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Oceania | 人間福報

FGS News

Buddha’s Light International Association of Solomon Islands celebrated its first Buddha’s Birth Day with a Bathing of the Buddha event

Claudia Hii May 20, 2024 On the 15th of May 2024, the Buddha’s Light International Association of Solomon Islands (BLIASI) celebrated its very first Buddha’s Birth Day, since the chapter’s inauguration, with a Bathing of the Buddha event in Honiara. Under the leadership of BLIASI President, Hii Yii Ging, BLIASI members, teachers from Woodford International School and local Solomon Islanders participated in the event. President of BLIASI, Hii Yii Ging, welcomed attendees by sharing the significance of bathing the Buddha. He expressed that by using fragrant water to bathe the statue of the infant Buddha, it is symbolic of the purification of our body, speech and mind to cultivate wisdom, as well as a reminder to practice the Three Acts of Goodness in our daily lives to do good deeds, speak good words and think good thoughts. Together, attendees read and discussed the origin, purpose and significance of bathing the Buddha, followed by a procedural demonstration of how to bathe the Buddha. Those in attendance then individually participated in the bathing of the Buddha ceremony. This was then followed by a vegetarian appreciation dinner organised by BLIASI in order to creatively showcase a variety of meat-free dishes using produce readily available in the country. As attendees enjoyed dinner, they reflected and shared their personal thoughts on their Bathing of the Buddha experience. Local Solomon Islander friends, Ketty Ribeni and Jennifer Rex, expressed that they were sincerely grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Bathing of the Buddha ceremony. They shared that Buddhism is new to them and generally unknown within the Solomon Islands, but through this event, they were able to understand the importance of self-reflection and that practicing the Three Acts Goodness starts from oneself. They were excited to share what they had learnt with their friends and to encourage them to practice doing good deeds, speaking good words and thinking good thoughts together. Maria Hernandez, Middle School Curriculum Coordinator from Woodford International School, is from the USA and not a Buddhist herself, but was interested in attending the event after hearing about it. She shared that when she was working in countries such as India and Japan, she encountered female monks and had many questions, which she never had the opportunity to ask. By attending this event, she was able to ask BLIASI committee members questions to better understand Buddhism, the concept of Humanistic Buddhism and its incorporation into her work and life. Additionally, she shared that she is looking forward to visiting Fo Guang Shan branches in countries where she will work in the future. BLIASI members summarised their thoughts and experiences by sharing that they felt peace and joy on Buddha’s Birth Day. By bathing the Buddha, it was a physical reminder to keep body, speech and mind pure, as well as to cultivate wisdom and compassion, which only comes through daily practice. To come together with like-minded individuals on the auspicious day of the Buddha’s birth was a moment of immense gratitude felt by all. As BLIASI’s first Buddha Birth Day celebrations came to a close, BLIASI members were inspired to continue propagating Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism teachings in the Solomon Islands.


Harmonizing Tradition and Innovation: Workshop on AI Tools for Writing and Translation

Michael April 22, 2024 On April 9, 2024, Nan Tien Institute's Centre for Humanistic Buddhism hosted an online workshop focusing on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in writing and translation. The workshop featured Venerable Miao Guang, Deputy Chancellor of Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, who provided innovative translation ideas for volunteers engaged in translating articles for the journal "Studies on Humanistic Buddhism" (https://journal.nantien.edu.au). The event attracted volunteers from regions including the United States, Mainland China, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and Taiwan. Exploring the AI Landscape The session kicked off with Venerable Miao Guang providing a comprehensive overview of the currently available AI technologies. Through relevant examples, she showcased how these tools not only streamline workflows but also elevate the quality of creative output. The workshopstressed the importance of harnessing AI tools responsibly, with a focus on understanding their limitations. Mastering the Art of AI Interaction A highlight of the workshop was the deep dive into the art of crafting effective AI prompts. Venerable Miao Guang elucidated how well-designed prompts can enhance AI-generated output.Participants were treated to live demonstrations and interactive exercises, experiencing firsthand the impact of strategic prompting on AI's responses. This hands-on approach allowed attendees to grasp the nuanced interplay between AI Capabilities and human creativity. Venerable Miao Guang encouraged reflection on how AI tools can complement the creative process, urging participants to leverage their human insight and creativity to guide AI output. Inspiring Future Integration As the workshop wrapped up, participants emerged with enriched perspectives on the integration of AI in writing and translation. More than just an introduction to AI tools, the  event served as a catalyst, inspiring attendees to explore innovative ways to incorporate technology into their creative workflows. The workshop underscored the potential of AI to serve as a powerful ally in the realm of writing and translation, provided it is guided by mindful and discerning human intervention. Venerable Miao Guang's session marked a significant step towards the harmonious fusion of technology and humanistic pursuits, paving the way for future explorations in the field.


FGS Christchurch Buddha’s Birthday Celebration: Nourishes the Pure Land of the Human World

Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch April 26, 2024 On 20 April 2024, Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch hosted the annual Buddha’s Birthday Celebration for World Peace, with nearly 800 people in attendance. The ceremony was led by the Abbess of FGS NZ Venerable Manshin, featuring the recitation of the Heart Sutra and the Prayer for World Peace written by the Founder of FGS Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Religious blessings were conducted by Reverend Canon Ben Truman, Dean of Christchurch Cathedral and Dr Surinder Tandon, President of the Christchurch Multicultural Council. Attendees in the temple offered flowers to the Buddha and bathed the statue of Prince Siddhartha. Devotees also prayed for inner purity and societal harmony. The celebration began with the City of Christchurch Highland Pipe Band playing Scottish bagpipes. Distinguished guests included the President of BLIA South Island, Bernie SIEW, the Mayor of Christchurch Mr Phil Mauger, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Christchurch Madame HE Ying, MP for Wigram Hon Dr Megan Woods, District Commander of the Canterbury Superintendent Tony Hill, The World Peace Bell Association Christchurch representative David Bolam-Smith, the University of Canterbury Professor Mike Reid, artists Tricia Morant and Hugh Rickard were in attendance. The Temple prepared special auspicious apples as a blessing for everyone’s peace and happiness. Abbess Manshin addressed the BLIA member’s efforts in building affinities and benefiting life through making connections, joyfully serving and practicing the Noble Eightfold Path, aiming to cultivate a pure mind and create a peaceful society. President Bernie expressed gratitude for the guidance of Abbess and the Temple, as well as the dedicated support of the volunteers, emphasizing that the happiness and peace of all humanity are the goals and direction of the BLIA members. Learning from Buddha’s spirit of respect and tolerance is about finding unity in diversity, practicing equality with an attitude of mutual understanding. Mayor Phil Mauger remarked that Buddha is one of the greatest spiritual leaders in history.  Buddha‘s teaching of compassion, understanding, non-violence, tolerance, love and respect for all life is what the world needs. Hon MP Megan Wood shared that practicing the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in life advocated by the Venerable Master will definitely create a harmonious nation and a beautiful world. Superintendent Tony Hill expressed that the police department highly values the interaction with the Temple and that the FGS spirit of the collective effort is essential as NZ Police force is committed to protecting the public’s safety, which requires everyone’s collective efforts to maintain safety. Consul General He Ying praised the vitality of the BLIA Young Adult Division, thanking FGS for its continuous efforts to promote Buddhist culture, education and charity, playing a significant role in enhancing multicultural integration in South Island NZ and actively spreading the ideals of world peace. The event also featured BLIA YAD dance performances, Baby & Children Blessing Ceremony, Tea Meditation sessions, vegetarian food fair, local market stalls and lucky draw, wishing that everyone brings peace and joy home.


International Webinar Explores Chinese Perspectives on Human-AI Interaction

Pema Duddul April 24, 2024 On April 10, 2024, Venerable Dr Juewei , the Director of Nan Tien Institute’s Humanistic Buddhism Centre Australia, participated as a panelist in an international online seminar. The seminar, titled "The Interface between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Approaches in Global Context," was hosted by the China Forum for Civilizational Dialogue, co-organized by Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and La Civiltà Cattolica. The event aimed to foster a comprehensive dialogue on conceptual and practical frameworks for navigating the evolving relationship between humans and AI. At the heart of the discussion were key themes unearthed from a series of closed workshops held throughout the 2022-2023 academic year. These workshops, which attracted scholars, artists, and AI experts from diverse disciplines, underscored the imperative of reimagining accountability amidst the ongoing technological revolution and emphasized the necessity of fostering collaborative and co-creative partnerships between humans and AI. The event's diverse panel of speakers brought a wealth of expertise and perspectives to the table. Among them was Dr. Juewei Shi from Nan Tien Institute, whose unique background blends two decades of experience in Humanistic Buddhism and Buddhist Studies with a deep understanding of artificial intelligence and business process re-engineering. Dr. Shi's presentation shed light on the contemporary applications of Buddhism in navigating the complexities of human-AI interaction, offering valuable insights gleaned from both academia and real-world experience.   Participants of  "The Interface between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Approaches in Global Context" online seminar. photo/The Life News Agency   Joining Dr. Shi were esteemed figures such as Thomas Banchoff, Director of Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs; Qiufan Chen, an award-winning Chinese science-fiction writer renowned for his visionary contributions to the genre; Rev. Nuno Gonçalves, S.J., Director of La Civiltà Cattolica; Fen Jennifer Lin, an associate professor at City University of Hong Kong specializing in media, communication, and technology; and Debora Tonelli, the event coordinator and a prominent researcher in the field of religious studies. Throughout the webinar, participants engaged in lively discussions that traversed the philosophical, cultural, and ethical dimensions of AI-human interaction. From the implications of AI on religious and spiritual practices to the role of storytelling in shaping public perceptions of AI, the conversations were as varied as they were insightful. One of the central themes that emerged from the dialogue was the need for a more inclusive global discourse on AI that incorporates diverse perspectives from across the world. While the conversation around AI has predominantly been led by voices from the United States and Europe, the webinar highlighted the importance of amplifying voices from regions such as China, which bring their own rich philosophical and cultural traditions to the table. As the webinar drew to a close, participants were left with a renewed sense of urgency to continue exploring the complex terrain of AI-human interaction. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and embracing diverse perspectives, the webinar laid the groundwork for future endeavors aimed at navigating the evolving interface between humans and AI in an increasingly interconnected world. For those interested in delving deeper into the discussions and learning more about the speakers and their work, recordings of the webinar and additional information can be found on the China Forum for Civilizational Dialogue's website: https://chinaforum.georgetown.edu/events/the-interface-between-human-and-artificial-intelligence-chinese-approaches-in-global-context


BLIA Sydney’s Sustainable Living Communal Learning Space: inspiring Happiness and Peace on Buddha’s Birthday

BLIA Sydney May 15, 2024 Buddha's Birthday Multicultural Festival took place at Darling Harbour, Sydney for the 30th time on April 27 and 28, 2024. In alignment with the festival theme of “Coexistence and Coprosperity”, BLIA Sydney East 1, West 1, and West 2 Subchapters created a “Sustainable Living” communal learning space at the festival to promote the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: "Good Health and Wellbeing." SDG3 is connected to the theme of "Happiness and Peace," proposed by the founding president of BLIA, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The Sustainable Living communal learning space was created to allow participants to "Learn, play, create, and be with Nature”, experience happiness and peace in life, in the hope of promoting sustainable wellbeing and coprosperity among all beings. At the "Happiness Corner", visitors could sit down and enjoy their very own hand-ground coffee, savour handmade flower vegan cookies, and just be in the present moment to experience simple pleasures in life. The "Happiness Corner” was inspired by the "Tea Pavilion of Fo Guang Shan, which offers free tea to visitors to recharge on their tour between Fo Guang Shan Monastery and Buddha Museum. It hopes to spread happiness and the spirit of the Four Givings: giving others confidence, joy, hope, and convenience. Artist and art practitioner Dr Cindy Chen hosted two art talks titled "Listening to Nature." In the interactive talks Cindy offered valuable insights into the creative process behind her work "Resonant Flows". She described how she created the collaborative artwork with nature in the rain along Parramatta and Lane Cove Rivers. Her art practice of embodied listening and emplaced experimental drawing was presented in simple and engaging language that children among the audience could understand. At the "Flower Pounding Art Workshop" organised by FGS Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and BLIA Sydney West subchapters, the public could try their hands at pound-dyeing, an intangible cultural heritage craft of China. The stall was filled with lively hammering sounds of adults and children decorating their “Happiness and Peace” eco-friendly cloth bags with pounded flowers and leaves. Audrey Blackman, a BLIA YAD volunteer at the workshop, received positive feedback from the participants. She was told that the session was therapeutic, and a lesson in mindfulness, and in accepting imperfections, something that is relevant in our lives. The SDG Communal Learning Space also featured artworks collected through the Fo Guang Three Acts of Goodness Young Artist Award drawing, writing and creative nature artwork competitions. The exhibition of nature artwork took inspirations from Venerable Master Hsing Yun's essay "My Little Animal Friends," to depict the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature and to convey messages of equality, compassion, and respect. To promote the Buddhist values of cherishing blessings and the SDGs, BLIA Sydney also organised a series of sustainable living workshops, highlighting ways to tackle food waste. Kathryn Sunantha from Bliss Pure Foods taught participants how to transform imperfect apples into apple cider vinegar and enzyme to harness their untarnished health effects. Environmental educator Louie Leung demonstrated composting and setting up a worm farm at home. Margaret Mossakowska from Moss House shared some practical sustainable practices, such as natural fermentation and creating natural skincare products from pantry items. Margaret also led two workshops on making eco-friendly beeswax wraps to encourage plastic free living. The Buddha's Birthday Sustainable Living communal learning space attracted nearly 500 visitors daily, offering a variety of hands-on activities that showcased the simplicity and joy of sustainable living and the harmonious coexistence with nature.


Multi-Faith Vigil in Sydney: Praying for World Peace and Harmony

Ben Jie May 22, 2024 On May 2, 2024, Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen of BLIA Sydney Chapter participated in the Multi-Faith Prayer Vigil event organized by The Abraham Conference Committee. The event took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Hall in Parramatta, Sydney. Approximately fifty guests attended, coming together to mourn the victims of recent violent incidents in the Sydney community and to pray for world peace. At the beginning of the gathering, Rev. Dr. Manas Goah, the chairperson of the organizing committee, emphasized the paramount importance of community safety and expressed zero tolerance for acts of violence. He called for collaboration among major religions to spread positive messages and unequivocally oppose all forms of violence. Subsequently, attendees lit peace candles, symbolizing hope for a brighter world. Religious leaders from various communities also offered prayers for the deceased and blessings for the society. Kate Xavier and Kim Chong from the organising committee expressed gratitude to Abbess Chueh Shan for representing the Buddhist community at the event. They look forward to future opportunities for collaboration and exchange with Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and BLIA Sydney Chapter in promoting interfaith initiatives. Mr. Suresh Dharmalingam, representing the Baha’i Temple, was deeply moved by the event. Despite differing beliefs, he recognized that all religious groups share a common goal: advocating for the community. He expressed hope that continued interfaith cooperation would foster harmony and unity within society. Abbess Chueh Shan highlighted the significance of participating in interfaith activities as a means to build friendships across diverse faiths and cultures. Through such exchanges, individuals gain knowledge and skills in interacting with people who hold different worldviews. The purpose of interfaith dialogue is to enhance understanding and respect for other religious systems and institutions, deepening our appreciation of their values. This interfaith interaction contributes to promoting peace, understanding, and tolerance on a global scale, aligning with Master Hsing Yun’s vision of “Humanistic Buddhism.” -- Captions Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta at the Multifaith Prayer Vigil with Rev Dr Manas Ghosh, Rabbi George Mordecai, Rabbi Jacqui Ninio, Rev Dr Patrick McInerney, Mr Ahmet Polat, Rev Dr Helen Richmond, Dr Urfi Hashmi, Ms Niloufar Khalajabadi, Ven Rabdrol Christine Beveridge, Mr Pandit Jatin Bhatt, Mr Sanmati Gandhi, Mr Jatinder Singh, Mr Ahmet Polat. Venerable Chueh Shan, Abbess of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen, Executive Committee Member of BLIA Sydney attended the Multifaith Prayer Vigil in St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall Parramatta to pray for world peace.


Buddhist Compassion: BLIA Sydney Chapter Provides Charity Lunch on Vesak Day

Florence Yuen May 30, 2024 On May 15, 2024, in celebration of Buddha’s birthday, BLIA Sydney Chapter organized a special charity event. Abbess Chueh Shan, the Guiding Venerable, led the team including Deputy Advisor General Vincent Hong, President Daniel Wu, Loving Care Group Western Subchapter and BLIA YAD Western Sydney team members to visit Parramatta Mission Meal Plus, a nonprofit organization affiliated with the Uniting Church in Australia, and to serve a delicious vegetarian lunch to over 150 vulnerable community members. Parramatta Mission has a rich history of over two centuries, focusing on supporting homeless individuals and those with mental health challenges. The Meal Plus program provides breakfast and lunch services on weekdays, along with accommodation and mental health support, aiming to enhance well-being and to empower community members. Service Manager Paul Moussa warmly welcomed Abbess Chueh Shan and the BLIA Sydney Chapter team, expressing heartfelt gratitude for their generous provision of vegetarian meals. The recipients of the lunch were full of praise for the food, expressing sincere thanks. Eunice Huynh, President of BLIA YAD Western Sydney shared her experience from the event. She emphasized the importance of faith and collective strength, gained through interacting with community members and learning from the process. Her wholehearted involvement made her acutely aware of social injustices, and she hopes that mutual assistance can ensure equal opportunities for everyone. She looks forward to more community service opportunities for the youth group to become responsible citizens. President Daniel Wu highlighted the significance of interacting with various religious organizations on Buddha’s birthday. The principle of Buddhist generosity advocates that “the giver and receiver are not different from one another.” Thus, there is only mutual respect instead of differentiation. He encouraged all volunteers to reflect on this, allowing BLIA Sydney Chapter to continue to grow and to improve on its provision of care to its members and the community. Abbess Chueh Shan stated that this charity lunch service at Parramatta Mission not only contributes tangibly to the community but also embodies the spirit of Buddhist compassion. By providing warm meals and care to those in need, they put the Buddha’s teaching of “relieving suffering” into action. This not only aligns with Buddhist charitable traditions but also strengthens connections with the community, promoting social harmony and inclusivity. The selfless dedication of the BLIA volunteer team exemplifies the true essence of giving, purifying hearts and elevating societal morality.


The 3G4G Theme Song Echoes Across Schools in New Zealand

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 21, 2024 On 1st May 2024, a total of 244 Year 7 students and teachers from Mission Heights Junior College, along with 300 Year 4 to Year 6 and parents from Mellons Bay School, made visits to Fo Guang Shan Auckland to participate in the 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing. They were warmly received by the Organising Committees of 3G4G. The New Zealand Police specially arranged for three school community officers, SEN CONST Matt Green, SEN CONST Marina Phillips, and SEN CONST Pauline Orpet, to escort the students walking to the Temple, providing them with lively interactive Q&A sessions during the program to enhance their safety awareness. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the education program, Buddha’s Light International  Association (BLIA) New York Chapter President Jenny CHEN composed a theme song titled 3G4G. Mission Heights Junior College’s Principal Ian Morrison has been a strong supporter of the 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing, arranging for students to participate in the program every year since its inception in 2014, spanning a continuous 10 years. Team leader Dr Rajesh Joshi stated that the 3G4G program has become one of the school’s highlight activities, expressing deep gratitude to the Temple for organizing this meaningful educational event yearly. She highlighted that through this program, students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and cultivate values of coexistence and co-prosperity. Mellons Bay School teacher Kylie Smith praised the program as well organised, noting that each session provides students with enriching learning experiences. Student Joshni shared that he enjoys writing calligraphy, finding the meticulous strokes of each character to be a focus-enhancing activity. He expressed a desire to return to the Temple with his parents over the weekend. Many parents and teachers were deeply impressed by this year’s theme song. They copied down the lyrics and expressed their desire for students to continue singing the song in the future. The lyrics of the theme song were simple and meaningful, coupled with the lively melody, which was full of vitality and infectiousness. Students found it easy to learn, with many being able to sing along after just two rounds of practice. The rich content of the activities has implanted the value of 3G4G into the hearts of every student. Students expressed their gratitude to the volunteers with lotus hand signs, joyfully stating, I will come back soon!


The 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing New Zealand Joyfully Commenced

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 17, 2024 The 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing has entered its 10th anniversary from 2014 to 2024. The Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple New Zealand following the Founder of the FGS Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concept of the Temple functions as an education centre, collaborated with the New Zealand Police and local schools to collectively build a harmonious society. Under the guidance of Abbess Manshin, participation has grown from 3 schools in the first year to 63 schools in 2024, with over 30,000 students, teachers and parents stepping into the Temple. Since its commencement, the New Zealand Police had 47 officers to support this education program fully, enabling students to understand and apply the principles of the Three Acts of Goodness and the Four Givings in making correct choices in life. In this 10th year, Auckland and Christchurch Temples have 23 schools, with over 4,000 students and teachers registering to participate. The one-month long Festival of Cultural Sharing commenced on 30th April 2024 at FGS Buddhist Temple in Auckland, 123 students from Year 4 to 6 from St Francis Catholic School, along with 27 teachers and parents visited joyfully. The students’ anticipation filled every corner of the Temple with vitality and enthusiasm. Students from St Francis Catholic School participating in the education program for the first time are divided into three groups to engage in various enriching activities in an orderly manner. These activities include watching the movie Life of Buddha, mindfulness meditation, calligraphy experience, incense offering, writing wishing cards and police interaction sessions. The specially prepared Three Goodness Rice from the Temple received high praise from the students. In addition, the exquisite pencils imprinted with 3G Wording also brought them surprises. Deputy Principal Olivia expressed gratitude to FGS Auckland for arranging such a rich and exciting program, stating that the visit provided students with an incredible experience. Director of  Religious Studies Veronica Jones, remarked that the values presented by 3G4G resonate with the school’s core values and the tranquillity of the Temple allowed students to engage deeply and enjoyably in the activities. Student Nikki shared that her favourite session was the mindfulness meditation in the courtyard, feeling extremely comfortable with the warm sunlight shining on her. Student Natalie expressed her delight in visiting the Temple, and learning how to become a better person through 3G4G. Students Kevin and David found the calligraphy experience quite challenging but expressed their determination to return for more practice.


BLIA Auckland YAD Consensus Seminar Exploring the Way of Interpersonal Relationship

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 22, 2024 The second session of the 2024 BLIA Auckland Consensus Seminar was held on 28th April at Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland. Over 40 youths participated in exploring the topic The WAY of Interpersonal Relationships. The session featured speakers, FGS NZ Abbess Venerable Manshin, Deputy President Larry YANG of BLIA North Island Chapter, Subchapter 1 President Mei CHAU, senior BLIA member Karen LEE and Temple’s Operation Manager Vicky Han. Through discussions and Q&A, the speakers guided the participants on how to build healthy, positive relationships using the right mindset and navigate challenges with wisdom. The YAD committees led a group dance practice to the song I Have Faith and used role-playing to demonstrate how to handle questions like upholding the Five Precepts, unreasonable arguments and dining etiquette. During the discussion, Deputy President Larry shared his personal experience of self-transformation noting how applying The Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teaching gave him strength and courage. He emphasised that by overcoming one’s blind spots, one can positively influence those around them. Sub-President Mei encouraged everyone to follow correct speech and conduct in daily life, using the precepts to grow in wisdom and confidence, while better handling interpersonal conflicts and challenges. Karen Lee encouraged the youth to stay true to their goals, form good affinities and plan diligently to achieve one’s dreams. Vicky highlighted the importance of respecting dress codes in the Temple as a basic manner and respect for Buddhism. She advised the participants to face unreasonable challenges with selflessness, not only doing things well but doing them correctly. In the Q&A session, Abbess Manshin encouraged the youth to seize the opportunity to ask questions and learn from good mentors. She shared her own experiences to inspire everyone to take responsibility and unleash their potential by practising the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings. Through hard work and service, one becomes generous and enriches their inner world. The BLIA Auckland Consensus Seminar concluded successfully. Participant ZHANG shared that the seminar helped her find hope and confidence at work and motivated her to take on challenges and improve herself. Another participant, Shawn HUANG, appreciated Abbess’s teaching on Giving and learned how to curb greed, realising the wisdom that comes from generosity is worth pursuing.

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