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" TBIF " English Lecture: Buddhism in a Technologically Advancing World | 人間福報

" TBIF " English Lecture: Buddhism in a Technologically Advancing World

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple hosted the "Thank Buddha It’s Friday” (TBIF) English monthly lecture on March 29, featuring Ven. Jue Wei, Director of the Humanistic Buddhism Centre at Nan Tien Institute in Australia. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
The lecture, titled "Buddhism in a Technologically Advancing World." About 40 attendees from Australia and North America attended. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple

Ching Pan
April 10, 2024

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple hosted the "Thank Buddha It’s Friday” (TBIF) English monthly lecture on March 29, featuring Ven. Jue Wei, Director of the Humanistic Buddhism Centre at Nan Tien Institute in Australia. The lecture, titled "Buddhism in a Technologically Advancing World." About 40 attendees from Australia and North America attended. Ven. Jue Wei led the discussion on the mindful use of technology to nurture Bodhicitta and foster a compassionate world (MettāVerses).

Ven. Jue Wei invited the participants to contemplate on their daily screen time and social media usage, reflecting on its impact on mental and interpersonal well-being. Participants expressed fatigue and decreased concentration and yet struggled to detach from it. Ven. Jue Wei then explained the concept of the "Attention Economy," where social media platforms constantly feed tailored information and products to users based on algorithmic analysis, creating addiction while fostering an illusion of control.

"Attention and mindfulness are crucial," Ven. Jue Wei emphasized. In the rapidly changing technological era, not all impacts are negative. By applying Buddhist principles of impermanence, interdependence, non-self, and dependent origination, emptiness, individuals can make informed choices regarding their relationship with technology.

Ven. Jue Wei encouraged attendees to focus their attention on the "Four Immeasurables" of loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, constituting a "Buddhist-Inspired Attention Ecology" aligned with the Mahāyāna principle of benefiting all beings. By cultivating Bodhicitta and utilizing technology to propagate Buddhism, Buddhists can then contribute positively to the society and create a compassionate world (MettāVerses). "Metta" in Pali, commonly translated as "loving-kindness" or "universal love." It refers to the genuine, unconditional benevolence and goodwill towards all beings.

In alignment with the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan, who defines compassion as selflessness, genuine care, and mutual assistance, Ven. Jue Wei regarded the "compassionate world" (MettāVerses) as an antidote to the violence and discrimination prevalent in today's online environment, encouraging solidarity among attendees.

Peter Meluso, an attendee with a Master's degree in Business Administration, found the lecture enlightening. Noting Ven. Jue Wei's own MBA degree, he inquired about applying Bodhicitta in profit-oriented marketing. Ven. Jue Wei stressed the importance of ethical conduct, conscience, and moderation, advocating for the Circular Economy principle in marketing to balance profitability with societal well-being. Peter expressed gratitude for the insightful response.



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