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Toronto Educational Talk on Psychological Counseling: Nurturing Children with Love and Hope | 人間福報

Toronto Educational Talk on Psychological Counseling: Nurturing Children with Love and Hope

Ven. Zhi Guan, the Superintendent of FGS Toronto, delivered a welcoming speech. photo/Tracy Liu
On March 23rd, the Social Education Department of FGS Toronto and BLIA Da Tzu Subchapter organized an educational talk titled "Giving Children Love and Hope" at FGS Temple of Toronto, conducted by registered social worker and psychological counsellor Ms. Zhihong Chen. photo/Tracy Liu
Drawing from her own childhood experiences, she emphasized the profound impact of language on a child's growth, encouraging parents to "think good thoughts and say good words" and to pay attention to the importance of body language in communication. photo/Tracy Liu
During the Q&A session, attendees asked questions about depression, anxiety, and adolescent psychological trauma, to which Ms. Zhihong Chen provided insightful answers, incorporating practical cases and Buddhist wisdom. photo/Tracy Liu
Ms. Aiqing Liu, president of the Da Tzu 1 Sub-chapter thanked Ms. Zhihong Chen for her informative lecture. photo/Tracy Liu
In conclusion, Ms. Chen pointed out that when we have faith, we are in the "self-actualization needs" level, and "Humanistic Buddhism" is in touch with people. photo/Tracy Liu

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto
April 10, 2024

On March 23rd, the Social Education Department of FGS Toronto and BLIA Da Tzu Subchapter organized an educational talk titled "Giving Children Love and Hope" at FGS Temple of Toronto. The talk was conducted by a registered social worker and psychological counsellor Ms. Zhihong Chen, and attracted 80 Fo Guang members, both in-person and online.

Ven. Zhi Guan, the Superintendent of FGS Toronto, delivered a welcoming speech, sharing the educational philosophy of the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Emphasizing education based on compassion and tailored to individual needs, she highlighted Ms. Zhihong Chen's academic and clinical achievements, recognizing her contributions to the community.

Ms. Zhihong Chen began by discussing the importance of self-education and social education among the four types of education. She addressed common concerns about procrastination and screen time, emphasizing its role as a coping strategy for stress.

Elaborating on psychologist Erickson's "eight stages of life" growth theory, Ms. Zhihong Chen illustrated the developmental characteristics of each stage of life, along with potential challenges, using lively examples. Drawing from her own childhood experiences, she emphasized the profound impact of language on a child's growth, encouraging parents to "think good thoughts and say good words" and to pay attention to the importance of body language in communication.

Addressing the question of "how to resolve conflicts between children and parents," Ms. Zhihong Chen guided parents to meet their children's emotional needs by providing companionship, love, play, praise, recognition, and apologies. She introduced the "TK model" to meet emotional needs and the "five-step communication support method" for effective communication. Attendees actively engaged in practicing these methods.

She then demonstrated scenarios to help parents apply her designed "five-step communication support method" and emphasized the importance of rational analysis combined with emotional support when practicing the method. The attending parents actively participated in practicing the five-step support method.

In conclusion, Ms. Chen pointed out that when we have faith, we are in the "self-actualization needs" level, and "Humanistic Buddhism" is in touch with people.

Ms. Aiqing Liu, president of the Da Tzu 1 Sub-chapter thanked Ms. Zhihong Chen for her informative lecture. She encouraged attendees to apply the knowledge, nurture their families with love and joy, and grow with their children.



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