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Asia | 人間福報

FGS News

FGS Philippines at Taipei International Vegetarian Culture Festival

Fo Guang Shan Philippines June 13, 2024 Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Philippines and the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Philippines showcased Filipino products at the “2024 International Vegetarian Culture Festival ─ Joyous Vego Lifestyle” held at the Taipei World Trade Center from May 10 to 13. The event also featured a Prayer for Buddha’s Birthday and World Peace on May 12. Among the highlights were papaya soup, banana chips, virgin coconut oil, and dried mango, beloved for their natural flavors. BLIA advisor, Dharma Brother Erwin Choa, received honorary guests FGS Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau and Chancellor of FGS Cultural Council Most Venerable Yi Kong, alongside BLIA Pasig President Dharma Sister Betty Choa, Lily So, and Ngo-ngo Choa from the BLIA Hong Kong subchapter. Lily So has been volunteering at vegetarian expos in Taipei and mainland China since 2012, where she has showcased a diverse array of Filipino delicacies, beverages, handcrafted arts, and goods. She expressed gratitude, stating, “I am thankful to the Venerable Master for transforming me from a housewife to a proud Vegetarian Ambassador.” For 16 consecutive years, the Merit Times Newspaper has been organizing vegetarian expos centered around the theme of "Environmental and Spiritual Preservation." These expos aim to foster collaboration among industry, government, academia, and education to promote environmentally friendly vegetarian food and drive ecological development within the vegetarian food industry. With the ethos of "vegetarianism, environmental protection, and love for the earth," this year's event seeks to integrate sustainability into vegetarianism, in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The expo features 400 booths across 8 main areas and 20 immersive sections, representing 200 government agencies, members of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA), various religious groups, vegetarians, and plant-based health-conscious product companies. The 8 main areas include the Fo Guang Shan Main Pavilion, International Vegetarian Food, Vegetarian Food, Health and Wellness, Religious Literature and Goods, Carbon Reduction, Food and Agricultural Education, and Sporting Goods. Venerable Yung Guang, the Head Abbess of FGS Philippines, wholeheartedly endorsed the innovative initiatives promoting a meatless diet and sustainable lifestyle. She emphasized the importance of reading, exercise, and spiritual practice in achieving these goals. Venerable Yung Guang also acknowledged the contributions of FGS education institutions and consortium universities at the expo, which showcased creative culinary delights and performing arts to the public.


Fo Guang Shan Bacolod Yuan Thong Temple in the Philippines Hosts One-Day Zen Meditation for Artists

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 11, 2024 On June 1st, Fo Guang Shan Bacolod Yuan Thong Temple in the Philippines held an event called "One Day Meditation," attracting seven artists and friends. The event was inspired by artist Pnuema, who hoped to enhance self-cultivation and creative inspiration through meditation. Venerable Zhi Rong specially planned the One Day Zen retreat, which included meditation, walking meditation, Chinese Calligraphy, and tea Meditation. Participants were required to remain silent throughout the day to focus more on their inner cultivation. The activities, including meditation, walking meditation, and tea Zen, embodied the essence of Buddhist meditation practice. These activities not only helped participants concentrate and achieve inner peace but also allowed them to observe and understand their inner world more deeply through the practice of silence. This process of calming the mind is undoubtedly a great help to artists in their creative endeavors. Pnuema, a cultural artist passionate about charity work, also participated in a charity painting workshop, giving young people the opportunity to learn painting. He shared his insights, stating that he meditates every morning and practices Zen before doing anything to reduce stress and adjust his mood. He believes this habit helps him start afresh and face various challenges in life. Artist Arnel expressed regret that his brother Ariel, who had signed up, could not attend. This was Arnel's first experience with meditation, and although he was not very familiar with it, he felt changes in his body. Gilo, a student currently studying at the Binhi Art Workshop and very interested in painting, experienced meditation for the first time today. He found it almost impossible to sit still and was surprised at his lack of concentration. Ian Jay, a hypnotherapist, spoke about the importance of meditation in modern life. In today's fast-paced, high-pressure society, finding a way to relax both body and mind is crucial. He has been pursuing the state that meditation can achieve, only to realize that it requires a slow, step-by-step approach. Meditation has taught him to let go of many worldly worries, but once meditation ends, he has to face the realities of work, earning money, and stress. Rex, a physical therapist, reflected the common dilemma of many modern people—the conflict between spiritual practice and real life. Although meditation can bring moments of tranquility, once back to reality, the pressures of work and life return. However, as Pnuema mentioned, the daily habit of meditation can effectively reduce stress, adjust the mood, and help one face life's challenges more calmly. Ryn Paul, a painter who founded the charitable Binhi Art Workshop, which provides art education for children who cannot afford it, experienced meditation for the first time today. He learned about the Buddhist definition of Zen: Zen is life; the daily activities of living, walking, sitting, and lying down are all Zen. This method of improving life quality through meditation is not only applicable to artists but to everyone. Whether facing work pressure or life's difficulties, meditation can provide a method of balance and relief. It is hoped that more people can, like these artists, find inner peace through meditation and enhance their quality of life.


First Buddha Bathing Song Pop Dance Competition Successfully Held, Talisay Team Takes the Crown

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 6, 2024 On the afternoon of May 26, the Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple in Bacolod and the International Buddha’s Light Association Bacolod Subchapter jointly hosted the first "Buddha Bathing Song Pop Dance Competition." The event aimed to enhance interpersonal connections, promote fellowship, and encourage learning through dance competition. The participating teams came from various cities in the Western Visayas region, including San Carlos, Kabankalan, Talisay, and Bacolod. Each team consisted of 12-15 members, with nearly 200 participants in total. Many friends and family members also gathered at Yuan Thong Temple to cheer for the contestants. The competition featured an English Buddha Bathing Song composed by Fo Guang Shan Philippines, expressing respect for the Buddha. In Buddhism, dance has always held significant meaning, serving as a means for spreading the Dharma, offering sincere tribute to the Triple Gem, expressing encouragement, and conveying the joy of hearing the Dharma. It is also considered a form of spiritual practice. Before the competition began, all participants performed a Buddha bathing ceremony in the main hall and drew Guan Yin Dharma words, praying for victory. Venerable Zhi Rong led a blessing ceremony, followed by a performance of the Malaysian version of the Buddha Bathing Song by the students of the Yuan Thong Temple San Hao Dance Class. Each participating team made a lively entrance with a dance performance, creating a vibrant atmosphere. During the scoring break, emcee Ken engaged the audience with a trivia game, asking questions about the Three Acts of Goodness and the Chinese name of Yuan Thong Temple. This not only deepened the participants' understanding of the Three Acts of Goodness but also left a lasting impression of Yuan Thong Temple’s name. Judges Champ Tipon, Ismael C. Magbanua, and Kryz Ezra Victoriano, all active in major dance competitions, were impressed by the teams' ability to deliver high-quality performances without resorting to dangerous moves. This showcased the participants' talent and dedication. Supervisor Rosita Gochangco and others recognized the benefits of this event, which promoted artistic exchange through dance. Buddhism, with its inclusive and peaceful nature, has always blended with local customs wherever it spreads, creating unique cultural expressions. In today's world of sound and color, Buddhist dance conveys spiritual messages through elegant gestures, varied hand movements, and melodious tunes, achieving an educational and entertaining effect. Despite the common belief that the first performance is often scored the harshest, today's first performer, Baile Dance Group, won the championship. The Kabankalan team, supported by the local Department of Education and led by teacher Jewelyn Q. Cadigal, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to participate and gain experience. Participants ranged from 11 to 33 years old, showcasing youthful energy and graceful, powerful performances, regardless of age or gender. The award winners are as follows: Champion: Baile Dance Group (from Talisay City) 1st Runner-Up: Obsequious Negros 2nd Runner-Up: Monggolock Special Awards: Best in Choreography: Baile Dance Group Best in Costume: Tabugon Performing Group Best in Cheer: Monggolock Best in 3 Acts of Goodness Application: Baile Dance Group


Community Engages in Heartwarming Buddha Bathing Tour to Fulfill Devotees' Wishes

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 5, 2024 On May 23. Abbess Venerable Miao Jing of Mabuhay Temple, along with Ven. Ru Liang, Ven. Zhi Min, and around 15 members of the BLIA, conducted a Buddha Bathing tour in Greenhills and Valenzuela. Due to the significant attention drawn by the previous Buddha Bathing Ceremony in the community, Head Abbess Fo Guang Shan Philippines Venerable Yung Guang instructed to fulfill the wishes of devotees with limited mobility. As a result, a special home visit Buddha Bathing event was arranged today. This initiative ensures that the elderly have the opportunity to participate in the Buddha Bathing ritual, striving to fulfill their wishes as much as possible. Today they visited Brigido Ong as Fo Guang Shan Educator Benefactor and Emilia Tan  with a total of around 100 people joining the event. The Buddha Bath cart is newly designed to stand alone by BLIA Philippines advisor Erwin Choa. He used a pull-out handle to hold the lotus poster, LED candles and green lawn to make the peaceful vibe of Lumbini garden where the Buddha was born. Ven. Zhi Min highlighted that when the baby Buddha was born, auspicious signs appeared as nine dragons poured water over his body. This act of bathing the Buddha commemorates his birth and signifies that his compassion, like Dharma water, cleanses both our inner defilements and the dirt of this human world. She introduced the practice of making three vows: to do good deeds, say good words, and think good thoughts while bathing the Buddha with both hands. Ven. Miao Jing delivered a Dharma message, noting that baby Buddha and baby Jesus Santa Niño meet twice every year: once during the "When Buddha Meets Gods" event on December 25, and again at the Sinulog Grand Parade in January. She emphasized that seeing each other with our eyes, hearing each other with our ears, and being kind to each other in our thoughts brings happiness and peace through mutual respect. Wang Lirong, Vice President of the Pasig Chapter, has participated in five ceremonies this year. She recalled Venerable Master's teaching to "reach out" and bring joy to people. Witnessing the sincere prayers of those who bathed the baby Buddha filled her heart with the purity of Buddha's blessings. Christy Chen expressed her happiness in welcoming the baby Buddha to her family factory in Valenzuela. She noted that the long-serving workers took this opportunity to share Buddhist culture. Additionally, having the monastics offer prayers for safety and good health on Buddha's Birthday under the tree was a significant blessing.


Venerable Hui Hao's Inspirational Speech at Guang Ming College Encourages Students to Surpass Themselves

Ji Chen June 4, 2024 On May 21st, Venerable Hui Hao, the abbot of Fo Guang Shan Seoul, accompanied by Venerable Miao Jing, the abbess of FGS Mabuhay Temple, Venerable Zhi Qin, the secretary-general of the Buddha's Light International Association Philippines Chapter, Marlene Lao, and Korean entrepreneur Mr. Kim Ku-Young, visited Guang Ming College in Tagaytay, Philippines. Venerable Hui Hao delivered an inspirational speech titled "Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Teachings by Example and Word" to an audience of more than a hundred students. The college community warmly welcomed the delegation with a lively performance of the "Four Givings" song and a tour of the campus. Venerable Hui Hao shared his lifelong aspiration to become a monk, recounting how he joined the novice Buddhist school at Taiwan's Fo Guang Shan Monastery at the age of 14. After completing his military service in Korea, he returned to the monastery, serving as a translator for Venerable Master Hsing Yun and assisting in various Chinese-Korean exchanges. Venerable Master Hsing Yun profoundly influenced him with the words: "Hui Hao, surpass me; do not follow the old path. Meditation is rest, activity is practice, and practice is about cultivating the mind." This steadfast belief inspired the students to strive for self-improvement. Korean entrepreneur Mr. Kim Ku-Young expressed deep admiration for Venerable Master Hsing Yun's vision in founding Guang Ming College. Paulline Angeles, a first-year student in the Dance and Arts Department, expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to study at Guang Ming College and was deeply moved by Venerable Hui Hao's speech. She felt enlightened and inspired to study diligently, break through her limitations, surpass her past self, and create a better future. Victor Akinyede, a second-year student and member of the basketball team from the Sports Science Department, found great encouragement in Venerable Hui Hao's teachings on life's path and direction. Originally from Nigeria, Victor discovered a sense of belonging at Guang Ming College. He appreciates the beautifully constructed sports facilities and the international platform provided by the "BLIACUP University Basketball Tournament." Venerable Hui Hao's words filled him with hope and confidence, motivating him to excel in basketball to give back to Fo Guang Shan. Marry Joy, a first-year student in the Buddhist Studies Department, learned from Venerable Hui Hao's speech the importance of making correct choices and persevering. Despite life's uncertainties, she believes that with the right path, unwavering willpower, and confidence, success is inevitable. Rey-Mark Garcia felt that Venerable Hui Hao's greatest message was the need for dedication to overcome challenges and achieve one's aspirations. Mr. Kim Ku-Young invited Venerable Hui Hao and his delegation to visit the Cavite Korean Meditation Center and the K-12 Lumbini Institute, which he established at the age of 60. Venerable Hui Hao praised Mr. Kim and his wife's unwavering commitment to Buddhism. For 17 years, they have arranged for monks from Korea to give teachings, enabling Koreans in the Philippines to continue their Buddhist faith and establishing schools to teach Buddhism to Filipinos.


Sagay Education Bureau Visits Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple to Exchange TAG School Campus Concepts

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 4, 2024 On May 16th, Dr. Josette P. Balandra, Sagay Education Bureau, led a delegation of six, including art teachers and elementary and middle school teachers, to visit Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple. The visit was in preparation for the upcoming Buddha's Birthday celebration. They were warmly received by Ven. Zhi Rong, who represented the temple, and the teachers participated in a bathing Buddha ceremony, crafting lotus flowers on the spot as offerings. Dr. Josette expressed her honor in representing Filipino educators at the upcoming award ceremony and year-end exhibition for the Three Act of Goodness School Campus initiative held by Fo Guang Shan in Kaohsiung. Sagay City has been the sole Filipino city where all primary and secondary schools have implemented the Three Act of Goodness School Campus concept for several years now. Before departing, Dr. Josette specifically visited the temple to express gratitude to the Buddha. She noted that Fo Guang Shan organizes many meaningful events, with the current Transcendence Lotus Art Exhibition at Yuan Thong Temple showcasing local artists' interpretations of lotus flowers. Dr. Josette hopes that everyone can embody the principles of the Three Act of Goodness. Rema Aguirre, from Sagay National High School, oversees the school's art and activity programs. She has long been involved in and enthusiastic about activities at Fo Guang Shan, recognizing their educational significance. Lyn Lacson, from Sagay City Ecozone Farm School, visited Yuan Thong Temple for the first time and was filled with curiosity. She expressed gratitude to Dr. Josette for the invitation and persistence in arranging this visit over the years. Rose Mermida showed a keen interest in Buddhist artifacts, finding them and Taiwan's artistic creations to be imbued with sacredness and unique flavors. Before concluding their visit, the teachers agreed to return on May 26th to participate in a Three Act of Goodness School Dance event at Yuan Thong Temple.


Tourism Students Visit Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple for Profound Cultural Educational Journey

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 3, 2024 On May 17th, nearly 200 freshmen and juniors from the Tourism Department of State University of Northern Negros in Sagay City embarked on a visit to the Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple in the city of Bacolod, Philippines. This visit was part of their specialized practical experience course, led by the school teacher Ellen, with the Dean Richel expressing delight at the realization of this cultural educational trip, emphasizing that field visits provide deeper insights than textbook learning. Volunteers from the Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple, Lyra Ong, Nena King, and Cora, assisted in the visit. Cora introduced the students to the history of the temple, its meditation hall, a brief overview of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and the situation of the Guang Ming College of the Philippines, Tagatay. Venerable Zhi Rong explained the collaboration between Fo Guang Shan in the Philippines and the Philippine Department of Education in the TAG Project, advocating the "Three Act of Goodsness Movement" – Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words, and Think Good Thoughts. She emphasized the universal law of cause and effect, stating "as you sow, so shall you reap." The students resonated with this concept, acknowledging that their attitudes influence their surroundings. Venerable Zhi Rong also discussed the significance of the ceremonial bath, emphasizing that it serves as both a commemoration and a reminder, with the Buddha not needing bathing, but rather our hearts needing purification to resonate with the Buddha's teachings. Guided by volunteers, the students participated in the bathing ceremony and pledged to uphold the "Three Act of Goodness," aspiring to be compassionate, kind, and noble individuals, spreading joy to themselves and others. They also crafted handmade lotus flowers as souvenirs from their visit to the temple. Student John drew a Dharma word fortune stick, feeling a connection between his wishes and the outcome. Venerable Zhi Rong explained the symbolism of the lotus flower gesture, representing purity and openness, using one's pure and open heart to show respect to others. Finally, the students toured a “Transcendence” lotus flower art exhibition, appreciating the various emotions expressed by the artists through different themes of lotus paintings. School staff Angel and Steffi expressed great satisfaction with the visit, learning about the "Three Act of Goodness" and experiencing the beauty of religious exchange. This visit not only broadened the students' horizons but also deepened their understanding of Buddhist culture. Through field visits and participation in activities, the students gained a deeper understanding of the concepts of cause and effect and the "Three Acts of Goodness Movement," pledging to practice these in their daily lives to contribute positively to society. Dean Richel expressed hope for more similar activities in the future, allowing students to gain valuable experiences and insights.


BLIA at Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network to Uplift Children and Youth

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 31, 2024 On May 2, 2024, together with 25 faith-based representatives, Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Hong Kong Subchapter Dharma Sister Belinda Tantuco was invited to attend Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network organized by UniHarmony Partners of Manila, and expounded on the topic "Interfaith Women’s Planning Meeting" with faith-based women leaders. Based on the practice of Humanistic Buddhism, Belinda Tantuco raised three social concerns which might be addressed when we have faith. First, BLIA advocates Three Acts of Goodness (TAG) to do good deeds, say good words and think good thoughts. We introduced TAG to the Department of Education as what we had had the subject of Good Manners and Right Conduct growing up. Moral values, proper manners and instilling character formation in our youth development can better social order. Second, BLIA teaches Five Precepts and Five Harmonies to build strong family, societal and environmental relationships. Third, BLIA sponsors youth education through the Guang Ming College scholarship to alleviate poverty and make education accessible. We have seen education flipped life. The Interfaith Women's Planning Meeting has focused on leadership and family value to improve life quality for children and youth.  All who attended had expressed the spirit of altruism and had admired the true spirit of altruism in Venerable Master Hsing Yun as a Buddhist Bodhisattva. Every thought, each word and  action have always shown deep concern, loving care and well-being of others.


Appreciating the collective vision in wisdom during Fo Guang Shan International University Consortium and Presidents Forum

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 31, 2024 At the annual Fo Guang Shan International University Consortium (FGSIUC) Meeting and President Forum last March 2024, the GMC delegation was led by Head Abbess Venerable Yung Guang of Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Philippines and Dr. President Michael Lim Tan of the youngest consortium member, Guang Ming College (GMC) Philippines, accompanied by Academic Affairs Director Prof. Katherine Sabate, Student Affairs and International Mobility Director Prof. Maru Percela, Prof. Shena Pacano and Prof. Heidi Emelo. The week-long forum was attended by 110 Buddhist education leaders and scholars of 44 worldwide universities from 12 nations and regions, expounding on the theme "remembering the application of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's compassion and wisdom." Head Abbess Venerable Yung Guang expressed that the special topic on artificial intelligence (AI) is timely and powerful as worldwide expertise on Buddhism and Buddhist University assembled to identify the current management climate and discuss future prospective using Buddha's wisdom. Dr. President Michael Lim Tan of the youngest consortium member, Guang Ming College (GMC) Philippines, announced that GMC would celebrate the 10th Founding Anniversary in 2024 to pay tribute to the Founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun for the noble vision to offer scholarship in hope that GMC scholars should be the "leaping carp over the dragon gate". GMC was inaugurated by FGS Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau last June 2023. Since then, GMC had completed the restoration of the former construction office into a Multifunctional Facilities and the installation of a container dormitory for basketball players. Dr. Lim Tan further reported on two start-up courses of music theater and human services. Prof. Sabate applauded that the 46 Memorandum of Understanding on academic linkages were being signed and led by Dr. Chancellor Kirby Yung of FGSIUC to strengthen affairs and resolve concerns of Buddhist founded universities. She remarked that such effort should prompt advancement across and interdisciplinary studies. Humanistic Buddhism as a religion and research is a rising work in performing arts and sports. Prof. Percela was inspired by the Opening Speech given by Most Venerable Hsin Bau to apply prajna-wisdom in teaching and learning as in cultivating to transcend from ordinary. As the founding faculty of GMC, she followed Venerable Master Hsing Yun's vow to focus on nurturing talents through education. In his keynote speech, Dr. Ovid Tzeng the former Minister of Education and academician of Academia Sinica emphasized that the future role of university shall "move forward toward the goal of creating a higher education for a humanized ecologically and economically balanced future industrial societies" in which human learns to know, to do, to resolve, further to be free and become the universal one. The GMC delegates also joined the parade to offer Dharma Treasures Entering the Underground Palace of Buddha Museum on FGS Devotee's Day. Prof. Haidi and Prof. Shena were grateful for the opportunity to be part of the applied wisdom of Venerable Master Hsing Yun to capsule today's items which would only be revealed one hundred years later from the underground palace.


Dr. President Kirkpatrick of NanTien Institute Australia strengthening consortium bonding in the Philippines

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 30, 2024 On May 10, 2024, Dr. President Denise Kirkpatrick of Nan Tien Institute (NTI), Australia was welcomed by Dr. President Michael Lim Tan to meet Guang Ming College (GMC) faculty and students. Both NTI and GMC are members of Fo Guang Shan (FGS) International University Consortium founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun whilst affiliated with FGS Buddhist monastic order. Dr. Kirkpatrick introduced the physical appearance and courses at NTI which is a beautiful contemporary small graduate institution. She emphasized that NTI supports academic and social engagement through experiential learning, thus, creates an environment to develop self-understanding along with analytical and critical capacities. NTI fosters skills and knowledge from contemporary Western research and established Eastern thinking to aspire compassionate leaders with a diversity of perspectives. NTI students may enhance personal life and contribute to improved professional performance. Dr. Kirkpatrick shared her journey in education with Venerable Master Hsing Yun whom contribution his whole life to uplift quality of life through scholarships around the world. Both NTI and GMC are young yet culture the holistic learning environment where students are equipped with Humanistic Buddhism philosophy, knowledge, culture and ethics in one's life and others. Ms. Veronica Chan the psychometrician at GMC is inspired by Dr. Kirkpatrick's joy in talking to the students and her life-long devotion to teach. Her enthusiasm to learn history and culture is charming and intelligent. Dr. Kirkpatrick met the FGS Venerable Abbess Miao Jing and the Education Benefactors in Mabuhay Temple. She said, "Thank you for your generosity to construct and support all campuses of FGS International University Consortium, as you continue the legacy of Venerable Master Hsing Yun in contributing to betterment of humanity through worldwide education."

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