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Traveling throughout South Asia with a Compassionate Heart and Vows, The ten-thousand mile bhikkhuni goes to Ottawa | 人間福報

Traveling throughout South Asia with a Compassionate Heart and Vows, The ten-thousand mile bhikkhuni goes to Ottawa

Venerabble Chueh Cheng, the head abbess of the Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand-India Region of Fo Guang Shan monastery, traveled to Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa to give a lecture. photo/The Life News Agency
Chuan Shan Ye, the president of Montreal Chapter of BLIA, along with 10 chapter members, traveled to Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa to listen to the Dharma teachings. photo/The Life News Agency
During the two-hour lecture, Venerable Chueh Cheng led everyone on a journey from the "Sons of Zu Lai" in Brazil to the "Village of Hope" in India, from the post-war reconstruction in Afghanistan to the Institute of Humanistic Buddhism in Pakistan, and from the Dong Zen Temple in Malaysia to the Village of Happiness. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerabble Chueh Cheng and all the venerables and participants took a group photo. photo/The Life News Agency

Grace Zhang, The Life News Agency
April 1, 2024

Venerabble Chueh Cheng, the head abbess of the Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand-India Region of Fo Guang Shan monastery, traveled to Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa to give a lecture, "The Pioneer’s Trail: Spreading Humanistic Buddhism Far and Wide,” on March 17th. 2024. Venerable Yung Ku, the abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, Venerable Miao Mu, the superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Montreal, other venerables and close to 200 devotees joined the lecture in person and online. Simultaneous translation in English and Cantonese was provided to facilitate the participation of community residents.

Venerable Chueh Cheng took time from her busy schedule to give a lecture tour in Canada after participating in a UN conference in New York City.  Due to time constraints, she could only arrange two lectures in Toronto and Ottawa. Chuan Shan Ye, the president of Montreal Chapter of BLIA, along with 10 chapter members, traveled to Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa to listen to the Dharma teachings.

First, Abbess Venerable Yung Ku introduced Venerable Chueh Cheng, who has dedicated herself to propagating Buddhism for 16 years in South America and Malaysia. Currently, she serves as the Vice Secretary-General of BLIA Headquarters for the Southeast Asia region. With unwavering determination, she follows in the footsteps of the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, in promoting Humanistic Buddhism. She truly is the great king of vows as she spreads the seeds of compassion, vows, wisdom, and courage to various parts of the world.

During the two-hour lecture, Venerable Chueh Cheng led everyone on a journey from the "Sons of Zu Lai" in Brazil to the "Village of Hope" in India, from the post-war reconstruction in Afghanistan to the Institute of Humanistic Buddhism in Pakistan, and from the Dong Zen Temple in Malaysia to the Village of Happiness. These were all sanctuaries of Humanistic Buddhism. Despite the Venerable Chueh Cheng's calm and gentle demeanor, the difficulties and challenges encountered along the way were beyond imagination. Whenever faced with obstacles, she recalled the teachings of the Venerable Master, "tolerance of non-arising dharmas, following the causes and conditions." The prayer beads and a simple bowl of plain noodles in broth signify Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s compassion for sentient beings and his unsurpassed Vajra-like mind.

Venerable Chueh Cheng mentioned that the construction of Fo Guang Shan Temple in Ottawa is currently underway. Although the current environment may seem desolate, under the guidance of Abbess Yung Ku, it will surely be transformed into a solemn Dharma center. The vast forest surrounding the temple also provides an excellent setting for large-scale meditation retreats. If everyone actively supports and participates in this endeavor, witnessing the transformation of the temple from nothingness to fruition, it will create a stronger sense of belonging and a feeling of home. Abbess Yung Ku extends a heartfelt invitation to Venerable Chueh Cheng to once again visit and preside over meditation in the forest when the construction of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa is completed.

During the lecture, Venerable Chueh Cheng led everyone in reciting the verse of Master Taixu, "I am the future of Buddhism!" as a source of self-inspiration. Devotee Helen Ge was deeply moved by Venerable Chueh Cheng's adherence to the teachings of the Venerable Master, her embodiment of compassion as a driving force for vows, and her unwavering perseverance even in the face of unbearable circumstances as the center for Dharma, all for the sake of promoting Humanistic Buddhism. Hui Li admired Venerable Chueh Cheng's profound love and compared her to a contemporary Master Xuanzang, bringing light to lives struggling in darkness. When seeing Abbess Yung Ku, with head held high, persevering through the icy world for temple construction, and Venerable Chueh Cheng standing firm in the endless yellow sands, radiating boundless compassion for sentient beings, Richard Li couldn't help but be amazed and firmly believed that the aspirations of these two great kings of vows will surely be successfully fulfilled.


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