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Oceania | 人間福報

FGS News

New Zealand Leaders Celebrate the Positive Impact of 3G4G on Community

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 28, 2024 On 15th May 2024, 270 teachers and students from Flat Bush Primary School led by Principal Mr Banapa Avatea participated in The 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing at Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland. New Zealand Member of Parliament Nancy LU, District Commander of Counties Manukau Superintendent Shanan Gray and Deputy Area Commander of Counties Manukau East Inspector Rakana Cook, showed their support for the education program. Under the guidance of Abbess of FGS NZ Venerable Manshin and President Evelyn KU of BLIA North Island, the guests observed activities such as students practising calligraphy and mindfulness meditation. The guests also happily joined the Temple team in preparing food, providing the students with delicious Three Goodness Rice, witnessing the positive impact of the 3 Goodness & 4 Givings (3G4G) value on the community. Abbess Manshin guided Supt Gray and Insp Cook in offering flowers at the Main Shrine. In addition to explaining the Māori Green Stone gifted by the New Zealand Police in 2007, she also introduced the upcoming Emperor Liang Repentance Dharma Service, which will be commenced at the end of May. Supt Gray asked specific questions related to Give Convenience, to which the Abbess answered that Give Convenience is a skilful means of wisdom that involves providing assistance and service to help solve problems. For many years, FGS Temple New Zealand has continuously promoted the 3G4G value proposed by the Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The Temple team expressed gratitude for the support of the police officers and the school in building a harmonious society. Supt Gray remarked that it is commendable for the Temple to provide free meals to students attending the event. The fried rice ensured the students were well taken care of, creating positive experiences and showing care for their physical and mental health. MP Nancy LU shared that learning the 3G4G song with the students and seeing their bright smiles was a heartwarming experience. She expressed gratitude for the decade-long collaboration between Fo Guang Shan and the New Zealand Police in their unwavering dedication to the community and the younger generation, continuing to spread kindness and positive energy. Principal Avatea stated that the 3G4G aligns closely with the values of school, helping students work together to become useful members of society. Flat Bush School has participated in the program for three consecutive years, and he is delighted to see students discussing their wonderful experiences at the Temple, the people they met after returning to school. He expressed deep gratitude to FGS Temple for organising this educational event and promised to bring the students back to the Temple next time. The principal also invited the Fo Guang Shan community to visit the school and looked forward to joining the VEGRUN Global Charity Run event. The students expressed their gratitude to FGS Auckland with a Māori dance and highly praised the Three Goodness Rice provided by the Temple, noting that the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings is an excellent practice in daily life.


2024 FGS NZ Buddha’s Birthday Celebration: Cultivating Social Harmony

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand April 16, 2024 On 13 April 2024, the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland hosted the annual Buddha’s Birthday Celebration for World Peace. The ceremony was led by Abbess of  FGS NZ Venerable Manshin. Attendees collectively chanted the Heart Sutra and recited the Prayer for World Peace written by the Founder of FGS Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Distinguished guests from various religious backgrounds participated, including Māori elder Kaumatua Tame Hauraki, Dean of Auckland the Very Reverend Anne Mills, and Catholic representative Rev Deacon Chris Sullivan, who each offered prayers for the ceremony. Notable attendees included President Evelyn KU of the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) North Island Chapter, Director General Kendra CHEN of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland, Members of Parliament Nancy LU and Rima Nakhle, Auckland Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, Councillor Hon Maurice Williamson & Sharon Stewart, Chair of the Howick Local Board Damian Light, Superintendent Shanan Gray and Inspector Rod Honan together with nearly 500 people from diverse sectors, including religious, political, police, arts, media, schools and the community. Participants made generous offerings to the Buddha. The BLIA Young Adult Division performed a lion dance to welcome the statue of Prince Siddhartha. Additionally, students from Papatoetoe Intermediate School sang the New Zealand national anthem and performed a Haka dance. The FGS Auckland Choir performed hymns celebrating the birth of Buddha and expressed gratitude to the Founding Master for bringing the beautiful Temple to New Zealand. Abbess Manshin addressed the Temple’s efforts in sharing the Three Goodness values locally, which is a project of returning to one’s roots and true nature, and thus serving the community. Abbess expressed her wishes for New Zealand to thrive with peace. President Evelyn KU thanked Abbess and the Temple for leading the community in building a Pure Land on Earth through diverse cultural, educational and charitable activities, helping to purify minds and the land. By participating in the Buddha Bathing Ceremony, attendees embodied the principles of Do Good Deeds, Say Good Words & Think Good Thoughts. MP Nancy LU conveyed gratitude from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, acknowledging the significant contributions of Fo Guang Shan to the community and cooperation with the police. Deputy Mayor Simpson praised the Temple for infusing Auckland, one of the world’s most culturally diverse cities, with harmony, peace and joy. Director General CHEN highlighted the need for the wisdom and light of the Dharma in today’s world. Chairman Light and Inspector Honan also praised the Temple’s supportive role in fostering community harmony. Editor Farida Master of Eastlife described the Temple as an oasis of harmony and a cultural sanctuary, appreciating its efforts in building a supportive society. The celebration also featured a Baby & Children Blessing Ceremony, local market stalls, a One Stroke Calligraphy exhibition by the Venerable Master, a Prince Siddhartha Exhibition and tea meditation. The New Zealand Health Department provided free flu vaccinations at the event, recognizing Temple’s support of the Asian community’s VAX Heroes initiative. The day was filled with auspiciousness and joy.


The 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing New Zealand Joyfully Commenced

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 17, 2024 The 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing has entered its 10th anniversary from 2014 to 2024. The Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple New Zealand following the Founder of the FGS Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concept of the Temple functions as an education centre, collaborated with the New Zealand Police and local schools to collectively build a harmonious society. Under the guidance of Abbess Manshin, participation has grown from 3 schools in the first year to 63 schools in 2024, with over 30,000 students, teachers and parents stepping into the Temple. Since its commencement, the New Zealand Police had 47 officers to support this education program fully, enabling students to understand and apply the principles of the Three Acts of Goodness and the Four Givings in making correct choices in life. In this 10th year, Auckland and Christchurch Temples have 23 schools, with over 4,000 students and teachers registering to participate. The one-month long Festival of Cultural Sharing commenced on 30th April 2024 at FGS Buddhist Temple in Auckland, 123 students from Year 4 to 6 from St Francis Catholic School, along with 27 teachers and parents visited joyfully. The students’ anticipation filled every corner of the Temple with vitality and enthusiasm. Students from St Francis Catholic School participating in the education program for the first time are divided into three groups to engage in various enriching activities in an orderly manner. These activities include watching the movie Life of Buddha, mindfulness meditation, calligraphy experience, incense offering, writing wishing cards and police interaction sessions. The specially prepared Three Goodness Rice from the Temple received high praise from the students. In addition, the exquisite pencils imprinted with 3G Wording also brought them surprises. Deputy Principal Olivia expressed gratitude to FGS Auckland for arranging such a rich and exciting program, stating that the visit provided students with an incredible experience. Director of  Religious Studies Veronica Jones, remarked that the values presented by 3G4G resonate with the school’s core values and the tranquillity of the Temple allowed students to engage deeply and enjoyably in the activities. Student Nikki shared that her favourite session was the mindfulness meditation in the courtyard, feeling extremely comfortable with the warm sunlight shining on her. Student Natalie expressed her delight in visiting the Temple, and learning how to become a better person through 3G4G. Students Kevin and David found the calligraphy experience quite challenging but expressed their determination to return for more practice.


Mainstream Media Coverage on Nan Tien Temple’s Celebration of the Lunar New Year of the Dragon

Francis Wong February 21, 2024 Nan Tien Temple, located in Wollongong, Australia, is the largest Buddhist temple in the Southern Hemisphere. Since its consecration in 1995, it has become a landmark in the southern suburb of Wollongong, recognized by the government and media for its community care and services to the society. Together with the community, Nan Tien Temple celebrates the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, attracting attention from both local and international media outlets including newspapers, official websites, TV stations, community radio stations, and social media platforms. This attention helps draw residents and tourists from the Sydney area to Nan Tien Temple during the Lunar New Year to pray, participate in various festive activities, experience the virtues of Buddhism, and appreciate the profoundness of traditional Chinese culture. On 7 February, Venerable Miao You, Director of Nan Tien Institute, was interviewed by the Illawarra Mercury, emphasizing the symbolic significance of the Lunar New Year as a time for renewal and the practice of “Do Good Deeds, Say Good Words, Think Good Thoughts” in daily life. She also highlighted the anniversary of the passing of the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The Year of the Dragon, Venerable Miao You noted, symbolizes good fortune and prosperity, reminding people to care for society with goodwill and humility. People born in the Year of the Dragon are described as intelligent, confident, and charismatic. The Illawarra Mercury also reported on Nan Tien Temple's Lunar New Year celebrations, including its first international vegetarian food market, prayer ceremonies, wishing trees, bell ringing ceremonies for peace, traditional lion dances, and cultural stalls and exhibitions. On 9 February, journalists from the official SBS News television station witnessed the opening of the vegetarian food market by Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery AM of Wollongong. The journalists interviewed various visitors, volunteers, scholarship recipients from Nan Tien University, and provided official coverage, praising Nan Tien Temple for actively promoting multicultural interaction and integrating traditional Chinese culture into the community, thereby enriching the cultural diversity of the region.


Toronto Buddha’s Light Children Dharma Class Teacher Team Aspires to Nurture Young Hearts

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto March 14, 2024 On February 24th, the dedicated Buddha’s Light Children Dharma Class teacher team gathered at the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto for a comprehensive teacher training and curriculum discussion workshop. The workshop attracted teachers and teaching assistants from both the Mississauga and Markham campuses. Venerable Ru An, the Director of Social Education, commenced the training session with a heartwarming activity aimed at fostering a sense of unity among the participants. The workshop coincided with the first anniversary of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s passing. In homage to the late founder of FGS, Venerable Ru An shared the Venerable Master's profound Dharma Talk on "Liberated and at Ease." She emphasized the importance of embodying the teachings in daily life, urging all educators to not only mentor but also to nurture young hearts with the Dharma. The seeds of Bodhi planted in the children's hearts will serve as a beacon of guidance and protection on their spiritual journey. In an effort to deepen the students' faith and confidence in themselves, the children will now engage in Buddhist chanting services before each class. This practice aims to instill Buddhist etiquette in their daily conduct and allow them to connect wholeheartedly with the Buddha through chanting. The theme for the Spring 2024 program, "Embrace, Empower, Elevate: The Power of Patience," inspired lively discussions among the teachers during the curriculum planning session. The educators are eager to provide opportunities for children to experience and realize the boundless power of goodwill, viewing adversities as avenues for growth. To foster a sense of community within the Temple, the teaching team creatively integrated upcoming Temple events into the program calendar. These include the Buddha’s Birthday storytelling competition and a performance at the annual Veggie Food Fair in June. Venerable Ru An offered insights into the Spring program content and strategies for effective classroom management towards the end of the group discussion. The encouragement and support from Venerable Chueh Fan, the Abbess of FGS Temple of Toronto, and Venerable Zhi Guan, the Superintendent of FGS Toronto, uplifted the teaching team. The Abbess emphasized the importance of collaboration between the Children Dharma Class program and other youth programs, promoting the localization of Humanistic Buddhism. Venerable Zhi Guan highlighted the significance of being observant as educators, enabling them to be responsive to the children's needs. Unified in their dedication to propagating Humanistic Buddhism, the workshop participants expressed gratitude for the mentorship of the Venerable Master and the camaraderie among colleagues. The team concluded the training with a resolute mission statement: "Nurturing young hearts with compassion and wisdom!"


Cultivating 3G4G Values NZ Leaders Collaborate to Build a Harmonious Society

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 23, 2024 The 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing 2024 commenced on the 30th April, and has hosted its 15th session to date. Over 2400 students, teachers and parents from Auckland’s primary and secondary schools have participated in this annual education program at the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland. On 10th May, distinguished guests including MP Rima Nakhle, Superintendent Scott Gemmell, Area Commander of Counties Manukau East Inspector Rod Honan, Howick Local Board Chairperson Damian Light and Member Adele White, and Principal Heath McNeil, took charge of various tasks including cooking Three Goodness Rice for over 400 students in the kitchen. Over the past 10 years, 63 local schools in Auckland and Christchurch have participated in this education program. Over 30,000 students, teachers and parents took part and engaged in mindfulness meditation, calligraphy, light offerings, incense offerings, watching The Life of Buddha movie and learning the 3G4G song, which was composed by BLIA New York Chapter President, Jenny Chen. The program has received substantial support from the New Zealand Police, with over 50 officers assisting in fostering a harmonious society. School Community Officers Sen Const Matt Green, Sen Const Marina Phillips and Sen Const Pauline Orpet engage with students in role-playing and case studies to help students make positive choices in life amidst temptations and challenges. In addition, there were four officers from the Neighbourhood Policing Team, led by Sgt Richard Bracey, who also helped clean up autumn falling leaves and cook Three Goodness Rice for over 250 students on the 3rd of May, bringing warmth to the society in action.  Venerable Abbess Manshin and the Temple team served the community wholeheartedly, spreading joy and enriching lives while fostering wisdom and happiness in the community. The 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing will continue until the end of May, with 15 more schools and over 2000 students expected to visit the Temples to learn about the value of Three Goodness and Four Givings, aiming to instil more positive energy in society.


2024 Fo Guang Club Welcoming Day Realising Ideals with Aspirational Power

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand April 10, 2024 On 9th March 2024, Fo Guang Club of the University of Auckland held its New Semester Welcoming Day with a total of 22 members gathering at the FGS Auckland to participate in various activities. The YAD committee guided new members through ice-breaking games and Temple tours. They introduced Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the Founder of FGS Buddhist Order and shared the Dharma teaching: With ideals, there is aspirational power; with aspirational power, there is realisation; with realisation, ideals can be achieved, leading to a promising future, encouraging the participants to learn from the Venerable Master’s spirit of staying true to one’s initial vows. FGS NZ Abbess Manshin used a Q&A format to answer the youth’s doubts, how can one cultivate a character of giving? The Abbess clarified, those with a compassionate heart naturally understand giving and repaying kindness. Giving money or material possessions to others is material giving, sharing teachings and principles with others is Dharma giving, one can also provide spiritual support and strength to overcome fear which is fearless giving. How can one manage oneself? The Abbess shared a teaching from the Founding Master saying, I am among the people. Using examples of YAD committees Thomas and Edwin, Abbess explained how from the initial inspiration to the integration into regular practices, they embodied the idea that youth need good role models because being in the right environment and serving in a group enables them to become masters of their own lives, making life filled with positive qualities. The participants expressed their gratitude one after another. Winter, a participant, expressed gratitude, saying Abbess Manshin had helped them unravel many confusions. She felt greatly inspired and was pleased to have made numerous like-minded friends. Adela shared, the event was organised professionally and meticulously. She was grateful to the organisers for their dedication. Through the event, she had deepened her understanding of the Temple and wished to continue learning to gain wisdom.


Crossing borders and transcending time to share on Humanistic Buddhism research

Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple March 25, 2024 The Humanistic Buddhism Special Interest Group (HB SIG) convened for the first time in 2024 on March 12th. The online meeting brought together 24 scholars and students from diverse corners of the globe who share an academic interest in Humanistic Buddhism. Dr Badshah Sardar from Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) in Islamabad, Pakistan, spoke on the Buddhist Rock Inscriptions of Uddiyana (Swat Valley), Pakistan and its present state of research. Although little attention has been paid to the study and conservation of these inscription in the past, researchers are actively finding new inscriptions, some of which were reported at the recent “International Conference and Art Festival to promote the Buddhist heritage of Pakistan” in Islamabad. As valuable primary resources, the inscriptions will allow scholars to reconstruct the chronological order and hierarchy of the ruling kingdoms, the geographic and economic condition of the region and a history of the spread of Buddhism in the area. In the Q&A session, Dr Badshah also shared his personal experience on navigating practical challenges to access the inscriptions, which still lie scattered in the libraries, museums, private collection and remote custody. The second presentation was delivered by Dr Sandra Ng from Malaysia. Her work "Inner Guidance: Of Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese Buddhist Pilgrims” drew upon 27 in-depth interviews to explore the transformative experiences of pilgrims. By viewing pilgrimage in integrated spatiotemporal dimensions, Dr Ng hoped that her work will help to create a deeper understanding of the pilgrimage phenomenon and contribute to understanding the religiosity and spirituality of Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese Buddhists. By highlighting pilgrimage as a form of Buddhist cultivation, her research suggested how the social engagement and movement afforded by pilgrimage could foster ethics, happiness and mindful living. Pakistani scholar Dr Fasiha Ijlal in the audience noted similarities in Buddhist and Muslim pilgrims despite their different religious traditions. Dr Ng was pleased to hear about the observation, which verifies the universality of the notion of pilgrimage. The Humanistic Buddhism Special Interest Group is an initiative of Humanistic Buddhist Centre (HBC), Nan Tien Institute, and It continues to serve as a dynamic platform facilitating connections, discussions, and collaborations among individuals interested in Humanistic Buddhism research. To join its activities please visit https://www.nantien.edu.au/about-us/humanistic-buddhism-centre/research/sig/


Learn from his Compassion and Wisdom, the “Community of Practices” 2-month series to commemorate Venerable Master Hsing Yun has concluded

Priscilla Wong April 17, 2024 On 31 March, the Sunday “Community of Practices” Check-In to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s passing with a 2-month series has concluded. Community members shared their personal and inspiring tributes to Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Venerable Juewei commenced the sessions, sharing the Venerable Master’s example of leading with courage to undertake innovative initiatives which were initially met with great resistance.  However, his persistence and fortitude have resulted in the Fo Guang Shan we know today. Venerable reflected on how she draws strength from her teacher’s example - and asked each of us to consider how we too can take courageous action to make a positive impact on the world. Ina Denton (from the USA) and Cecile Manikan (from the Philippines) followed by sharing the joy of their personal interactions with the Venerable Master and also being the recipients of the kindness and generosity from his monastic students throughout the world. Under this genuine care, Ina undertook a personal journey from skeptic to humble student to dharma teacher, while Cecile marvelled at the art of nobility which all of us can be encouraged to practice and perfect. Lipeng Lim and Joey Yeo gave examples of how the Venerable Master’s actions and words guide us in both daily life, and when faced with life’s challenges. Joey was moved by a simple bookmark calling on him to safeguard the mind and encouraged us all to reflect on how we can be mindful of our every thought. Lipeng spoke of her admiration of the Venerable Master’s befriending of illness. Instead of resistance, anger and denial, we can see through his example the possibility to transform our experience to gratitude and acceptance. Stacey Weng gave different experiences of how the Master had touched their lives beyond form. photo/The Life News Agency Finally, our friends Xiaomeng Tian, Liam Carver and Stacey Weng gave different experiences of how the Master had touched their lives beyond form. Xiaomeng, despite never having met the Venerable Master, came to find a spiritual home in the study groups, educational institutes and communities of Fo Guang Shan. Stacey too, was delighted by the wonder and joy created by the artistic ventures nurtured by the Venerable Master - particularly in the Buddha’s Birthday Festivals (BBF) and Buddha’s Birthday Education Project (BBEP) which so many friends from around the world have contributed to. And Liam shared an internal journey of discovery. He confessed his initial disappointment at the dharma name Upholding Affinities given to him by the Venerable Master - a man he had only seen from afar, before gradually coming to appreciate how perfect the name and precious the gift were. Liam offered this final note of tribute to the Venerable Master which the community echoed: “You really were a star among the stars I could only aspire to” The Sunday Check In community now moves to our next series welcoming the authors of the 2023 book Cultivating Compassion who will present their chapters each week over the upcoming months.  The link is as follows: https://www.peterlang.com/document/1340151 To learn more, hear the Venerable Master Hsing Yun Tribute sessions, and to register for the Sunday Check In sessions, see the link: https://community.thebbep.org/2024-sunday-check-in/


2024 BLIA NZ Seminar

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand March 28, 2024 On 2nd and 3rd March 2024, the Buddha Light International Association (BLIA) North Island Chapter held a two-day seminar featuring insightful lectures by FGS Abbess Manshin, Minister in Charge of FGS Auckland Venerable Rulian and Senior Advisor Lintao YU. Over 50 BLIA members attended, engaging in interactive discussions and Q&A sessions, focusing on cultivating the right mindfulness and right views. Lay Dharma Teacher Lintao YU presented the story of BLIA’s Founding by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. He highlighted the Temple’s leadership in guiding the association with the principle of promoting kindness through culture and cultivating talents through education. YU implemented several projects such as the 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing, 366 Days with Wisdom Book Gifting Project and the Annual Art Salon. He expressed gratitude for the Temple’s guidance and the members’ dedication to community service. The Venerable Master says Stability is crucial, Venerable Rulian encouraged the attendees to find their life’s purpose and to enrich lives through service. By taking on responsibilities, one can discover one’s potential, apply wisdom to dignify life and strengthen confidence in faith. President Evelyn KU expressed appreciation for the active participation and idea-sharing, noting the seminar’s role in strengthening the team. Abbess Manshin emphasised the importance of wisdom in daily life. Referring to the Venerable Master’s teachings, where there is Dharma, there is a way, implying that any problem can be resolved with wisdom. Venerable Master also pointed out that BLIA members should engage in myriad activities and create myriad affinities. By serving in various platforms, individuals cultivate personal positive karmic retribution, which manifests good qualities through actions, speech and thoughts. Starting from oneself to construct a harmonious society. On the second day, Abbess addressed the questions that arose among the members while serving in various departments within the Temple. Using simple language, she shared practical experiences of skilful means, clarifying the relationships between wealth and service, attire and attitude, as well as between remorse and gratitude. The Abbess blessed the participants, expressing hope that everyone can shine brightly, excel in quality and gracefully realise one potential through collective efforts, refining a splendid life within the heart of gratitude.

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