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FGS News

Abbess Manshin Recognised in King’s Birthday Honours List for Community Service and Cultural Contributions

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand June 11, 2024 On 3 June 2024, the day when New Zealand celebrated the King’s birthday, Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan, was awarded the 2024 New Zealand Order of Merit. This year, a total of 176 New Zealanders from various fields were honoured for their outstanding service to the country and community. Abbess Manshin is the first Bhikkhunī to have been appointed as a  Member of New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) in New Zealand, for her long-term commitment to school education, community safety, spiritual purification and community services. New Zealand follows the long tradition of the United Kingdom and celebrates the birthday of the British Monarch on the first Monday of June every year. On the same day, it announces the annual recipients of the Order of Merit under The New Zealand Honours System.  The Order was created by Queen Elizabeth II on 30 May 1996 and the New Zealand Order of Merit ranks second in the honours system. The Honours list is administered by the Honours Unit under the Cabinet Office and approved by the reigning Monarch on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The purpose is to recognise those who have served and achieved in the community and nation. The New Zealand Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, wrote to congratulate Abbess Manshin on receiving the New Zealand Order of Merit, stating that the honour is an affirmation of Abbess’s contribution and influence in the community combined with the support and recognition of the team at Fo Guang Shan. The Prime Minister thanked the Abbess for her service to New Zealand and congratulated her on behalf of the government and all New Zealanders. Abbess expressed her gratitude to New Zealand for recognising the work of Fo Guang Shan in the community. She stated that the honours should belong to the Founder of FGS Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The Founder’s life’s work involved advocating world peace and coexistence, developing friendly relations among nations, and establishing international peace and relations as common goals. The Abbess emphasised the New Zealand Order of Merit is not an individual achievement, but one through the collective work of the Fo Guang members, the strength of which has enabled the accomplishment of many tasks. The BLIA North & South Island members are grateful and proud of Abbess Manshin for her hard work in New Zealand. The President of BLIA North Island Evelyn KU, thanked the Abbess for planting good seeds in New Zealanders. Deputy President Larry YANG is honoured to have met such a life mentor who has been by our side to lead everyone to serve the community and make the world a better place. Advisor of BLIA Subchapter 1 Meggan LAM expressed her appreciation for the efforts in the four major areas of education, culture, arts and charity under the leadership of the Abbess, which contribute to creating a harmonious society. Eminent figures from both the local community and international circles, including Australia, Taiwan, Europe and the USA, have sent messages of congratulations to Abbess Manshin on receiving her award. Senior Scientist Dr Amanda Dixon-McIver congratulated the Abbess on behalf of her family for her well-deserved honour. She stated that the world would be a better place if every New Zealander would constantly think about and contribute to the community like the Abbess. Former Detective Superintendent Virginia Le Bas stated that the recognition of the Abbess’ leadership and commitment to people have made a difference in people’s lives. New Zealand Immigration Compliance also took the opportunity to thank the Abbess for her input, guidance and wisdom. This honour is an affirmation of the Abbess’ leadership and service to the community. List MP Nancy LU and Howick Local Board Chairperson Damian Light and President of Guang Dong Banghu Business Association NZ Rex YOUNG also sent congratulatory messages to acknowledge Abbess’s services. Ms Lingling LIANG, Community Liaison Officer of Hato Hone St John Emergency Centre, thanked Fo Guang Shan for its continuous service in creating a safe community over the past twenty years, which has had a massive impact on the community. She will continue to support the work of Fo Guang Shan. Manukau East Police Officers, Senior Sergeant Anson LIN, Sergeant Richard Bracey and artists of the Art Salon including Niels Nielsen, Siew Tan, Luis Casares, Leonore Ashby and her husband Errol Ashby, visited the Temple in person to express their appreciation and pride for the humble and well respected Abbess Manshin, a spiritual leader, whose work has been recognised nationally.


Buddhist Council of NSW Celebrates Vesak at NSW Parliament House

Nan Tien Temple Paramatta June 4, 2024 In a heartfelt homage to Vesak, the Buddhist Council of New South Wales (NSW) brought together over 100 Buddhist groups, including secular factions, at the esteemed NSW Parliament House. The gathering was graced by the presence of the Hon. Stephen Kamper, MP, Minister for Multiculturalism, representing the NSW Premier Chris Minns, the Hon. Mark Speakman, MP, Opposition Leader, and Mr. Mark Joseph Coure, MP, Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism. Their joint participation underscored bipartisan support for the event and its significance. Held on Thursday, 9th May, the event stood as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultural and religious practices within the state. Notable figures included Nan Tien Temple Paramatta Abbess Chueh Shan and the President of BLIA Sydney Daniel Wu, representing Nan Tien Temple. Hosted by the Honourable Steve Kamper, Minister for Multiculturalism, the gathering aimed to deepen understanding of Buddhism while fostering stronger bonds between the Buddhist community and governmental representatives. Drawing from feedback garnered at previous Annual General Meetings, the Buddhist Council orchestrated this assembly to bolster the visibility of the Buddhist community within governmental circles. Attendees were provided with a unique opportunity to directly engage with Members of Parliament, fostering dialogue and mutual respect. This marked the first formal acknowledgment of Buddhists by the NSW Government. The event served as an excellent platform for networking among numerous Buddhist groups across NSW including the Buddhist Library and Meditation Centre, the Metta Centre, Sydney Buddhist Centre, and Affinity Intercultural Foundation. Ms. Helen Lam, Principal at PAL Buddhist School, commended the teaching resources provided by Fo Guang Shan and Nan Tien Temple, including Ven Miao Guang’s Bodhi Light Tales podcasts. She also expressed gratitude for support from the Hsing Yun Education Foundation, which sponsored a student from a single-parent household, enabling them to thrive despite their disadvantaged circumstances. The proceedings commenced with heartfelt remarks from Opposition Leader Mr. Mark Speakman, followed by Ministers Kamper and Coure, who emphasized the significance of Vesak and the rich cultural diversity within NSW. Chair of Buddhist Council Gawaine Powell Davis emphasised Buddhism as a way of life. More people in the world needs to practice Buddhism to achieve peace and harmony. Theravada chanting and devotional songs set a serene and introspective tone among attendees. The celebration continued with Mahayana chanting and Buddha-bathing. The atmosphere was filled with reverence as participants honored the teachings of the Buddha. The event culminated with the Vajrayana butter lamp prayer, symbolizing enlightenment. Each flickering flame served as a beacon of hope and unity, embodying the universal message of peace and compassion. This gathering at NSW Parliament House stands as a testament to Buddhism's enduring legacy within the multicultural fabric of NSW, reaffirming values of tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect at the core of our society. As attendees departed, inspired by the spirit of Vesak, they renewed their commitment to fostering harmony and goodwill within their communities.


BLIA Sydney walked for charity in Mother’s Day Classic

Florence Yuen June 3, 2024 On May 12, 2024, My-Chinh Tran, Advisor of the BLIA Loving Care Group Sydney Western Subchapters led a group of 23 members, including BLIA Scouts, YAD members, and their families, to participate in the heartwarming Mother’s Day Classic charity walk at Parramatta Park Salters Field. The event was not only a show of support for local community charities but also a collective celebration of Mother’s Day. The Mother’s Day Classic is an annual charity event held in Sydney, dedicated to supporting breast and ovarian cancer research. Participants honoured the fight against cancer through walking or running, commemorating loved ones lost to the disease, and offering support to those currently battling it, fostering unity and mutual support within the community. Susan Khor, member of BLIA Sydney West 2 subchapter, also joined the charity walk with her daughter Carmen, and Carmen’s friend Aaron. Carmen expressed that the event was uplifting and raised her awareness about breast and ovarian cancers, giving her the opportunity to accompany her mother on a meaningful 5-kilometer walk on Mother’s Day. Jean Kho, leader of BLIA Scouts Western Sydney, remarked that it was the scouts’ first time joining the Mother’s Day walk. The event aligned perfectly with the scouts’ love for outdoor activities and embodied their motto: do good deeds, speak good words, and think good thoughts. They were grateful for the opportunity to partake in such a significant event while also supporting the community. Elder Advisor My-Chinh Tran deeply appreciated the value of giving as emphasized by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which not only enriched our lives but also set a direction for the Loving Care group’s future endeavours. Participating in the Mother’s Day Classic was a concrete action reflecting this philosophy, aiming to pass on the spirit of ‘Four Givings’ without expecting anything in return, positively impacting society and enhancing community cohesion. Joining the event with their families also allowed BLIA members an opportunity to foster harmony and happiness with their loved ones. The Loving Care Group remains committed to contributing to the establishment of a harmonious and healthy society.


Buddhist Compassion: BLIA Sydney Chapter Provides Charity Lunch on Vesak Day

Florence Yuen May 30, 2024 On May 15, 2024, in celebration of Buddha’s birthday, BLIA Sydney Chapter organized a special charity event. Abbess Chueh Shan, the Guiding Venerable, led the team including Deputy Advisor General Vincent Hong, President Daniel Wu, Loving Care Group Western Subchapter and BLIA YAD Western Sydney team members to visit Parramatta Mission Meal Plus, a nonprofit organization affiliated with the Uniting Church in Australia, and to serve a delicious vegetarian lunch to over 150 vulnerable community members. Parramatta Mission has a rich history of over two centuries, focusing on supporting homeless individuals and those with mental health challenges. The Meal Plus program provides breakfast and lunch services on weekdays, along with accommodation and mental health support, aiming to enhance well-being and to empower community members. Service Manager Paul Moussa warmly welcomed Abbess Chueh Shan and the BLIA Sydney Chapter team, expressing heartfelt gratitude for their generous provision of vegetarian meals. The recipients of the lunch were full of praise for the food, expressing sincere thanks. Eunice Huynh, President of BLIA YAD Western Sydney shared her experience from the event. She emphasized the importance of faith and collective strength, gained through interacting with community members and learning from the process. Her wholehearted involvement made her acutely aware of social injustices, and she hopes that mutual assistance can ensure equal opportunities for everyone. She looks forward to more community service opportunities for the youth group to become responsible citizens. President Daniel Wu highlighted the significance of interacting with various religious organizations on Buddha’s birthday. The principle of Buddhist generosity advocates that “the giver and receiver are not different from one another.” Thus, there is only mutual respect instead of differentiation. He encouraged all volunteers to reflect on this, allowing BLIA Sydney Chapter to continue to grow and to improve on its provision of care to its members and the community. Abbess Chueh Shan stated that this charity lunch service at Parramatta Mission not only contributes tangibly to the community but also embodies the spirit of Buddhist compassion. By providing warm meals and care to those in need, they put the Buddha’s teaching of “relieving suffering” into action. This not only aligns with Buddhist charitable traditions but also strengthens connections with the community, promoting social harmony and inclusivity. The selfless dedication of the BLIA volunteer team exemplifies the true essence of giving, purifying hearts and elevating societal morality.


New Zealand Leaders Celebrate the Positive Impact of 3G4G on Community

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 28, 2024 On 15th May 2024, 270 teachers and students from Flat Bush Primary School led by Principal Mr Banapa Avatea participated in The 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing at Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland. New Zealand Member of Parliament Nancy LU, District Commander of Counties Manukau Superintendent Shanan Gray and Deputy Area Commander of Counties Manukau East Inspector Rakana Cook, showed their support for the education program. Under the guidance of Abbess of FGS NZ Venerable Manshin and President Evelyn KU of BLIA North Island, the guests observed activities such as students practising calligraphy and mindfulness meditation. The guests also happily joined the Temple team in preparing food, providing the students with delicious Three Goodness Rice, witnessing the positive impact of the 3 Goodness & 4 Givings (3G4G) value on the community. Abbess Manshin guided Supt Gray and Insp Cook in offering flowers at the Main Shrine. In addition to explaining the Māori Green Stone gifted by the New Zealand Police in 2007, she also introduced the upcoming Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Service, which will be commenced at the end of May. Supt Gray asked specific questions related to Give Convenience, to which the Abbess answered that Give Convenience is a skilful means of wisdom that involves providing assistance and service to help solve problems. For many years, FGS Temple New Zealand has continuously promoted the 3G4G value proposed by the Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The Temple team expressed gratitude for the support of the police officers and the school in building a harmonious society. Supt Gray remarked that it is commendable for the Temple to provide free meals to students attending the event. The fried rice ensured the students were well taken care of, creating positive experiences and showing care for their physical and mental health. MP Nancy LU shared that learning the 3G4G song with the students and seeing their bright smiles was a heartwarming experience. She expressed gratitude for the decade-long collaboration between Fo Guang Shan and the New Zealand Police in their unwavering dedication to the community and the younger generation, continuing to spread kindness and positive energy. Principal Avatea stated that the 3G4G aligns closely with the values of school, helping students work together to become useful members of society. Flat Bush School has participated in the program for three consecutive years, and he is delighted to see students discussing their wonderful experiences at the Temple, the people they met after returning to school. He expressed deep gratitude to FGS Temple for organising this educational event and promised to bring the students back to the Temple next time. The principal also invited the Fo Guang Shan community to visit the school and looked forward to joining the VEGRUN Global Charity Run event. The students expressed their gratitude to FGS Auckland with a Māori dance and highly praised the Three Goodness Rice provided by the Temple, noting that the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings is an excellent practice in daily life.


Sydney Buddha's Birthday Baby Blessing Ceremony in Sharing the Joy of Dharma

Francis Wong May 27, 2024 The “2024 Buddha's Birthday Baby Blessing Ceremony" took place at Darling Harbour in Sydney on 28th April, with 85 families gathering together to pray for the babies and expectant mothers, as nearly 300 relatives and friends joyfully witnessed the seeds of Bodhi virtue being sown from a young age. The ceremony was presided over by Venerable Jue Ning, the superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple, who led the congregation in reciting the "Verse of the Triple Gem" and the "Three Refuges," solemnly read Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "A Prayer for a Newborn," and conducted a sprinkling ceremony for the participating families, praying for the blessings of the Buddha, granting children right understanding and right views, and safeguarding their peaceful and healthy growth. The blending of tradition and modernity in the Artistic Blessing Grabbing Ceremony began immediately afterward. The organizers specially prepared items symbolizing "compassion," such as prayer beads, "wisdom," represented by books, and "justice," depicted by a ruler, symbolizing the blessings and expectations of parents for their children. Encouraged by their parents, the babies chose their own preferred items, their innocent smiles filling the venue with an atmosphere of lively joy. James Dwyer, the leader of the first scout group in Hurstville, Sydney, mentioned that he comes from a three-generation scouting family and was pleased to see the BLIA scouts' booth attracting many families during Buddha's Birthday, combining Buddhist teachings with scout goals to promote virtues such as integrity, kindness, courage, and honesty to society. He praised the BLIA scouts in Sydney for their years of establishment in Australia, being a wholesome group with faithfulness and localization. He and his wife brought their baby to receive blessings from the Buddha, reflecting their identification with and respect for worldly Buddhism, expressing the vision of Australian scouts working hand in hand with worldly Buddhism to jointly cultivate a spirit of serving society. Stacey Rutral, a resident of the Sydney community, accompanied her son Alex and daughter Annika to pray for blessings. Stacey felt that the entire ceremony was filled with a sacred and warm atmosphere, truly auspicious, and appreciated the affinity her children had with other families attending the celebration. Although not a Buddhist herself, she greatly admired and respected the teachings of the Buddha, hoping her children could learn compassion and wisdom, making their journey to adulthood smoother.


Exploring the Footsteps of Buddha in the Garden of the Mind at the Sydney Buddha's Birthday Festival to Celebrate 30 Years of Multiculturalism

Francis Wong May 24, 2024 The 30th "2024 Buddha's Birthday and Multicultural Festival " was held over two consecutive days on 27 and 28 of April in Darling Harbour, Sydney's central business district. Upholding the mission of Fo Guang Shan to " Propagate the Dharma Through Culture," a special "Cultural Zone" was set up under the theme "Exploring the Footsteps of Buddha in the Garden of the Mind." Through elegant and rustic decorations, visitors were guided to participate and interact, further understanding that Buddha was human, not divine; Buddha was born, practiced, and attained enlightenment as a human being; Buddha's teachings are what people need—purifying, virtuous, and beautiful. "Exploring the Footsteps of Buddha in the Garden of the Mind" traverses through the life of Buddha, making it easy for visitors to understand and become interested in the events of Buddha's life. Through creative games and interactive activities, the organizers invited visitors to visit six "Experience Stations" of Buddha's life. Completing all six stations earned them a Buddha's Birthday auspicious cord as a souvenir. The journey begins with the birth of the lotus, guiding visitors into the "Joy of Birth" Lumbini Garden with seven lotus flowers. Buddha's birth brings light and hope, allowing sentient beings to understand the true meaning of life and happiness in life. Visitors can bathe the Buddha, offer flowers, light, and connect with Buddha. The "Four Sights" exhibit shows Prince Siddhartha experiencing the suffering of sickness, old age, and death, and seeing the dignified monk, inspiring him to renounce worldly life and seek eternal happiness. "The Path of Practice" and "Buddha's Enlightenment" depict Prince Siddhartha's six years of asceticism and his enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, realizing the truths of "dependent origination" and "equality of all beings," awakening to the true meaning of life and becoming the Buddha of humanity. The organizers set up a "Buddha's Enlightenment Zone" where visitors can meditate under the Bodhi tree, experiencing inner peace, and eagerly taking photos as mementos. "The First Turning of the Dharma Wheel" explains Buddha's teachings of the "Four Noble Truths" and the "Noble Eightfold Path." The organizers specially designed eight Dharma wheels originated from India. Visitors can spin the wheels freely, and if they stop at one of the right paths, they can learn its meaning and how to apply it in daily life through illustrated storyboards. By integrating games into education and engaging with Buddhist teachings, visitors gain insights. Completing all six station activities earns them a Buddhist multi-coloured auspicious cord, representing the wisdom, equality, compassion, peace, and purity of Buddha. The organizers also arranged various cultural and artistic activities for visitors to participate in, including DIY art stations, painting three-dimensional Buddha feet, making lotus flowers with twist ties, stringing Buddhist beads, and experiencing tea meditation and Zen to understand traditional Chinese tea culture and find inner peace. The "Cultural Zone" showcases the manners of Buddha's life and his teachings, proclaiming the true meaning of life, increasing happiness, peace, and joy, aiming to achieve the theme of the Buddha's Birthday Festival, "Coexistence and Coprosperity." Clr. Barbara Ward, a councillor from Ku-ring-gai Council, was honoured to attend the Buddha's Birthday celebration in Darling Harbour. She pointed out that celebrating Buddha's birthday is also celebrating his wisdom; Buddha advocated peace, hoping to promote social harmony and world peace with Buddha's wisdom.


Cultivating 3G4G Values NZ Leaders Collaborate to Build a Harmonious Society

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 23, 2024 The 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing 2024 commenced on the 30th April, and has hosted its 15th session to date. Over 2400 students, teachers and parents from Auckland’s primary and secondary schools have participated in this annual education program at the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland. On 10th May, distinguished guests including MP Rima Nakhle, Superintendent Scott Gemmell, Area Commander of Counties Manukau East Inspector Rod Honan, Howick Local Board Chairperson Damian Light and Member Adele White, and Principal Heath McNeil, took charge of various tasks including cooking Three Goodness Rice for over 400 students in the kitchen. Over the past 10 years, 63 local schools in Auckland and Christchurch have participated in this education program. Over 30,000 students, teachers and parents took part and engaged in mindfulness meditation, calligraphy, light offerings, incense offerings, watching The Life of Buddha movie and learning the 3G4G song, which was composed by BLIA New York Chapter President, Jenny Chen. The program has received substantial support from the New Zealand Police, with over 50 officers assisting in fostering a harmonious society. School Community Officers Sen Const Matt Green, Sen Const Marina Phillips and Sen Const Pauline Orpet engage with students in role-playing and case studies to help students make positive choices in life amidst temptations and challenges. In addition, there were four officers from the Neighbourhood Policing Team, led by Sgt Richard Bracey, who also helped clean up autumn falling leaves and cook Three Goodness Rice for over 250 students on the 3rd of May, bringing warmth to the society in action.  Venerable Abbess Manshin and the Temple team served the community wholeheartedly, spreading joy and enriching lives while fostering wisdom and happiness in the community. The 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing will continue until the end of May, with 15 more schools and over 2000 students expected to visit the Temples to learn about the value of Three Goodness and Four Givings, aiming to instil more positive energy in society.


VEGRUN at Sydney Buddha’s Birthday to Embark on Health and Happiness

Francis Wong May 23, 2024 Organised by Hsing Yun Education Foundation and iPure Green, and co-hosted by BLIA Sydney and Nan Tien Temple, the "2024 Sydney Buddha's Birthday Festival VEGRUN" kicked off joyfully at Darling Harbour on 28th April. Over 400 enthusiastic participants, including Venerable Man Ko, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia and New Zealand, Ms. Cathy Guo, a director of Hsing Yun Education Foundation and general public from all walks of life, joined the event. The purpose of this charity run is to support the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's philosophy of "peace and happiness shining over the five continents," as well as the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Good Health and Well-being. Mental health is currently one of the most significant social health issues in Australia, with one in every five Australians facing mental health problems. Therefore, the foundation aims to raise awareness and concern for mental health issues through this charity run. The journey to mental health begins with a happy life. This year's charity run, themed "Kindness in Motion, Wellness in Every Step," aims to involve everyone in running for health and happiness. The proceeds from the charity run, witnessed by Venerable. Man Ko and the Daniel Wu, President BLIA Sydney, were donated by The Hon. Chris Minns MP, Premier of New South Wales, to the Black Dog Institute and Lifeline Australia during the Buddha's Birthday celebration. These two charitable organizations are the largest in Australia conducting research on mental health, with Lifeline Australia also providing 24-hour crisis support services and personnel training. Their mission aligns with the foundation's vision of safeguarding the happiness and well-being of the public. The charity run featured participants of all ages, from athletic individuals to elderly participants and families joining in the spirit of joy. Each participant contributed to raising awareness of mental health and realizing a happy and peaceful life. Before the run, the organizers arranged activities such as Tai Chi and vegetable dances to calm the mind and stretch the body. Then, amidst the cheerful sound of the starting whistle, everyone set off with high spirits. Along the 3-kilometer route, there were cheering stations to support the participants. In the end, Kaushal Thakur, Ben Liu, Ivan Woo, Antares Qi, Leo Divis, and Xavier NG respectively secured the top three positions in the adult and children's categories. Venerable Man Ko presented certificates, medals, and books by Master Hsing Yun as rewards. Each participant also received a charity run badge as encouragement. Adult category champion Kaushal Thakur, from the birthplace of Buddhism in India, with six years of running experience, expressed his enjoyment of the fun run and highlighted the benefits of running for physical and mental health. "Moderate exercise, adequate sleep, and a healthy diet" are essential factors for achieving physical and mental health, as emphasized by Venerable Man Ko. A healthy body and a faithful belief can bring positive energy to society, thereby realizing happiness, peace, and creating a world of truth, goodness, and beauty. Venerable Man Ko further pointed out that participants, sponsors, and beneficiaries of the charity run all accumulate the same merits and encouraged everyone to dedicate their merits to building a " Coexistence and Coprosperity " society.


Building a Harmonious Society Through Education at Sydney Buddha's Birthday Festival to Celebrate 30 Years of Multiculturalism

Francis Wong May 23, 2024 The 30th "2024 Buddha's Birthday and Multicultural Festival " was held over two consecutive days on 27 and 28 of April in Darling Harbour, Sydney's central business district. This celebration featured a special "Education Zone" to introduce the life and educational philosophy of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, conveying the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s compassionate aspiration to " Foster Talent Through Education" and implement "localization of education," guiding the public to understand the importance of education, recognize Humanistic Buddhism, and co-build a harmonious society. Exhibitors included Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Institute, the Hsing Yun Education Foundation, Nan Tien Youth College, and Nan Tien Institute Art Gallery. Venerable Master Hsing Yun devoted his life to education, and Nan Tien Institute is the only university in Australia founded by Buddhists. It offers courses such as "Applied Buddhist Studies," "Health and Social Well-being," "Mental Health," and "Humanistic Buddhism," aiming to enhance students' personal qualities through quality higher education and nurture talents for society. The Hsing Yun Education Foundation also provides scholarships for those interested in understanding and researching Buddhism, contributing to the localization of education and the global development of Humanistic Buddhism. In addition, in response to the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concept of "peace and happiness across the five continents" and the universal values of "Be Kind" among Australians, the Hsing Yun Education Foundation launched the 7-Day Kindness Challenge activity. Integrating the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s advocated thoughts of "Three Acts of Goodness," "Four Givings," and "Five Harmonies" into daily life, calling on the public to start with small acts around them, practicing "Three Acts of Goodness" continuously for seven days, embodying "Four Givings" in life, expanding from small to large, aggregating efforts, achieving "Five Harmonies," spreading kindness, and adding peace and beauty to the world. The event attracted over 500 visitors within two days; The Hon. Chris Minns MP, Premier of New South Wales, and The Hon. Stephen Kamper MP, Minister for Multiculturalism, also participated, pledging to do good deeds and contribute to the creation of a harmonious society. Sam Bianco, a volunteer at the foundation's booth, happily explained the meanings of "Three Acts of Goodness" and "Five Harmonies" to visitors, expressing that these universal values of education can help the public cultivate seeds of goodness, enhance mindfulness, purify the mind, and ultimately achieve happiness and peace. "Compassion has no enemies," and Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s demeanour throughout his life is the best "education." The "Education Zone" themed "Vast Starry Sky (浩瀚星空)" introduced the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s growth, propagation of the Dharma, and efforts and achievements in benefiting sentient beings during ten periods of his life. Standing in front of the exhibition boards, visitors couldn't help but admire the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s outstanding contributions to education, using the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s conscious practice of Buddhism as a model for learning. The foundation also set up an AR photo area with Venerable Master Hsing Yun, allowing visitors to connect with the Venerable Master Hsing Yun regardless of distance. Additionally, there were Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s "One Stroke Calligraphy" and "Dharma Phrases" phone wallpapers available for download. While understanding the significance of "One Stroke Calligraphy," visitors could practice "Carrying Dharma Phrases with Them," letting the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s wisdom inspire and accompany them at all times, providing comfort and strength in times of difficulty. Gawaine Powell Davies, Chairman of the Buddhist Council of New South Wales, praised the organizers for actively promoting world peace, environmental protection, health and well-being, and responding to the United Nations' "Sustainable Development Goals" during the Buddha's Birthday Festival. He also endorsed the theme of the conference, "Coexistence and Coprosperity." Gawaine stated that only through "coexistence and coprosperity" can "mutual respect between individuals" be better promoted, achieving "happiness and peace," and then co-building a society of truth, goodness, and beauty.

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