the Scholarship Counseling Committee, welcomed the participants. The committee members who attended were seven professionals from various fields, all expressing high enthusiasm for serving and welcoming participants. Participants from 2023 shared their reflections on the "Buddhism in Every Step” English Booklet Series authored by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The themes covered the Four Noble Truths, Buddhist perspectives on time and space, Buddhism and psychology, etc. The evaluations conducted by Venerable Yi Chao, Venerable Miao Hsi, Venerable Miao Zhong, members of the Scholarship Counseling Committee, and the new 2024 participants were based on presentation and organization, knowledge, audience engagement, and visual aids. Awards were given to the top three presenters based on these criteria. Venerable Miao Zhong guided the participants in "Buddhist Etiquette," where, to the sound of the bell, they practiced joining palms, prostrating, and bowing while maintaining mindfulness and regulating their breathing. Teacher Jo Ho from Buddha's Light Hsi Lai School taught "Unlock Your Buddha Nature Through AI Drawing," emphasizing Venerable Master's teaching that "I am the Buddha." Participants communicated with AI to draw the image of Buddha as perceived in their minds. This session sparked discussions among participants about the impact of AI on their lives. During the ice-breaking session, participants got to know each other through mutual interviews, accompanied by laughter. Finally, participants opted to join different teams, including translation, media production, and skit creation, hoping to utilize their expertise in collective brainstorming and creation during the subsequent three workshop sessions. Coordinator Echo Tsai expressed her delight in seeing that half of the 26 participants in the 2024 program had returned from the 2023 cohort to attend once again, which she considered an excellent affirmation for the counseling committee. New participant Jia Li Wang expressed gratitude for the tailored curriculum catering to the needs of youth, stating that Humanistic Buddhism brings optimism to life and provides practical guidance. Another new participant, Guan Yi Chang, who aspires to become a psychology professor, expressed that Buddhism stabilizes the mind and is closely related to psychology; she looks forward to more profound learning during the workshop.


Los Angeles Arcadia Interfaith Prayer Day Unveils Infinite Hope with "Hope Chest"

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple May 24, 2024 The Los Angeles Arcadia Interfaith Action Group (AIAG), in conjunction with the annual National Day of Prayer, held a prayer event on May 2, 2024, at Santa Anita Church in Arcadia. Representatives and followers from Christian, Islamic, Catholic, Sikh, Bahá'í, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist communities, totaling around 200 people participated. Ven. Hui Ze, from Hsi Lai Temple, led the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) members and the Buddha’s  Light Youth Symphony Orchestra (BLYSO) in attendance. The theme of the prayer meeting was the "Hope Chest." Father Kevin Rettig, representing the Catholic faith, began the event with a story, emphasizing that "hope" was not merely passive waiting but active engagement, offering hope to others through practical actions. In line with the theme, each religious representative randomly selected a poem or prayer related to the theme from the chest and read it aloud. Rabbi Ira Rosenfeld read "A Prayer for the Offering of Light" by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, representing Buddhism. Ven. Hui Ze read a Sikh prayer. The event kicked off with performances by the Buddha’s  Light Youth Symphony Orchestra (BLYSO), followed by songs from Rev. Gina Milligan and Jimmy and Tony Licata. The finale featured the BLYSO performing "Ode to the Venerable Master" and "Dance of the Hours," concluding the prayer event successfully.


Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony in Ottawa New Life is born at Easter

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa April 9, 2024 On March 31st, during the Canadian Easter long weekend, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa held the "Fo Guang Shan Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony ." Over 30 individuals of all ages, ranging from the very young to the elderly, took refuge and became devoted Buddhist laypersons. In the presence of over 30 Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) members and relatives, the preceptees sincerely followed Ven. Yung Ku, the abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, in taking the Triple Gem refuge and receiving the blessings of the holy nectar. The preceptees conducted themselves with utmost respect, making the ceremony solemn and extraordinary. Among the 30 new preceptees, their ages ranged from 5 to 79 years old. Some were college students who traveled from Queen's University, others were mothers who took refuge with their children, and there were also those who took refuge on behalf of their beloved family pets. “Do I need to become a monastic after taking refuge?” “Why should I take refuge if I can still learn Buddhism without taking refuge?” In response to these questions from the public regarding taking refuge in the Triple Gem, Ven. Yung Ku patiently addressed everyone's doubts and concerns during the "Good Morning Fo Guang" program.  An online briefing was conducted on March 28th to provide an explanation of the ceremony procedures. During the refuge ceremony, Ven. Yung Ku explained that taking refuge means relying on the Triple Gem. The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are invaluable spiritual treasures. Before we embark on the path of learning Buddhism, our lives are bestowed upon us by our parents. However, after taking refuge, we nurture our Dharma bodies through sincere study in accordance with the guidance of the Triple Gem. Fo Guang Shan is a bodhisattva temple that embodies the concepts of right understanding, right view, and right faith in Buddhism. Ven. Yung Ku hopes that everyone can study with a peaceful mind, gradually cultivate their aspirations, consider Fo Guang Shan as their spiritual home, and make frequent visits to it. Ban Tongyan, whose Dharma name is Hai Yue, is a student at Queen's University. With the help and support of Ven. Miao Rang and other venerables, she established the BLIA club on campus. She expressed gratitude to all the Dharma friends she encountered that offered her guidance. She hopes to fully comprehend every word spoken by the abbess and will hold it close to her heart. Furthermore, she aspires to use the Triple Gem – the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha – as guides and to diligently study and practice Buddhism, and uphold the teachings in her life. Zheng Xiang, whose Dharma name is Hai Xian, is a member of the Buddha's Light Choir. She not only participated in the Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony but also officially became a member of BLIA. Hai Xian shared, "When the abbess presented me with the refuge certificate and blessed me with the holy nectar, tears welled up in my eyes. In my heart, I couldn't help but think, 'It feels so good to be home!' Taking refuge in the Triple Gem is like 'being reborn,' and from now on, I have faith in life. There is a light illuminating my heart and I vow to follow the teachings earnestly from this day forward."


A Journey of Enlightenment and Growth- FGS Toronto Hosts the Commencement Ceremony for the 2024 Humanistic Buddhism Courses and Universal Tea Gathering

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto March 28, 2024 After the conclusion of the 2024 Spring Festival celebrations, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto held its Commencement Ceremony for the 2024 Humanistic Buddhism Courses, followed by a Volunteer Tea Gathering on the afternoon of March 2nd. The event aimed to express gratitude to all supporting groups and volunteers, while also marking the beginning of the 2024 Humanistic Buddhism Courses. Over 160 volunteers attended, eager to embrace the intellectual and spiritual enrichment promised by the New Year."   The event began with the Humanistic Buddhism Courses Commencement Ceremony. Venerable Chueh Fan, the Chancellor of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Humanistic Buddhism Courses, encouraged the dedicated volunteers to deepen their engagement with Buddhist studies. She highlighted the temple's commitment to offering a wide range of courses designed for enhancing wisdom and skills through continuous learning and study of the Dharma. She emphasized the temple's dedication to providing diverse courses aimed at enhancing wisdom and skills through continuous learning and the study of Dharma. Of particular note was the announcement of a new initiative: a 40-minute Buddhist etiquette class after the Sunday Dharma Service, tailored to guide beginners in their understanding of Buddhism. Venerable Ru An, Director of Social Education, presented the "Practice the Buddha’s Way Passport," explaining its purpose and practicality in monitoring progress in Buddhist cultivation. Betty Young, leader of the Social Education team offered instructions regarding course registration and attendance procedures, guaranteeing a seamless educational journey for all students. A video lecture selected from the Venerable Master’s “One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs” series was presented, emphasizing the significance of the “Universal Tea Gathering” as a platform for community building, exchange, and talent demonstration. Following this, the sharing sessions by all Venerables highlighted the achievements of various teams during the Spring Festival events, showcasing the harmonious collaboration among volunteer groups and monastics. These efforts vividly illustrated the profound impact of volunteerism at the temple, characterized by joy, dedication, and a selfless commitment to service. As volunteers rejoiced in exquisite tea and snacks, highlights from the Spring Festival activities were showcased, celebrating the teamwork and perseverance that contributed to the event's success. Speeches and musical performances by various volunteer team leaders conveyed deep gratitude for the collective effort, resonating with all present and earning enthusiastic applause. The communal singing of "My Hometown is at Fo Guang Shan" served as a heartfelt expression of solidarity and support for the temple and its community. In her concluding remarks, Venerable Chueh Fan reflected on the volunteers' pivotal role in enhancing the temple's environment, expressing hope that the insights gained would be deeply integrated into daily practice. This aspiration aligns with Master Hsing Yun's vision of "Coexistence and Co-prosperity," as shared at the 2023 BLIA General Conference. The gathering concluded with warmth and joy, all participants joined in a collective aspiration of Buddha's Light Shines Universally.


Canada Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre Visits Fo Guang Shan Toronto Celebrates Lunar New Year

FGS Toronto February 23, 2024 The second Day of the Lunar New Year falls on Sunday, February 11, a steady flow of visitors came to the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto and pay homage to the Buddha, participating in the "Lunar New Year Dharma Service". Among them was a prominent guest, Pierre Poilievre, the Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. Poilievre was greeted by Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan and Mabel Lam, President of BLIA Toronto Chapter, who led him and other guests in offering flowers to the Buddha. Venerable Chueh Fan presented gifts with Lunar New Year Greetings, the book “Buddha Land in the Human World: The Making of the Buddha Memorial Center” and Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s New Year greetings of 2024 “May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful” to Poilievre. As a kind gesture, Poilievre delighted attendees by singing the Chinese song "Happy New Year" in the Dining Hall, extending his wishes for happiness and prosperity to everyone. Before departing, Poilievre paused to read the explanation of the Lunar New Year Happiness Bell, solemnly ringing it three times to express his wishes for world peace, prosperity, and harmony.


Three Acts of Goodness Children Blessing Ceremony: Planting Seeds of Kindness with Music and Laughter

Christina April 2, 2024 On March 24th, the Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple held the "2024 Three Acts of Goodness (TAG) Children Blessing Ceremony," with 18 kids aged 0 to 12 participating. Nearly 60 parents, relatives, and friends attended. Through games, singing, and blessings, the children were brought closer to the teachings of Buddhism. The ceremony began in the dynamic game area, featuring with educational board games, art and physical movement. Both adults and children participated eagerly, creating a lively atmosphere filled with cheers and laughter. The English version of the song "Seek Refuge in the Triple Gem" was sung for the first time, with the original Chinese composition by Most Venerable Hsin Ting. It is adapted into a simplified English version for the benefit of English-speaking children. Sherwood, a YAD member, led the vibrant singing, eliciting laughter from attendees and volunteers alike. Despite the continuous drizzle on the day of the event, Venerable Miaozang remarked that the teachings of Buddhism were akin to the gentle rain, nurturing the hearts of people. The love and care parents show to their children resemble the compassion of Buddhas and bodhisattvas towards all beings. Hosting the Children Blessing Ceremony aims to sow seeds of kindness and beauty for the next generation. The "Do good deeds, speak good words, think good thoughts" helps children cultivate compassion and establish positive connections as they grow. Accompanied by their parents, the children received purification water from the venerable one by one. A girl named Juliet, after receiving her prayer beads, spontaneously hugged the venerable, spreading warmth to everyone. Juliet's father, Moises, mentioned that their family lived near the temple and always saw the venerables smiling during their walks. Upon knowing about the event, he immediately registered. He praised the ceremony for its warmth, particularly the catchy tune of "Seeking Refuge in the Triple Gem," which made it easy for children to remember. He hoped his daughter would grow up safely and happily and appreciated the positive impact of the temple on the community. BLIA member Dong Yang, accompanied by his wife and their 16-month-old daughter, Amy Yue Yang, attended the blessing ceremony. He emphasized that as parents, providing the best for the next generation is not just about material wealth but also passing on faith and fostering a harmonious family environment. He also expressed his hope that his daughter would grow up within the Buddhist community, cultivating compassion and accumulating blessings and wisdom.


Hsi Lai Temple Buddhist Wedding - Fo Guang Youth Faith Heritage

Fo Guang ShanHsi Lai Temple May 30, 2024 On May 4, at the Hsi Lai Temple Auditorium, a heartwarming Buddhist Wedding was held for Vincent Liu, the advisor of Buddha’s Light International Association-Young Adult Division-Los Angeles 1 Subdivision (BLIA-YAD LA1), and Ricole Wu from the Buddha’s Light International Association-Young Adult Division-Chunghwa Volunteer Subdivision. The abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, Venerable Hui Dong, officiated the ceremony, blessing the couple in front of over 200 witnesses, including Hsi Lai Temple venerables, members of BLIA-YAD, and the couple's family and friends. The newlyweds held hands and pledged their happiness together. Venerable Hui Dong officiated the vows for the groom and bride. The couple performed the marriage rites, signed the marriage certificate, and exchanged gifts under the witness of Venerable Hui Dong and the primary witnesses. Venerable Hui Dong recounted the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, on the three types of husbands and wives. He advised the couple to be considerate and take care of each other in their future life. Venerable Hui Dong noted that it was his first time witnessing a wedding where he knew everyone, including the couple and their friends from the BLIA-YAD group. He emphasized that this newly established Buddhist family should continue to practice the "Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings”, form good relationships, and cultivate selflessness through community service. At the banquet, Fo Guang Shan Monastery Head Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau gave a speech. He remarked on the challenges of transitioning from a single life to a shared life in marriage, encouraging the couple to bravely face the realities of marriage. He emphasized that while love is sweet, life is practical, and to become a divine couple, one must first be a grounded one. He urged the couple to live a sincere life, apply Buddhist wisdom in their daily lives, and foster care and tolerance within their family. He expressed confidence in their ability to establish a Buddhist family, as both of them had grown up in the temple, and encouraged them to continue the legacy of their faith. He presented them with a golden plaque bearing Venerable Master Hsing Yun's calligraphy: "May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful" as a blessing. The groom, Vincent Liu, grew up at Hsi Lai Temple and has been involved with BLIA-YAD since childhood. His late parents were also Fo Guang Shan devotees, with his father Brian Wu having served as the Secretary-General of the BLIA Los Angeles Chapter. His stepmother, Helena Huang, is a dedicated volunteer at Hsi Lai Temple. His brother Jonathan was also a previous BLIA-YAD president. The bride, Ricole Wu's mother, Hsu Hsiu-chin, is a Fo Guang Shan devotee and a volunteer at Hui Chung Temple, serving as a receptionist at the temple and volunteering at the temple's art gallery. Her sister Wu Yu-tung is involved in the publicity department at Hui Chung Temple, and her younger sister Wu Kuan-ying is the vice president of the Buddha’s Light International Association - Young Adult Division - Chunghwa Central Region. Both newlyweds come from second-generation Fo Guang families and have been certified as second-level White Elephant Executive, Sudhana Lecturer and Sumati Lecturer of the Buddha’s Light International Association World Youth General Association. The couple met in 2014 at the International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Conference in Taiwan. Their eight-year relationship, marked by overcoming distance and cultural differences, was strengthened by their steadfast faith and mutual trust, culminating in their marriage, guided by Buddhist principles.


Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Presents the “Cultural Legacy of Venerable Master Hsing Yun” Exhibition for the Lunar New Year

FGS Toronto March 6, 2024 In honour of the anniversary of the passing of the Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto has launched the “Cultural Legacy of Venerable Master Hsing Yun” exhibition for the Lunar New Year. This exhibit features Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s One-Stroke Calligraphy Before and Post-Surgery Works, spanning from 1953 to 2022, coinciding with the Compassionate Life of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Exhibition. Starting on February 9th, the exhibition is displayed on the second floor inside the Buddha’s Cultural Museum. All descriptions are provided in both Chinese and English, to introduce the legendary life of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and his cultural accomplishments achieved through profound literary cultivation and the dissemination of Buddhist teachings. Additionally, visitors also experienced virtual tours of the Fo Guang Shan Temple at the “Journey to the Buddha Land” exhibition inside the Conference Room on the second floor during the Chinese New Year. Using AI technology, visitors virtually explored inside the Fo Guang Shan Monastery, the Sutra Repository, and the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum which are located thousands of miles away, irrespective of geographical limitations.

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