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FGS News

Christian Lenten Series: Hsi Lai Temple Invited to Share Buddhist Vegetarian Culture

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple April 9, 2024 The Arcadia Congregational Church invited Ven. Hui Ze from Hsi Lai Temple to attend the Christian Lenten Series talk on the evening of March 20, 2024, delivering a talk titled "Buddhist Vegetarian Culture." The Christian Lenten Series lectures are interfaith talks live-streamed on Facebook by the Arcadia Congregational Church. This event, held during the Lenten period, invites representatives from various religions to share their dietary cultures and traditions. Groups invited include Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Before the lecture began, Ven. Hui Ze shared some vegetarian bentos prepared by Hsi Lai Temple with the attendees. Everyone complimented that it was the best vegetarian dish they had ever enjoyed, and never realized that vegetarian food could be so "flavorful." Subsequently, Rev. Jolene Cadenbach of the Arcadia Congregational Church invited Ven. Hui Ze to introduce Buddhist vegetarian culture to the attendees. Ve. Hui Ze explained that Buddhists practice vegetarianism to cultivate compassion, as they cannot bear to see the suffering of sentient beings and thus abstain from consuming their flesh. However, he also emphasized the flexibility of Buddhist vegetarianism, stating that it's not about rigid rules but about cultivating a 'pure heart.' Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, once said, "Vegetarianism is a way of life, and the essence of being vegetarian lies not in eating vegetables or meat but in possessing a 'pure heart'—a heart that is pure and compassionate." Therefore, those interested in Buddhism need not feel constrained in adapting to vegetarianism; eating purely vegetarian meals when conditions are right is also acceptable. From the perspective of history, Ven. Hui Ze mentioned that during the Buddha’s time, monastics lived by begging for alms and had to accept food equally from all, without discrimination. In modern Theravada Buddhism, monastics still practice alms-round and can eat vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. In Mahayana Buddhism, influenced by the spirit of the Bodhisattva path and the agricultural Chan culture advocated by Chan Master Bai Zhang, vegetarianism has become a common practice in Chinese Buddhism. With the trend of "veganism" prevailing in various countries in Europe and America, young people in the West adopt vegetarianism to adhere to the moral principle of non-harming and for personal physical and mental health reasons. When asked about the dining rituals and how food is prepared in Buddhist monastic communities, Ven. Hui Ze shared in details. In large monasteries of Mahayana Buddhism, like Fo Guang Shan Monastery, meals are prepared by the temple's venerables and volunteers for the assemblies. He described a unique dining method in Buddhism, the Formal Buddhist Meal, which approaches dining with gratitude, reflection, and appreciation for the food. After the forum, Ven. Hui Ze extended a warm invitation to all attendees to visit Hsi Lai Temple in the future and personally experience the delicious vegetarian meals served in the temple's dining hall. Attendees expressed gratitude for participating in this interfaith lecture series, which deepened their understanding and appreciation of Buddhism.


Environmental and Spiritual Preservation in Tandem: Every Day is Earth Day in Los Angeles County

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple May 21, 2024 The "Every Day is Earth Day" event was held at William Steinmetz Park in Hacienda Heights, Los Angeles County on May 4, 2024. The event was organized by the Office of the First District of Los Angeles County and the Department of Parks and Recreation, with support from Valley Vista Services (VVS), Hsi Lai Temple, the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Los Angeles Chapter, and various other organizations. Around 250 individuals participated in activities promoting tree planting, conservation, the Vege A Project, and mental well-being. Brian Ceballos, Assistant Regional Recreation Director of the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation, delivers opening remarks, expressing gratitude for the support of the First District Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, and the participation of all organizations. Fo Guang Shan Monastery Head Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau commends the efforts of BLIA members in caring for the Earth, emphasizing vegetarianism as the primary environmental protection measure. He also highlights "Spiritual Preservation" inspired by the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, wishing for a reduction in inner turmoil and mental peace for all. Venerable Hui Dong, the abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, expresses confidence in a more beautiful and peaceful Earth through collaboration between BLIA members and community organizations advocating for Earth Day. Following their speeches, Brian Ceballos, Most Venerable Hsin Bau, and Venerable Hui Dong planted camphor trees donated by Hsi Lai Temple. At the same time, attendees captured the moment with cameras and videos, generating applause. At the Resources Fair, Valley Vista Services and the Los Angeles County Public Works Department promoted the 7R environmental concept, waste sorting, organic composting, and recycling. They demonstrated the consequences of littering, which not only affects humans but also marine life. The Department of Parks and Recreation's Natural Areas Unit introduced wildlife and insect conservation. Additionally, there were areas for children to learn about planting and caring for flowers, fruits, and vegetables, as well as a "Smoothie" area where children could enjoy nutritious fruit and vegetable smoothies after learning about their benefits. Throughout the event, there were intermittent raffle draws and laughter. Hsi Lai Temple engaged with attendees through the "Buddhism in Every Step" English book series, promoting mindfulness and compassion with phrases such as "Respect and Inclusion," "Achievement through Harmony," and "Altruism in the Heart" in the mindful coloring activities. The Three Acts of Goodness Word Game encouraged parent-child cooperation in identifying words like "Hope," "Care," and "Sharing," attracting participation from attendees. Additionally, the Hsi Lai Girl Scouts recycled milk cartons to make succulent plant pots and distributed mosquito-repelling plants to attendees. The BLIA Riverside Subchapter collaborated with Lucky Farms Inc. to provide nearly 1,100 pounds of organic fruits and vegetables, which were quickly claimed. Members of the various subchapters jointly promoted the "Vege A Project," urging people to eat less meat and more vegetables to reduce carbon emissions and protect the Earth, gathering 113 signatures. The Hsi Lai Subchapter's Sasha De Nijs led outdoor yoga sessions, allowing participants to connect with nature.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended Lunar New Year celebration

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa March 11, 2024 On February 12th, the third day of the Lunar New Year, the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada hosted a Lunar New Year celebration. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, accompanied by nine ministers and more than 40 Members of Parliament from across Canada, attended the event. Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Ottawa was among the invited participants. Abbess Yung Ku led Venerables of FGS Ottawa, BLIA Ottawa Chapter President June Sun, and nearly 30 volunteers in joining the festivities. The Fo Guang Dharma Drum and Lion Dance team, consisting of 14 young members, delivered captivating performances that earned rounds of applause from the audience. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his gratitude for the splendid opening performance by the FGS Ottawa’s Dharma Drum and Lion Dance Team. He highlighted that the Year of the Dragon symbolizes hope, health, and strength for Canada's future, and expressed appreciation for the contributions of Asian Canadians to the beloved Canadian society. The event commenced with a performance by the young members of the FGS Dharma Drum Team, established for over two years. With rhythmic drumbeats setting the pace, the team showcased agile movements, alternating between swift and slow movements, reminiscent of seasoned warriors. The final appearance of a member holding the drumsticks high drew thunderous applause from the audience. Following this, the newly formed FGS Lion Dance Team, operating for less than 45 days, made a grand entrance. After the Prime Minister marked the lions' eyes with ceremonial dots, accompanied by the lively drum and cymbal beats, the lions performed dynamic routines, interacting with the audience, and tossing symbolic lucky candies into the crowd multiple times. Ven. Yung Ku praised the children of the Lion Dance and Dharma Drum teams for their dedication and hard work in shouldering the task of promoting Chinese traditional culture. She also noted that through this opportunity from Fo Guang Shan, they propagated the Dharma through culture, earning them the title of “young warriors achieving great feats”. Joy, the mother of Richard and Ryan, expressed gratitude to FGS Ottawa for providing a platform for the children to showcase themselves and Chinese traditional culture. Winnie, Anthony's mother, noted that besides providing each other with mutual assistance and affection, the children's bonds of friendship have also strengthened. She echoed Ven. Yung Ku’s sentiment, emphasizing the importance of companionship on the journey of growing up and recognizing childhood friends as invaluable treasures. Jackie, the mother of Edison and Evan, observed a noticeable transformation in her children. As they pick up the drumsticks and stand before the drums with a serious and concentrated demeanor, it seems as though they had embraced a new sense of responsibility and honor, both towards the Dharma Drum Team and themselves. Ryshia, a member of both the Lion Dance and Dharma Drum teams, expressed that through this event, she has developed a greater sense of courage and independence.


MITRA Project at UC Berkeley and FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism Sign Official Agreement to Collaborate on Developing AI Tools for Buddhist Text Translation

Institute of Humanistic Buddhism June 6, 2024 On June 4, 2024, Venerable Miao Guang, Deputy Chancellor of the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, and Professor Kurt Keutzer, head of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) laboratory and the MITRA project at the University of California, Berkeley, signed a cooperation agreement to develop artificial intelligence tools for translating Buddhist texts. The agreement aims to improve the efficiency and quality of English translations of Buddhist texts, such as the Buddhist Canon and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The signing ceremony was attended by ten participants, including Venerable Ru Yang, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan North California Region; Dr. Robert Sharf, Chair of the Berkeley Center for Buddhist Studies; Sebastian Nierdich, Technical Director of the MITRA Project at UC Berkeley; Howie X. Lan, Programmer and Web Developer, UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor for Research Office; and Venerable Zhi Yue, Editor of the Fo Guang Dictionary English Translation Project. The AI model, developed by combining MITRA's technology and its corpus of over 3 million parallel texts in Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, and Chinese Buddhist scriptures with Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism's 230,000 entries of bilingual Chinese-English corpora, is already capable of translating Buddhist texts in multiple languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan. The module has achieved excellent scores on AI evaluation platforms such as BLEU and chrF++. Dr. Kurt Keutzer expressed his honor in collaborating with Fo Guang Shan on this project, which will allow the Dharma to spread more widely throughout the world. He noted that modern technology and AI can significantly improve translation efficiency and accuracy, and by utilizing high-quality data resources, better results can be achieved compared to traditional translation processes. Additionally, it can expand the scope of knowledge and thought dissemination, enabling wider access to important Buddhist resources. Prior to the signing, Dr. Sebastian Nehrdich explained the evaluation criteria for MITRA's translation accuracy, introduced the team and data analysis, and outlined the specific scope and outcomes of the collaboration. Venerable Miao Guang introduced Fo Guang Shan's translation team and the current translation content of the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, expressing hope that AI tools can be used to accelerate multi-language Dharma propagation in the future. The officially signed cooperation agreement aims to harness the potential of AI to bring Buddhist scriptures and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun to a wider modern readership. The close collaboration between the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism and the UC Berkeley MITRA project seeks to integrate Buddhist wisdom with modern technological innovation, jointly promoting the development of Buddhist literature translation. The official name and user interface of this multi-language Buddhist translation tool are expected to be announced by the end of 2024 and will be provided to Buddhist translators for testing and use. For related information, please visit the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism's website on Buddhist text translation and AI application: https://fgs-translation.org.  


Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Presents the “Cultural Legacy of Venerable Master Hsing Yun” Exhibition for the Lunar New Year

FGS Toronto March 6, 2024 In honour of the anniversary of the passing of the Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto has launched the “Cultural Legacy of Venerable Master Hsing Yun” exhibition for the Lunar New Year. This exhibit features Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s One-Stroke Calligraphy Before and Post-Surgery Works, spanning from 1953 to 2022, coinciding with the Compassionate Life of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Exhibition. Starting on February 9th, the exhibition is displayed on the second floor inside the Buddha’s Cultural Museum. All descriptions are provided in both Chinese and English, to introduce the legendary life of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and his cultural accomplishments achieved through profound literary cultivation and the dissemination of Buddhist teachings. Additionally, visitors also experienced virtual tours of the Fo Guang Shan Temple at the “Journey to the Buddha Land” exhibition inside the Conference Room on the second floor during the Chinese New Year. Using AI technology, visitors virtually explored inside the Fo Guang Shan Monastery, the Sutra Repository, and the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum which are located thousands of miles away, irrespective of geographical limitations.


BLIA Toronto Members and Children's Dharma Class Extend Heartfelt Gifts to Vulnerable Women on Mother's Day

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto May 23, 2024 In a heartwarming gesture to celebrate Mother's Day, the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Toronto English Sub-Chapter and the Children's Dharma Class joined hands to organize 'The Shoebox Project for Women.' The initiative, aimed at fostering compassion and community service, focused on collecting essential items for vulnerable women in community shelters. The project, which ran for two weeks from April 27th to May 4th, saw active participation from BLIA members. Over 20 boxes were collected, filled with items such as gift cards, toiletries, socks, and chocolates. The collaboration between the English Sub-Chapter and the Children's Dharma Class exemplified the spirit of giving and solidarity within the community. Juyenty Lim, Vice President of the English Sub-Chapter, expressed gratitude for the active participation of BLIA members. From planning to executing the project, both the English Sub-Chapter and Children's Dharma Class worked together smoothly, harnessing the kindness of the public to serve women in need within the community. It was a successful endeavour. On May 5th, members of the English Subchapter organized and categorized the donated items, while children and parents engaged in various activities to honour maternal love. Teachers used this opportunity to share stories about Guanyin (Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattva, and shared stories about compassion and filial piety, encouraging them to appreciate their mothers' unconditional love. Afterwards, the children and parents decorated shoeboxes, created blessing cards, and decorated and packaged the shoeboxes, collectively sending their heartfelt wishes. Venerable Ru An, the Advising Monastic of the Children's Dharma Class, inspired the children with stories emphasizing the importance of appreciating their mothers' loving-kindness. The Venerable led everyone in dedicating the merits of the day's activities to mothers and all sentient beings. Angel, a teacher from the Children's Dharma Class, expressed gratitude towards the English Sub-Chapter for co-hosting this meaningful Mother's Day event, which not only celebrated Mother’s Day but also taught the children about the joyful Buddhist cultivation of giving. She explained that a smile, a greeting, and a kind thought all embody the "Three Acts of Goodness," similar to a farmer sowing seeds—what seems like a loss at first, ultimately yields a rich harvest of internal joy. The event concluded with a group photo session, where children proudly displayed their creations, marking a heartwarming conclusion to the day's activities.


Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa is Invited to Attend Senator's Retirement Gala

Wen Jue, Life News Agency May 20, 2024 On the evening of April 20th, 2024 a retirement gala was held on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to honor the distinguished service of Senator Victor Oh, the first Chinese-Canadian appointed to the Senate. Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa was invited to attend the event, with Venerable Miao Qi, Venerable Miao Rang,  June Sun, President of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Ottawa Chapter, Elder Advisor Yi Luo, and Nancy Zhang, President of the BLIA Ottawa South Subchapter. Senator Oh was praised for his years of dedication to protecting the rights of ethnic minorities and promoting social justice in Canada. He was appreciated for his unwavering support for religious and cultural events and his deep connection with Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa. During the gala, the representative from Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa presented Senator Oh with a calligraphy work, "Cultivate a Heart that Blooms in All Seasons" by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, and wished Senator Oh a retirement filled with auspiciousness in all seasons and a forever-young spirit. Senator Oh, who emigrated to Toronto from Singapore at a young age, built a successful business career while actively serving the community, and became a respected leader in the Chinese-Canadian community. In addition, he was the founding chairman of the Canada-China Business Communication Council (CCBCC). He has held numerous public positions, including chair of the Safe City Mississauga and a member of the board of directors of the Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Senator Oh was nominated by former Prime Minister Stephen Harper to serve in the Senate in 2013, and will retire with honours in June of 2024. Senator Oh reflected on his 12-year tenure in his speech, and highlighted his efforts to combat racial discrimination, to protect the rights of Chinese-Canadians, and to promote friendship between Canada and China. These efforts included the amendment of the Citizenship Act and the organization of a centennial commemoration, and, a review on the Chinese Exclusion Act in the Senate. He called for unity and cooperation among ethnic minorities, and encouraged the younger generation to participate in politics. Senator Oh added that they should speak up for themselves in society, and defend their rights in the political arena.   The gala was also attended by fellow Chinese-Canadian Senator Yuen Pau Woo, Member of Parliament Chandra Arya, and over 200 Chinese-Canadian representatives from Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto. Local cultural and artistic groups from Ottawa took to the stage to express their blessings through song and dance.


Students from Branksome Hall Girls School Learn About Humanistic Buddhism at Toronto's Fo Guang Shan Temple

FGS Toronto February 27, 2024 On February 13th, a group of 43 fourth-grade students from Branksome Hall, a distinguished girls' school in Toronto, visited the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Toronto. Accompanied by their teachers, the students aimed to delve into the principles of Humanistic Buddhism and explore the rich tapestry of Buddhist culture. Welcomed by Venerable Zhi Guan, the Superintendent of FGS Toronto, Venerable Ru An, Director of Social Education Unit, and volunteer Martyn Knowles, the students were immersed in an experience centered around the theme "Aspiration and Dedication," in connection with the tradition of the Chinese New Year. At the temple's Main Shrine, the students were captivated by the magnificent and dignified atmosphere, learning about the Buddha's story and the importance of practicing the Three Acts of Goodness. In an interactive session facilitated by Martyn in the conference room, the concept of "equanimity" was elucidated through an animation video, inspiring the students to embrace respect and equality for societal harmony. The students eagerly posed inquiries regarding karma and etiquette during the Q & A session. Venerable Zhi Guan elaborated on the significance of the Lunar New Year greeting from the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, "May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful." She also encouraged students to express their New Year wishes and blessings by inscribing them on Bodhi leaf wish cards adorned with symbols representing the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings. These heartfelt messages were then hung on the wish tree, symbolizing the collective hopes and aspirations of the young visitors. Teacher Megan Currie expressed her delight, stating, "Students have gained a deeper understanding of Humanistic Buddhism and Chinese traditional culture, with the lessons on 'Three Acts of Goodness' and 'equanimity'." Currie also extended gratitude for the warm welcome extended by the temple.


Hsi Fang Temple Honored with President's Volunteer Service Award for Service at Marine Corps Recruit Depot

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple May 17, 2024 On April 30th, the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in San Diego hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony, Venerable Miao Zang and Venerable Zhi Ching, Dharma propagation volunteers Denny and David from Hsi Fang Temple, were invited to attend. Approximately over a hundred people attended the event. Since 2021, Hsi Fang Temple has been leading a team of Dharma propagation volunteers, regularly visiting the base to spread the Buddha’s teachings, lead meditation sessions, and conduct the Triple Gem Refuge ceremony to provide spiritual support to the recruits. In 2023, Hsi Fang Temple served at the base for over 100 hours, and the services of the venerables and volunteers were recognized, earning them the President's Volunteer Service Award. Every Sunday morning, there are 11 religious organizations, including Hsi Fang Temple, are there to conduct Sunday services. At MCRD, among all categories of volunteers, religious ministers collectively served for over 11,000 hours in 2023, topping all categories, with an impressive 62 individuals receiving the President's Volunteer Service Award. Brigadier General James A. Ryans II, Commanding General of MCRD, delivered a speech expressing gratitude and acknowledging the volunteers' dedication, which greatly contributes to the recruits' mental and emotional stability, enabling them to complete rigorous training. He emphasized the importance of "serve those who serve."


Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group Resumes Lunar New Year Celebrations at Nursing Homes Post-Pandemic

FGS Toronto March 1, 2024 After a hiatus of four years due to the pandemic, the Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group has joyously resumed its community outreach, marking a poignant reunion for residents and staff at local nursing homes. Led by Venerable Miao Tsun, the group rekindled connections with over 150 individuals at Tendercare Nursing Home, Mon Sheong Scarborough Long-Term Care Centre, and Heritage Nursing Home in downtown Toronto on February 17th and 18th, infusing warmth and compassion into the Lunar New Year festivities. Specially invited the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Dragon and Lion Dance Team to perform contributing to a lively and heartening Chinese New Year program for seniors. Seniors eagerly gathered outside the activity room, expressing excitement at the prospect of experiencing the Lunar New Year celebrations again. The event commenced with a captivating Lion Dance performance accompanied by additional performances featuring a small dragon, youth kung-fu, and elegant fan dancing, eliciting laughter and applause from the seniors. Volunteers from the caring group then presented a series of uplifting New Year songs, fostering an atmosphere of joy and celebration. The grand final was a Light Offering Ceremony, where Venerable Miao Tsun explained the symbolic meaning of bringing light, hope, and happiness. Amidst serene chanting, seniors, staff, and volunteers offered lamps in front of the statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. The caring group also prepared the Lunar New Year Greeting couplets written by the Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan, and auspicious red envelopes presented to all seniors. The resumption of these heartwarming Lunar New Year celebrations signifies a significant step towards reconnecting with the community.

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