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Mellons Bay School Embraces Mindfulness & Joy at Fo Guang Shan Temple | 人間福報

Mellons Bay School Embraces Mindfulness & Joy at Fo Guang Shan Temple

Students from Years 1 to 3 at Mellons Bay School, accompanied by 58 teachers and parents, visited the Fo Guang Shan Auckland Temple. photo/FGS NZ
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photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
April 15, 2024

On the morning of 26th March 2024, 230 students from Years 1 to 3 at Mellons Bay School, accompanied by 58 teachers and parents, visited the Fo Guang Shan Auckland Temple to learn about the value of Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings (3G4G). Upon their arrival, they were warmly greeted by the BLIA members. A lively and uplifting song, 3G GO, composed by the President Jenny CHEN of the BLIA New York Chapter, which was greatly enjoyed by both the students and teachers.

The BLIA members engaged the students with interactive teaching methods, incorporating various activities to convey the meaning of 3G4G. The students watched a movie Life of Buddha to learn how to apply good deeds in real life, created lotus flowers origami to practise concentration, learned how to ring a wishing bell with joined palms to make personal vows and experienced calmness of body and mind through meditation.

Teacher Jane Craig expressed her gratitude for the warm welcoming and the meaningful educational activities arranged by the team. She was delighted to have the opportunity to lead the Mellons Bay School visit, noting the joyful smiles on each student’s face. Kim, a teacher visiting the Temple for the first time, shared that she found the Temple’s grand architecture and peaceful gardens to be very calming and comforting. Her favourite part of the visit was watching the film about Buddha’s life, which she found inspiring and moving.

The Temple specially presented Three Goods stickers as a gift to the students, wishing them to implement these values in their lives and spread joy and hope to those around them, contributing to a harmonious community. The teachers also expressed their anticipation of bringing 250 Year 4 to 6 students to the Temple in May to participate in the 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing.



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