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FGS News

BLIA South Island NZ Training and Fellowship Seminar with Newly Appointed YAD President

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand April 1, 2024 On 16th March 2024, BLIA South Island held a Training and Fellowship Seminar at the Fo Guang Shan Christchurch Temple. The session featured insights from Minister in Charge of FGS Christchurch Venerable Juexi, Subchapter Senior Advisor CAO Qian, and Subchapter 1 President Tiffany SU. The session was attended by over 40 members, including Subchapter Senior Advisor Louisa KUO, BLIA South Island Deputy Presidents James LOW and Dong ZHANG and other committees. During the event, a charter ceremony was conducted for the newly appointed BLIA Young Adult Division Christchurch President Tim SONG and Deputy President Elaine HUANG. President Tiffany SU, quoted Venerable Master Hsing Yun, encouraged all participants to serve the community, thus forging positive connections. She emphasized that BLIA members strive to purify human minds, fostering compassion within society and making a meaningful historical impact through organising various activities. Senior Advisor CAO Qian shared her personal experiences to convey the essence of the BLIA and the attitudes that members should maintain. She stressed Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teachings for BLIA members to embrace virtues of unity and benevolence, and to actively engage in the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in their daily lives to cultivate happiness and peace. Venerable Juexi highlighted the significance of essence, form, and function in practice. Venerable encouraged attendees to develop wisdom as the essence, compassion as the form, and skilful means for function, as one should return to the basics by cultivating the right understanding and right view from within. Venerable urged BLIA members to care for all beings and practice the principles of Truthfulness, Virtue, and Beauty inherent in Humanistic Buddhism at all times. The session also included vibrant and energetic singing by the YAD group. Attendees expressed their appreciation for the organizers’ dedication, gaining deeper insights into BLIA’s operations and feeling proud to be part of the community.


The 3G4G Theme Song Echoes Across Schools in New Zealand

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 21, 2024 On 1st May 2024, a total of 244 Year 7 students and teachers from Mission Heights Junior College, along with 300 Year 4 to Year 6 and parents from Mellons Bay School, made visits to Fo Guang Shan Auckland to participate in the 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing. They were warmly received by the Organising Committees of 3G4G. The New Zealand Police specially arranged for three school community officers, SEN CONST Matt Green, SEN CONST Marina Phillips, and SEN CONST Pauline Orpet, to escort the students walking to the Temple, providing them with lively interactive Q&A sessions during the program to enhance their safety awareness. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the education program, Buddha’s Light International  Association (BLIA) New York Chapter President Jenny CHEN composed a theme song titled 3G4G. Mission Heights Junior College’s Principal Ian Morrison has been a strong supporter of the 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing, arranging for students to participate in the program every year since its inception in 2014, spanning a continuous 10 years. Team leader Dr Rajesh Joshi stated that the 3G4G program has become one of the school’s highlight activities, expressing deep gratitude to the Temple for organizing this meaningful educational event yearly. She highlighted that through this program, students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and cultivate values of coexistence and co-prosperity. Mellons Bay School teacher Kylie Smith praised the program as well organised, noting that each session provides students with enriching learning experiences. Student Joshni shared that he enjoys writing calligraphy, finding the meticulous strokes of each character to be a focus-enhancing activity. He expressed a desire to return to the Temple with his parents over the weekend. Many parents and teachers were deeply impressed by this year’s theme song. They copied down the lyrics and expressed their desire for students to continue singing the song in the future. The lyrics of the theme song were simple and meaningful, coupled with the lively melody, which was full of vitality and infectiousness. Students found it easy to learn, with many being able to sing along after just two rounds of practice. The rich content of the activities has implanted the value of 3G4G into the hearts of every student. Students expressed their gratitude to the volunteers with lotus hand signs, joyfully stating, I will come back soon!


Premier's Harmony Dinner: Nan Tien Temple to co-build an Inclusive and Multicultural Society

Francis Wong April 1, 2024 The 12th Premier's Harmony Dinner of New South Wales, Australia, was grandly held on the evening of 13 March at the Sydney International Convention Centre, recognizing individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to promoting community harmony and inclusivity, showcasing the charm of New South Wales as a successful multicultural society. Venerable Miao You, Director and Company Secretary of the Nan Tien Institute, and Venerable Zhi Li, Director for Social Education of Nan Tien Temple, were invited to attend. The Hon. Christopher John Minns MP, Premier of New South Wales, and The Hon. Steven Kamper MP, Minister for Multiculturalism, emphasized the importance of embracing multiculturalism in their speeches and praised those who have contributed to this cause. Nick Kaldas APM, Chair of the Multicultural New South Wales Advisory Board, and CEO Joseph La Posta also welcomed attendees, stating that in the current uncertain world, strengthening community relations and social cohesion are crucial. The official ceremony of the dinner included the presentation of the Multicultural Honor Roll, Excellence in Heritage Awards, and the Premier's Multicultural Community Medals, covering various fields such as sports, lifelong community service, community harmony, business excellence, human rights, regional unity, youth, arts and culture, language services, and community language teachers. The ceremony featured exciting performances, including the national anthem and songs such as "Give You Love," "Larissa Kovalchuk," and "Faith Sosenē" performed by the Combined Choir of New South Wales Community Language Schools Association. Venerable Miao You stated that Humanistic Buddhism emphasizes compassion and harmony, which aligns with the multicultural ideals advocated by New South Wales. Through participation in the Premier's Harmony Dinner, Nan Tien Temple can enhance communication with other religious and cultural groups, working together to build a harmonious and inclusive society. Venerable Zhi Li pointed out that Nan Tien Temple is committed to promoting exchanges among community members from different cultural backgrounds, contributing to the construction of a harmonious society. Lome Tengere of the Griffith Multicultural Council NSW expressed his honour to participate in the Premier's Harmony Dinner and to meet new friends from Nan Tien Temple. He also mentioned that he was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the temple with his family and share beautiful memories. Basim, Manager of Navitas Skilled Futures, shared that on Harmony Day, being able to gather with multicultural groups and people from different countries to celebrate unique cultural traditions was a great experience for him. He also mentioned that he had visited Buddhist temples himself and really enjoyed the atmosphere there. Government official Adul expressed his happiness to see the venerables from Nan Tien Temple at the Premier's Harmony Dinner and thanked everyone for their presence.


Exploring the Footsteps of Buddha in the Garden of the Mind at the Sydney Buddha's Birthday Festival to Celebrate 30 Years of Multiculturalism

Francis Wong May 24, 2024 The 30th "2024 Buddha's Birthday and Multicultural Festival " was held over two consecutive days on 27 and 28 of April in Darling Harbour, Sydney's central business district. Upholding the mission of Fo Guang Shan to " Propagate the Dharma Through Culture," a special "Cultural Zone" was set up under the theme "Exploring the Footsteps of Buddha in the Garden of the Mind." Through elegant and rustic decorations, visitors were guided to participate and interact, further understanding that Buddha was human, not divine; Buddha was born, practiced, and attained enlightenment as a human being; Buddha's teachings are what people need—purifying, virtuous, and beautiful. "Exploring the Footsteps of Buddha in the Garden of the Mind" traverses through the life of Buddha, making it easy for visitors to understand and become interested in the events of Buddha's life. Through creative games and interactive activities, the organizers invited visitors to visit six "Experience Stations" of Buddha's life. Completing all six stations earned them a Buddha's Birthday auspicious cord as a souvenir. The journey begins with the birth of the lotus, guiding visitors into the "Joy of Birth" Lumbini Garden with seven lotus flowers. Buddha's birth brings light and hope, allowing sentient beings to understand the true meaning of life and happiness in life. Visitors can bathe the Buddha, offer flowers, light, and connect with Buddha. The "Four Sights" exhibit shows Prince Siddhartha experiencing the suffering of sickness, old age, and death, and seeing the dignified monk, inspiring him to renounce worldly life and seek eternal happiness. "The Path of Practice" and "Buddha's Enlightenment" depict Prince Siddhartha's six years of asceticism and his enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, realizing the truths of "dependent origination" and "equality of all beings," awakening to the true meaning of life and becoming the Buddha of humanity. The organizers set up a "Buddha's Enlightenment Zone" where visitors can meditate under the Bodhi tree, experiencing inner peace, and eagerly taking photos as mementos. "The First Turning of the Dharma Wheel" explains Buddha's teachings of the "Four Noble Truths" and the "Noble Eightfold Path." The organizers specially designed eight Dharma wheels originated from India. Visitors can spin the wheels freely, and if they stop at one of the right paths, they can learn its meaning and how to apply it in daily life through illustrated storyboards. By integrating games into education and engaging with Buddhist teachings, visitors gain insights. Completing all six station activities earns them a Buddhist multi-coloured auspicious cord, representing the wisdom, equality, compassion, peace, and purity of Buddha. The organizers also arranged various cultural and artistic activities for visitors to participate in, including DIY art stations, painting three-dimensional Buddha feet, making lotus flowers with twist ties, stringing Buddhist beads, and experiencing tea meditation and Zen to understand traditional Chinese tea culture and find inner peace. The "Cultural Zone" showcases the manners of Buddha's life and his teachings, proclaiming the true meaning of life, increasing happiness, peace, and joy, aiming to achieve the theme of the Buddha's Birthday Festival, "Coexistence and Coprosperity." Clr. Barbara Ward, a councillor from Ku-ring-gai Council, was honoured to attend the Buddha's Birthday celebration in Darling Harbour. She pointed out that celebrating Buddha's birthday is also celebrating his wisdom; Buddha advocated peace, hoping to promote social harmony and world peace with Buddha's wisdom.


Multi-Faith Vigil in Sydney: Praying for World Peace and Harmony

Ben Jie May 22, 2024 On May 2, 2024, Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen of BLIA Sydney Chapter participated in the Multi-Faith Prayer Vigil event organized by The Abraham Conference Committee. The event took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Hall in Parramatta, Sydney. Approximately fifty guests attended, coming together to mourn the victims of recent violent incidents in the Sydney community and to pray for world peace. At the beginning of the gathering, Rev. Dr. Manas Goah, the chairperson of the organizing committee, emphasized the paramount importance of community safety and expressed zero tolerance for acts of violence. He called for collaboration among major religions to spread positive messages and unequivocally oppose all forms of violence. Subsequently, attendees lit peace candles, symbolizing hope for a brighter world. Religious leaders from various communities also offered prayers for the deceased and blessings for the society. Kate Xavier and Kim Chong from the organising committee expressed gratitude to Abbess Chueh Shan for representing the Buddhist community at the event. They look forward to future opportunities for collaboration and exchange with Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and BLIA Sydney Chapter in promoting interfaith initiatives. Mr. Suresh Dharmalingam, representing the Baha’i Temple, was deeply moved by the event. Despite differing beliefs, he recognized that all religious groups share a common goal: advocating for the community. He expressed hope that continued interfaith cooperation would foster harmony and unity within society. Abbess Chueh Shan highlighted the significance of participating in interfaith activities as a means to build friendships across diverse faiths and cultures. Through such exchanges, individuals gain knowledge and skills in interacting with people who hold different worldviews. The purpose of interfaith dialogue is to enhance understanding and respect for other religious systems and institutions, deepening our appreciation of their values. This interfaith interaction contributes to promoting peace, understanding, and tolerance on a global scale, aligning with Master Hsing Yun’s vision of “Humanistic Buddhism.” -- Captions Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta at the Multifaith Prayer Vigil with Rev Dr Manas Ghosh, Rabbi George Mordecai, Rabbi Jacqui Ninio, Rev Dr Patrick McInerney, Mr Ahmet Polat, Rev Dr Helen Richmond, Dr Urfi Hashmi, Ms Niloufar Khalajabadi, Ven Rabdrol Christine Beveridge, Mr Pandit Jatin Bhatt, Mr Sanmati Gandhi, Mr Jatinder Singh, Mr Ahmet Polat. Venerable Chueh Shan, Abbess of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen, Executive Committee Member of BLIA Sydney attended the Multifaith Prayer Vigil in St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall Parramatta to pray for world peace.


Year of the Dragon Celebration at Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand February 20, 2024 From 9th to 11th February 2024, the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch held a series of celebrations to welcome the Year of the Dragon. Almost 2,000 attendees gathered at the Temple to celebrate the beginning of the Lunar New Year. Venerables led the congregation in paying homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the eve and the first day of the Chinese New Year. A Prayer for the New Year, written by the Founder of the FGS Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, was recited. Everyone wishes Happy Chinese New Year to the Head Abbot of FGS Buddhist Order Most Venerable HsinBau, the FGS NZ Abbess Manshin, and all present. Videos of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and Head Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bao bestowing blessings for 2024 were watched by the attendees. They were also presented with the traditional auspicious red packets and calligraphy with good wishes for a blessed and prosperous new year. Family members of all ages visited the Temple to make offerings and prayers with incense, light and flower offerings to express their hopes for the coming year. The crowd struck the bell of happiness, engaged in sutra transcription, took the Wise Words of the Venerable Master, and enjoyed the auspicious porridge meal. There was a full house at the Water Drop Teahouse, with everyone joyfully participating in the events. They are grateful for the meticulous arrangements made by the temple staff and for the joyful contributions of the volunteers. The Chinese New Year festivities included vibrant and traditional lion dance performances, which attracted many visitors. Residents came from all over the community to witness the festival, immersing themselves in the pleasant festive cultural atmosphere. Moreover, the God of Wealth also appeared, distributing candies which symbolized spiritual and financial prosperity to everyone. Venerable Juexi, Minister in Charge of FGS Christchurch shared the importance of seizing opportunities to serve others and cultivating spiritual merits and wealth in the new year, in addition to earning money and accumulating wealth. Venerable stated that one should continue to maintain harmonious interpersonal relationships, understand the causes and effects in the world, and deal joyfully with people and situations.  Spiritual merits are treasures greater than wealth.


Jiangsu Province Buddhist Association from China Visited FGS Auckland NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand March 28, 2024 On 16 March 2024, a delegation from the Jiangsu Province Buddhist Association, including Abbot of Nanjing’s Qixia Temple Venerable LongXiang, Abbot of Xuzhou’s Xinghua Chan Temple Venerable GuoGuang, Abbess of Rugao’s Fahua Temple Venerable ZhaoKong and the Academic Affairs Head of Jiangsu Buddhist College Venerable ZongZe, visited Fo Guang Shan Auckland. They were warmly received by Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan in New Zealand. Abbess led the visitors to pay homage at the Main Shrine and to pay tribute to the Founding Master of FGS Buddhist Order Venerable Master Hsing Yun, with a flower offering. Abbess Manshin guided the guests through the facilities, explaining the community projects carried out in local society, based on the teaching of Venerable Master. Abbot LongXiang expressed gratitude to the Venerable Master for sharing kindness worldwide and benefiting the global citizens. He noted the significance of Buddhism serving the public and commended the BLIA members for their united and strong mission of bringing a joyful and positive attitude to the community. Abbot encouraged the members, acknowledging their fortune in continuing the spirit of Venerable Master’s teachings Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in New Zealand. He appreciated the Team for their efforts, emphasising the need for increased cooperation and unity. Gifts were exchanged, including calligraphy, Pu’er tea and incense burners. FGS Auckland presented a book 366 Days with Wisdom written by the Founding Master in return.


Sydney Buddha's Birthday Baby Blessing Ceremony in Sharing the Joy of Dharma

Francis Wong May 27, 2024 The “2024 Buddha's Birthday Baby Blessing Ceremony" took place at Darling Harbour in Sydney on 28th April, with 85 families gathering together to pray for the babies and expectant mothers, as nearly 300 relatives and friends joyfully witnessed the seeds of Bodhi virtue being sown from a young age. The ceremony was presided over by Venerable Jue Ning, the superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple, who led the congregation in reciting the "Verse of the Triple Gem" and the "Three Refuges," solemnly read Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "A Prayer for a Newborn," and conducted a sprinkling ceremony for the participating families, praying for the blessings of the Buddha, granting children right understanding and right views, and safeguarding their peaceful and healthy growth. The blending of tradition and modernity in the Artistic Blessing Grabbing Ceremony began immediately afterward. The organizers specially prepared items symbolizing "compassion," such as prayer beads, "wisdom," represented by books, and "justice," depicted by a ruler, symbolizing the blessings and expectations of parents for their children. Encouraged by their parents, the babies chose their own preferred items, their innocent smiles filling the venue with an atmosphere of lively joy. James Dwyer, the leader of the first scout group in Hurstville, Sydney, mentioned that he comes from a three-generation scouting family and was pleased to see the BLIA scouts' booth attracting many families during Buddha's Birthday, combining Buddhist teachings with scout goals to promote virtues such as integrity, kindness, courage, and honesty to society. He praised the BLIA scouts in Sydney for their years of establishment in Australia, being a wholesome group with faithfulness and localization. He and his wife brought their baby to receive blessings from the Buddha, reflecting their identification with and respect for worldly Buddhism, expressing the vision of Australian scouts working hand in hand with worldly Buddhism to jointly cultivate a spirit of serving society. Stacey Rutral, a resident of the Sydney community, accompanied her son Alex and daughter Annika to pray for blessings. Stacey felt that the entire ceremony was filled with a sacred and warm atmosphere, truly auspicious, and appreciated the affinity her children had with other families attending the celebration. Although not a Buddhist herself, she greatly admired and respected the teachings of the Buddha, hoping her children could learn compassion and wisdom, making their journey to adulthood smoother.


Buddhist Compassion: BLIA Sydney Chapter Provides Charity Lunch on Vesak Day

Florence Yuen May 30, 2024 On May 15, 2024, in celebration of Buddha’s birthday, BLIA Sydney Chapter organized a special charity event. Abbess Chueh Shan, the Guiding Venerable, led the team including Deputy Advisor General Vincent Hong, President Daniel Wu, Loving Care Group Western Subchapter and BLIA YAD Western Sydney team members to visit Parramatta Mission Meal Plus, a nonprofit organization affiliated with the Uniting Church in Australia, and to serve a delicious vegetarian lunch to over 150 vulnerable community members. Parramatta Mission has a rich history of over two centuries, focusing on supporting homeless individuals and those with mental health challenges. The Meal Plus program provides breakfast and lunch services on weekdays, along with accommodation and mental health support, aiming to enhance well-being and to empower community members. Service Manager Paul Moussa warmly welcomed Abbess Chueh Shan and the BLIA Sydney Chapter team, expressing heartfelt gratitude for their generous provision of vegetarian meals. The recipients of the lunch were full of praise for the food, expressing sincere thanks. Eunice Huynh, President of BLIA YAD Western Sydney shared her experience from the event. She emphasized the importance of faith and collective strength, gained through interacting with community members and learning from the process. Her wholehearted involvement made her acutely aware of social injustices, and she hopes that mutual assistance can ensure equal opportunities for everyone. She looks forward to more community service opportunities for the youth group to become responsible citizens. President Daniel Wu highlighted the significance of interacting with various religious organizations on Buddha’s birthday. The principle of Buddhist generosity advocates that “the giver and receiver are not different from one another.” Thus, there is only mutual respect instead of differentiation. He encouraged all volunteers to reflect on this, allowing BLIA Sydney Chapter to continue to grow and to improve on its provision of care to its members and the community. Abbess Chueh Shan stated that this charity lunch service at Parramatta Mission not only contributes tangibly to the community but also embodies the spirit of Buddhist compassion. By providing warm meals and care to those in need, they put the Buddha’s teaching of “relieving suffering” into action. This not only aligns with Buddhist charitable traditions but also strengthens connections with the community, promoting social harmony and inclusivity. The selfless dedication of the BLIA volunteer team exemplifies the true essence of giving, purifying hearts and elevating societal morality.


Nurturing Our Planet BLIA North Island Chapter’s T-Earth Initiative for Earth Day

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 16, 2024 In response to Earth Day, the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) North Island Chapter held the T-Earth: Environmental Protection and Spiritual Prevention event on 21st April 2024. Despite the chilly weather, over 50 BLIA members and youths participated under the guidance of the Minister in Charge of FGS Auckland Venerable Rulian. At 9am, the group gathered in the Front Shrine, where Venerable Rulian led a blessing ceremony. She encouraged everyone to take action to care for the Earth, not just for themselves but also for future generations. Mental mindfulness is equally important, purifying thoughts, ideas, language and intentions promotes social harmony and benefits all. The group then split into five teams to work in different areas, cleaning gutters, clearing fallen leaves, trimming hedges, cleaning the parking lot and pruning vines. Volunteers in the kitchen prepared a tasty vegetarian lunch to refuel everyone. President Evelyn KU of BLIA North Island Chapter, noted that beautifying the Temple grounds helps create a dignified environment while reminding people to purify their body, speech and mind, and bring joy to others. She emphasised that caring for the Earth is everyone’s responsibility. Through tree planting, vegetarian promotion, reducing energy consumption and plastic use, and proper waste sorting, BLIA members aim to slow down global warming and create a sustainable world. Sub-president Anita Chu of the Third Subchapter, praised everyone’s commitment to protecting the planet through small actions. Sara, a BLIA member, acknowledged that although she felt physically tired, she was glad to be able to serve both the Earth and the Temple. She thanked the Temple for offering a beautiful environment that provided opportunities to improve herself. Fred Gu shared that through teamwork he learned to focus, persevere and reflect. He found peace and recognised the value of the Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teaching that strong determination can help achieve goals. President Steven of BLIA Auckland Senior YAD, emphasised that T-Earth isn’t a one-day event but an ongoing initiative. He mentioned taking care of the Earth starts with caring for one’s environment and contributing even through small acts. Youth member Alan Han appreciated the importance of teamwork, noting the group’s harmonious collaboration and the positive feedback that energised him and gave him a sense of achievement. He expressed gratitude to the Temple for providing opportunities to cultivate good fortune.

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