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Asia | 人間福報

FGS News

Appreciating the collective vision in wisdom during Fo Guang Shan International University Consortium and Presidents Forum

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 31, 2024 At the annual Fo Guang Shan International University Consortium (FGSIUC) Meeting and President Forum last March 2024, the GMC delegation was led by Head Abbess Venerable Yung Guang of Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Philippines and Dr. President Michael Lim Tan of the youngest consortium member, Guang Ming College (GMC) Philippines, accompanied by Academic Affairs Director Prof. Katherine Sabate, Student Affairs and International Mobility Director Prof. Maru Percela, Prof. Shena Pacano and Prof. Heidi Emelo. The week-long forum was attended by 110 Buddhist education leaders and scholars of 44 worldwide universities from 12 nations and regions, expounding on the theme "remembering the application of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's compassion and wisdom." Head Abbess Venerable Yung Guang expressed that the special topic on artificial intelligence (AI) is timely and powerful as worldwide expertise on Buddhism and Buddhist University assembled to identify the current management climate and discuss future prospective using Buddha's wisdom. Dr. President Michael Lim Tan of the youngest consortium member, Guang Ming College (GMC) Philippines, announced that GMC would celebrate the 10th Founding Anniversary in 2024 to pay tribute to the Founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun for the noble vision to offer scholarship in hope that GMC scholars should be the "leaping carp over the dragon gate". GMC was inaugurated by FGS Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau last June 2023. Since then, GMC had completed the restoration of the former construction office into a Multifunctional Facilities and the installation of a container dormitory for basketball players. Dr. Lim Tan further reported on two start-up courses of music theater and human services. Prof. Sabate applauded that the 46 Memorandum of Understanding on academic linkages were being signed and led by Dr. Chancellor Kirby Yung of FGSIUC to strengthen affairs and resolve concerns of Buddhist founded universities. She remarked that such effort should prompt advancement across and interdisciplinary studies. Humanistic Buddhism as a religion and research is a rising work in performing arts and sports. Prof. Percela was inspired by the Opening Speech given by Most Venerable Hsin Bau to apply prajna-wisdom in teaching and learning as in cultivating to transcend from ordinary. As the founding faculty of GMC, she followed Venerable Master Hsing Yun's vow to focus on nurturing talents through education. In his keynote speech, Dr. Ovid Tzeng the former Minister of Education and academician of Academia Sinica emphasized that the future role of university shall "move forward toward the goal of creating a higher education for a humanized ecologically and economically balanced future industrial societies" in which human learns to know, to do, to resolve, further to be free and become the universal one. The GMC delegates also joined the parade to offer Dharma Treasures Entering the Underground Palace of Buddha Museum on FGS Devotee's Day. Prof. Haidi and Prof. Shena were grateful for the opportunity to be part of the applied wisdom of Venerable Master Hsing Yun to capsule today's items which would only be revealed one hundred years later from the underground palace.


Manila Binondo Sun Tower Warehouse Buddha Bathing Ceremony Blessed by Fo Guang Shan

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple May 28, 2024 On May 6th, Manila's Binondo district saw the arrival of Venerable Ru Liang, Venerable Zhi Min, Venerable Zhi Rong, Venerable Zhi Pu, and members of the Fo Guang Shan community at the Sun Tower Warehouse. This 32-story warehouse houses over a hundred online shopping manufacturers, with over a thousand people entering and leaving daily. Warehouse owner Su Shui Shu was particularly delighted by the visit of the Fo Guang Shan Venerable, and his wife, Chen Yan Ni, accompanied them throughout, preparing fruits and other offerings for the Buddha bathing and blessing ceremony. One of the manufacturers present was the daughters of Cai Ren Ren, Xu Hua Shan and Xu Hua Rong, both in their early twenties, who own their own online beauty and cooking companies. They assisted their mother wholeheartedly throughout the Buddha bathing ceremony. Venerable Ru Liang and members of Fo Guang Shan also visited the Sun Tower Company's office to conduct blessing ceremony, praying for the safety and auspiciousness of the entire building. Many manufacturers such as Chen Mou Jin and his wife, Wang Ling Ling, and Xie Ling Ling and her husband, Lin Shi Zhong, specially arranged to participate in the blessing at the company. Apart from nearly 200 Catholic and Muslim employees participating in the Buddha bathing on the first floor, Venerable Ru Liang's compassionate care also extended to several believers and Chinese manufacturers. Finally, Manila's 1st Subchapter President Huang Jing Fen's company also held a Buddha bathing ceremony, with her young son accompanying her. For many employees, initially unfamiliar with the religion, there were concerns about proselytization. However, after careful explanations from the venerable and members of Fo Guang Shan, they understood that this was a blessing and prayer activity, and eagerly participated.


TAG Grants School Visits

Kit Brian Valderrama May 30, 2024 On May 10, 2024, the Three Acts of Goodness facilitator led by Venerable Miao Jing, Director of TAG project with TAG Schools Program Screening Committee Lourdes Wang, Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA)Pasay President, Dharma Brother Nelson Yao, FGS Education Benefactor, Dharma Sister Sansan Yao, Guang Ming College graduate, Kit Brian Valderrama and Temple Staff, Dharma Sister Flordeluna Apaalisbo went to Pampanga region to visit TAG practices in Laoc Pao Elementary School and Malino National High School in Pampanga region. The purpose of the visit is to monitor the implementation of the projects of said schools. In the heartwarming display of community spirit and empathy, TAG facilitators aimed to see first hand the instilled values of the implemented projects propose by each school towards students and see how students practices their project not only in school but also how they practice it at home.  Two-hour drive from mabuhay Temple the team had first arrived at SDO Pampanga to visit DepEd partners to express gratitude by helping TAG be implemented in their region. Lead by Ms. Dorie Soliman, TAG coordinator Pampanga division and Mr. George Jose Maria C. Guilas, senior Education Program Specialist-Research and all their subordinates had welcomed the team with their warmth smiles. SDO visit was also to share Buddha bathing ceremony, TAG new projects and events, also introducing Guang Ming College scholarship grants. On that note, exchange of gratitude from TAG facilitators and SDO Pampanga is a success and to quote Mr. George Jose Maria C. Guilas, senior Education Program Specialist-Research message “Thank you for sharing with us your blessings of what is to be a human in the life of Buddhism and helping our school to know and practice Three Acts of Goodness.” After the visit in SDO Pampanga a forty minutes’ drive to Laoc Pao elementary Schools was made to visit their TAG project on garbage segregations. TAG facilitators with the help of Ellaine Martin Manuel, TAG coordinator in the school was able to know the importance of having the grants to supports their projects and to help students at a young age to know and understand great values by doing good, speaking good, and thinking good. Two of the students expresses their gratitude and share how the project help not only them but also help the people around them by doing garbage segregation. At a young age she knows that these will help our environment fight towards global warming. Furthermore, after the first school visit TAG coordinators then went to Malino National high School to introduce Buddha Bathing to the faculties lead by their principal, Ms. Dolores I. Pelayo. Importantly monitor and see their TAG projects implemented through years of practicing it. TAG team was greeted by the student singing a welcoming song and classroom visits was then made possible by Irene Perez, TAG coordinator of the school. At the visit several projects were introduce and their plans towards maintaining each of their projects. During these visits, students engage in interactive sessions where they learn about the significance of the Three Acts of Goodness and how they can translate these principles into tangible actions.


Bathing Buddha Ceremony Unites Faith in Ong Pin Street's Chinese Community

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 21, 2024 The fervor of faith in the Chinese community: the continuous holding of the bathing Buddha ceremony in Ong Pin Street Manila, Philippines. The faith activities of the Filipino Chinese community once again reached a climax, and Ong Pin Street became a feast of faith and enthusiasm. From the early gathering place for Chinese people to today's religious center, this street witnesses the development and spiritual pursuit of the Chinese community. Today, May 3, under the leadership of Venerable Ruliang from the Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple, Venerable Zhi Min, Venerable Zhi Rong, and a group of volunteers enthusiastically joined together to bring blessings and prayers to the believers. The bathing Buddha ceremony was held in the alleys of Ong Pin (王彬) Street. Nearly a hundred people participated in this event. This event not only attracted the enthusiastic participation of believer families but also drew the employees of companies and shops to join in the bathing of the Buddha. Under the leadership of Venerable Ru Liang, each bathing Buddha ceremony was filled with an atmosphere of blessings and prayers, integrating the faith and culture of the Chinese community. Venerable Zhi Min, on behalf of the monastery, even presented tokens of affinity to all participants, making this event even more meaningful. Surprisingly, not only did employees of shops participate, but even Filipino vegetable vendors from roadside stalls specially invited participants to bathe Buddha at their stalls. The momentum of the bathing Buddha ceremony extended from shops to vegetable stalls and even into homes. One of the noteworthy participants was the Chinese newspapers, including the W World News Daily, Inc. and United News Ph. They also participated in this event to express their respect and support for faith. The staff of these newspapers also participated in the bathing Buddha ceremony, praying together with other believers, and jointly hoping for the peace and harmony of the community. Furthermore, Glasses Company specially opened its doors early to welcome believers, praying for the entire commercial street to be even safer. Despite the scorching sun, believers still maintained their enthusiasm, jointly bringing blessings and hope to the community. The power of this faith will continue to shine on Ong Pin Street, illuminating every step forward.


GMC Buddhist Studies Department organized Buddha's Birthday Celebration

The Life News Agency May 24, 2024 Buddha Bathing Ceremony organized by Guang Ming College Department of Buddhist Studies in which 100 students joined. Coach Mel Ayonayon of Department of Exercise and Sport Science was pleased to have a prayer during this final examination week and sport competition period. The students learn to face challenges with spiritual calmness. Venerable Abbess Miao Jing was invited to give a Dharma message after reading the Prayer for Buddha’s Birthday written by Fo Guang Shan Founding Patriarch Venerable Master Hsing Yun. She told the origin of bathing the Baby Siddhartha to commemorate Prince Siddhartha’s birth in Lumbini Garden. She then emphasized on revealing our true self as given by the meaning of purifying body and mind through practicing Three Acts of Goodness and Four Giving. Following the Buddha’s Dharma, each can cleanse the negative thoughts, transcend physical limitation, and discover further who one can become. GMC Buddhist Studies Chair Shena Pacano was happy for the freshmen because this would be their first time experiencing Buddhist festival. The activity highlighted the importance of team work across all levels in her department showcasing the Venerable Master Hsing Yun's ideas of giving: joy, hope, confidence, and convenience. She hoped that in the future, the department would be able to extend to the neighboring community the teachings and goodness of our founder. With the blessing of little Buddha, third year basketball player Kurt Lactaotao wished for world peace, be able to achieve excellence in academic performance, and to fulfil expectation in 2024 BLIA Cup Taiwan. He wanted to be a model of scholar-athlete for his juniors. Third year basketball player Joshua Jamias was the first batch basketball scholar to discover Humanistic Buddhism in his college and professional life. When he bathed the Buddha, he vowed to practice Three Acts of Goodness and harvest good merits for success.


Catholic Focolare Visits Mabuhay Temple for Interreligious Exchange

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple April 18, 2024 An interfaith spiritual exchange took place on April 14th at the Mabuhay Temple in Manila, Philippines, hosted by Fo Guang Shan, a Buddhist monastery. A delegation of around 50 representatives from the Catholic Focolare group in the Philippines, led by Asela, embarked on a journey of spiritual exploration alongside monks and believers from Fo Guang Shan. Members of the delegation from Italy, South Korea, mainland China, and the Philippines entered this tranquil sanctuary with their respective faiths and spiritual quests. Venerable Miao Jing, the abbess of the Mabuhay Temple, warmly welcomed their Catholic friends, expressing that Fo Guang Shan upholds the educational ideals of its founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and is dedicated to establishing the University of Enlightenment in Tagathay, aspiring to open the gates of wisdom for more kindred spirits. Venerable Miao Jing mentioned that the Buddha's teachings originate from humanity, and the existence of Buddhism is for the happiness of humanity. Venerable Master Hsing Yun advocates the Four Givings, hoping that this warmth can spread and bring more goodness to the world. Priest Severo remarked that every person at Fo Guang Shan exudes a passionate smile, like a warm breeze soothing the anxieties in their hearts. Francis, a theology student from Guangzhou, shared his profound experience of visiting the Mabhay Temple during his study trip to the Philippines, deeply feeling the significance of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's advocacy of the Three Act of Goodness. He was also surprised to discover the striking similarities between Buddhist teachings and Catholic principles. Students present at the event eagerly posed insightful questions, inquiring about topics such as freeing oneself from desire and practicing the Noble Eightfold Path. BLIA members, Belinda and Venerable Zhi Rong, patiently addressed each query. Venerable Zhi Qin showcased the essence of Humanistic Buddhism through videos and elucidated Venerable Master Hsing Yun's unique perspective on Humanistic Buddhism. This interreligious dialogue not only purified the participants' souls but also fostered mutual understanding and respect among different faiths. To deepen the visitors' experience, Venerable Chueh Chi specially prepared a unique ritual. LED candles were provided for the members to light, symbolizing the illumination of hope. After lighting the candles, the members meditated in silence, then drew Dharma lots, hoping to find answers to life's questions in this serene place. The youth group, led by Beibei Tsai and former leader Wanji Gong, served as hosts and guides for this visit. The group also visited Grand Master Hsing Yun Art Gallery where they experienced the writing of the sutra, Grand Master calligraphy and his volume of 395 books. To end their visit, the group had their afternoon snack at Mabuhay teahouse where they got to experience Buddhist vegetarian food.


Manila's Fo Guang Yuan: Devotees Gather for Bathing Ceremony, Undeterred by Challenges

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple May 22, 2024 In past years, Manila's Fo Guang Yuan held its annual May bathing ceremony in Chinatown's Ong Pin, bringing blessings to devotees and visitors alike. Despite recent setbacks due to relocation and pandemic restrictions, the event resumed on May 2nd, encouraged by guidance from Venerable Ru Liang. Led by Abbess Ven. Miao Jing, nearly 50 attendees, including volunteers, representatives from various branches, and faculty members from Guang Ming College, participated in the grand occasion. The event commenced with a brief yet solemn prayer ceremony, invoking blessings for the nation's prosperity, health, and happiness. Following this, each participant took turns to bathe the Buddha, receiving Heart Sutra pendants symbolizing virtues of kindness, inner peace, and reverence for the Dharma. Deputy Director Yang Li Qiong of the World Headquarters of the Buddha's Light International Association graced the occasion, expressing her support and delight at seeing many longtime devotees joining the festivities. For many, Fo Guang Yuan serves as an early spiritual haven, especially after completing household chores in the afternoon. This gathering evokes a sense of warmth and familial bonds, with longtime volunteers such as Yu Ping, Lily, and Yaya embodying the spirit of a spiritual home for devotees.


Sagay Education Bureau Visits Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple to Exchange TAG School Campus Concepts

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 4, 2024 On May 16th, Dr. Josette P. Balandra, Sagay Education Bureau, led a delegation of six, including art teachers and elementary and middle school teachers, to visit Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple. The visit was in preparation for the upcoming Buddha's Birthday celebration. They were warmly received by Ven. Zhi Rong, who represented the temple, and the teachers participated in a bathing Buddha ceremony, crafting lotus flowers on the spot as offerings. Dr. Josette expressed her honor in representing Filipino educators at the upcoming award ceremony and year-end exhibition for the Three Act of Goodness School Campus initiative held by Fo Guang Shan in Kaohsiung. Sagay City has been the sole Filipino city where all primary and secondary schools have implemented the Three Act of Goodness School Campus concept for several years now. Before departing, Dr. Josette specifically visited the temple to express gratitude to the Buddha. She noted that Fo Guang Shan organizes many meaningful events, with the current Transcendence Lotus Art Exhibition at Yuan Thong Temple showcasing local artists' interpretations of lotus flowers. Dr. Josette hopes that everyone can embody the principles of the Three Act of Goodness. Rema Aguirre, from Sagay National High School, oversees the school's art and activity programs. She has long been involved in and enthusiastic about activities at Fo Guang Shan, recognizing their educational significance. Lyn Lacson, from Sagay City Ecozone Farm School, visited Yuan Thong Temple for the first time and was filled with curiosity. She expressed gratitude to Dr. Josette for the invitation and persistence in arranging this visit over the years. Rose Mermida showed a keen interest in Buddhist artifacts, finding them and Taiwan's artistic creations to be imbued with sacredness and unique flavors. Before concluding their visit, the teachers agreed to return on May 26th to participate in a Three Act of Goodness School Dance event at Yuan Thong Temple.


Childcare Center Teachers and Students Visit Yuan Tong Temple for Experiential Learning Beyond Classroom

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Tong Temple April 9, 2024 On April 4th, Barangay Zone 3 Child Development Center in Talisay City embarked on a remarkable journey, with nearly 110 teachers, students, and parents setting foot together on a trip to Fo Guang Shan Yuan Tong Temple. This visit was not just a trip, but an adventure rich in growth, learning, and emotional experiences. Led by teacher Brenda, the children stepped out of the classroom to engage in experiential learning, delving deeper into understanding how to become better individuals. Venerable Zhi Rong shared lively and interesting stories about Guan Yin Bodhisattva, guiding the children to recite the Three Acts of Goodness: Do Good Deeds, Speak Good words, and Think Good Thoughts. Throughout the process, the children also learned the hand gesture of the lotus flower, symbolizing purity of the mind. In the interactive sessions, children were encouraged to voice their thoughts and understanding about doing good deeds and speaking kind words. They shared their perspectives, demonstrating a profound understanding of kindness and friendliness, as well as exploring and affirming the beauty of human values. With the assistance of volunteer Jennifer, Venerable Zhi Rong explained to the children in Filipino, making the communication smoother and more natural. The visit allowed each child to deeply feel the power of kindness and goodness, while also reinforcing their awareness of positive behavior and warm language. Yuan Tong Temple not only holds significant educational value but also serves as an ideal place for children to visit.


Communis: Common ground and Coexistence in the Religious Response to the Climate Crisis

Brian V. March 28, 2024 In the wake of alarming reports and escalating environmental concerns, voices from various religious group are invited in a forum to address the pressing issue of climate change themed“Communis: Common ground and Coexistence in the Religious Response to the Climate Crisis.” Students from De La Salle High School with the strand of Humanities and social science invited Kit Valderrama and Rachelle Sy of Buddha’s Light International Association Young Adult Divisions (BLIA YAD) Manila Subdivision led by Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Mabuhay Temple Abbess Venerable Miao Jing to be one of the esteemed speakers, along with Ms. Lourdes Arsenio of Archdiocese of Manila and Ms. Ianelle Dalumbay a social science teacher and Buddhist practitioner. The Forum is centered on teachings and commitment taken to mitigate climate crisis. Over 80 students attended on March 21, 2024 in La Salle University Yunchengco Hall. Venerable Miao Jing highlighted the practices of FGS to maintain a harmonious balance among self, others and the world. Buddhists take action to mitigate climate change by taking vegetarian diet and plant trees.  Programs such as Three Acts of Goodness for school children have introduced the concept of environmental and spiritual preservation to young Filipinos. Typhoon relief operations and charitable activities by BLIA and FGS shall always include the material, medical, humanitarian and spiritual aids for the holistic wellness of the victims. BLIA YAD Kit discussed Buddhist teachings such as compassion, interconnectedness, and impermanence as core principles in navigating the uncertainty and complexity of climate change. By acknowledging the impermanent nature of all phenomena, including our current ecological challenges, we can cultivate resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. Through a deep understanding of interdependence, we recognize that our individual actions, no matter how seemingly insignificant, are an integral part of the larger ecological whole, and that positive change is possible through collective effort and collaboration. BLIA YAD Rachelle talked about her growing up in a Buddhist family has moulded her to live simple and preserve resources. She has learnt from Venerable Master Hsing Yun “to be the parrot which saved the forest fire” as an uninvited friend rendering services. Afterwards, Ms. Lourdes discussed the Christian perspectives on the climate crisis, she emphasizes the principles of stewardship, solidarity, justice, and love. As stewards of God's creation, Christians are called to care for the Earth and all its inhabitants, working towards a more just and sustainable world for present and future generations. Furthermore, Ms. Ianelle Dalumbay a social science teacher and practicing Buddhist, dwell on her knowledge on the concept of Four Noble Truths and Eight-fold Paths encouraging youths to voice up and engage in the combating of climate crisis. When asked “what are practical ways they can do in addressing climate change?” all speakers advise to be mindful of our actions on daily activities. For example, turning off lights when it is not needed. Ms. Candice Aguila said that, “the diverse backgrounds of forum speakers have opened my perspective on caring for our environment. I have liked Three Acts of Goodness to keep my actions and thoughts kind towards our Mother Earth.” Ms Eufia Jasmine Lo the President and Head of the Steering Committee who led the organizing team appreciated the opportunity to reinforce the youth awareness and understanding on climate change. She is pleased to know that when we protect our environment, we respect all forms of  life and sustain the wellbeing in all. Indeed, by prioritizing the well-being of all beings and recognizing our shared responsibility for the welfare of the planet, we can work towards collective solutions that address both the symptoms and the systemic drivers of the climate crisis.

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