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FGS News

Nan Tien Institute Participates in the "Attention Ecology" International Conference to Promote World Peace

Francis Wong February 23, 2024 Venerable Jue Wei, Director of the Humanistic Buddhism Center at Nan Tien Institute of Fo Guang Shan, attended the online workshop "Toward a systemic concept of attention for the attention economy, using Buddhist and Western ethics" on 7 February, at the invitation of the Eindhoven Centre for the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence in the Netherlands. She delivered a keynote speech and explored the theme of "Ethics & Attention," along with other renowned experts, scholars, and institutional leaders. The workshop covered topics such as "Artificial Intelligence and Attention," "Economics, Business, and Attention," and "Law and Attention." Each presenter was given 15 minutes for their keynote speech, followed by an hour of online and offline open discussion. Venerable Jue Wei, drawing on Mahayana Buddhist principles, discussed how to transform the "Attention Economy" into an "Attention Ecology." She advocated for using "Attention Ecology" to enhance the concentration of the universe, removing the "Five Hindrances" that obstruct humanity's understanding of reality. He also explained the concept of "MettaVerses" to illustrate compassion and generosity across all realms, utilizing technology to benefit the public and foster the Bodhi mind. Venerable Jue Wei emphasized that Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes understanding of dependent origination, emptiness, impermanence, and non-self as fundamental insights into the nature of reality. The "Five Hindrances" of greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt hinder the recognition of interdependence, emptiness, impermanence, and non-self, distorting perception of reality, clouding mental clarity, and reducing the ability to cultivate mindfulness, wisdom, and concentration, which are psychological factors or "energies" within the attention economy's emotional landscape. Focusing on the Bodhi mind in Mahayana Buddhism, Venerable Jue Wei underscored the cultivation of compassion and love, directing attention to the suffering of others, feeling compassion, and translating it into action. She proposed the concept of "MettaVerses," defining compassion as "selflessly serving and assisting with wisdom" and "giving charity unconditionally, without expecting anything in return," as shared by the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, with the public. During the Q&A session, participants demonstrated great interest in "MettaVerses" and Buddhist concepts, discussing mindfulness, "maintaining equanimity is the way," various Buddhist practices related to concentration, going with the flow, gradual enlightenment, and sudden enlightenment. Venerable Jue Wei believes that the current problems and crises in the world require collaboration across various fields, including religion, economics, law, ethics, and technology, to collectively create and transform crises, improve society, and promote world peace. She felt honoured to attend this presentation alongside some elite scholars and noted that Nan Tien Institute's curriculum references and cites these scholars' books as course materials, inspiring deeper and broader learning. Venerable Jue Wei recalls the teaching of Venerable Master Hsing Yun that the venerables of Fo Guang Shan should "step out to the world" and stand on the international stage to advocate for Buddhism, using Buddhism to change society and promote world peace. Conference Video to share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJNnjP8zk9A


2024 Fo Guang Club Welcoming Day Realising Ideals with Aspirational Power

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand April 10, 2024 On 9th March 2024, Fo Guang Club of the University of Auckland held its New Semester Welcoming Day with a total of 22 members gathering at the FGS Auckland to participate in various activities. The YAD committee guided new members through ice-breaking games and Temple tours. They introduced Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the Founder of FGS Buddhist Order and shared the Dharma teaching: With ideals, there is aspirational power; with aspirational power, there is realisation; with realisation, ideals can be achieved, leading to a promising future, encouraging the participants to learn from the Venerable Master’s spirit of staying true to one’s initial vows. FGS NZ Abbess Manshin used a Q&A format to answer the youth’s doubts, how can one cultivate a character of giving? The Abbess clarified, those with a compassionate heart naturally understand giving and repaying kindness. Giving money or material possessions to others is material giving, sharing teachings and principles with others is Dharma giving, one can also provide spiritual support and strength to overcome fear which is fearless giving. How can one manage oneself? The Abbess shared a teaching from the Founding Master saying, I am among the people. Using examples of YAD committees Thomas and Edwin, Abbess explained how from the initial inspiration to the integration into regular practices, they embodied the idea that youth need good role models because being in the right environment and serving in a group enables them to become masters of their own lives, making life filled with positive qualities. The participants expressed their gratitude one after another. Winter, a participant, expressed gratitude, saying Abbess Manshin had helped them unravel many confusions. She felt greatly inspired and was pleased to have made numerous like-minded friends. Adela shared, the event was organised professionally and meticulously. She was grateful to the organisers for their dedication. Through the event, she had deepened her understanding of the Temple and wished to continue learning to gain wisdom.


NSW Premier Visits Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Kogarah recognising the contributions to the community by Fo Guang Shan

Francis Wong April 2, 2024 On 22 March, The Hon. Chris Minns MP, Premier of NSW, visited the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Kogarah. The Premier was greeted by Ven. Miao You, Director of Nan Tien Institute, Ven. You Fa, Superintendent of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Kogarah, Daniel Wu, President of the BLIA Sydney, Francis Wong, Elder Advisor of BLIA Sydney, along with about 20 BLIA members to warmly welcome the visiting of the premier. "Welcome Home!" The Premier expressed that he is a resident near the temple and also the MP for Kogarah. Before being elected as Premier, he actively participated in temple and BLIA’s activities, including the BLIA Sport Day, Laba Porridge Charity Event, and the ANZAC Day. After being elected as premier of New South Wales in 2023, his first visit to Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Kogarah felt like "coming home," making him feel especially close and warm. Ven. Miao You introduced the courses offered by Nan Tien Institute and presented the book "366 days with Wisdom" by the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, on behalf of Nan Tien Temple. The Premier greatly appreciated the book, eagerly flipping through the wisdom teachings of March 22nd and personally reciting, "Great people fulfil themselves by helping others to accomplish. Mean people fulfil themselves by holding others back." The Premier said that after reading the articles, he deeply resonated with them. He hoped that in future speeches, he could refer to and quote Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s wisdom to enrich the content and purify society and people's hearts. He believed that the Buddhist concept of "mindfulness" is of great help in dealing with busy workloads and hoped to introduce mindfulness thinking and meditation to provide references and applications for parliamentarians to enhance everyone's work efficiency and maintain the power of focus. The Premier was also briefed on the community's achievements in propagating Buddhism over the past year, including multicultural community connections, congregational education, creative culture, and volunteer services. In particular, the premier was being thanked for remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun's passing and personally sending condolences and flowers at the first opportunity. Jing, the leader of the southern Buddha Light Scouts, said that the number of Buddha Light Scouts has continued to increase by more than 80 people, advancing to 5th place on the New South Wales Scout rankings. Ven. Miao You invited the Premier to attend this year's Nan Tien Temple 30th anniversary celebration and the Buddha's Birthday Multicultural Festival held in Darling Harbour Sydney, to experience this year's theme of "Coexistence & Coprosperity."


VEGRUN at Sydney Buddha’s Birthday to Embark on Health and Happiness

Francis Wong May 23, 2024 Organised by Hsing Yun Education Foundation and iPure Green, and co-hosted by BLIA Sydney and Nan Tien Temple, the "2024 Sydney Buddha's Birthday Festival VEGRUN" kicked off joyfully at Darling Harbour on 28th April. Over 400 enthusiastic participants, including Venerable Man Ko, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia and New Zealand, Ms. Cathy Guo, a director of Hsing Yun Education Foundation and general public from all walks of life, joined the event. The purpose of this charity run is to support the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's philosophy of "peace and happiness shining over the five continents," as well as the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Good Health and Well-being. Mental health is currently one of the most significant social health issues in Australia, with one in every five Australians facing mental health problems. Therefore, the foundation aims to raise awareness and concern for mental health issues through this charity run. The journey to mental health begins with a happy life. This year's charity run, themed "Kindness in Motion, Wellness in Every Step," aims to involve everyone in running for health and happiness. The proceeds from the charity run, witnessed by Venerable. Man Ko and the Daniel Wu, President BLIA Sydney, were donated by The Hon. Chris Minns MP, Premier of New South Wales, to the Black Dog Institute and Lifeline Australia during the Buddha's Birthday celebration. These two charitable organizations are the largest in Australia conducting research on mental health, with Lifeline Australia also providing 24-hour crisis support services and personnel training. Their mission aligns with the foundation's vision of safeguarding the happiness and well-being of the public. The charity run featured participants of all ages, from athletic individuals to elderly participants and families joining in the spirit of joy. Each participant contributed to raising awareness of mental health and realizing a happy and peaceful life. Before the run, the organizers arranged activities such as Tai Chi and vegetable dances to calm the mind and stretch the body. Then, amidst the cheerful sound of the starting whistle, everyone set off with high spirits. Along the 3-kilometer route, there were cheering stations to support the participants. In the end, Kaushal Thakur, Ben Liu, Ivan Woo, Antares Qi, Leo Divis, and Xavier NG respectively secured the top three positions in the adult and children's categories. Venerable Man Ko presented certificates, medals, and books by Master Hsing Yun as rewards. Each participant also received a charity run badge as encouragement. Adult category champion Kaushal Thakur, from the birthplace of Buddhism in India, with six years of running experience, expressed his enjoyment of the fun run and highlighted the benefits of running for physical and mental health. "Moderate exercise, adequate sleep, and a healthy diet" are essential factors for achieving physical and mental health, as emphasized by Venerable Man Ko. A healthy body and a faithful belief can bring positive energy to society, thereby realizing happiness, peace, and creating a world of truth, goodness, and beauty. Venerable Man Ko further pointed out that participants, sponsors, and beneficiaries of the charity run all accumulate the same merits and encouraged everyone to dedicate their merits to building a " Coexistence and Coprosperity " society.


The 10th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing New Zealand Joyfully Commenced

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand May 17, 2024 The 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing has entered its 10th anniversary from 2014 to 2024. The Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple New Zealand following the Founder of the FGS Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concept of the Temple functions as an education centre, collaborated with the New Zealand Police and local schools to collectively build a harmonious society. Under the guidance of Abbess Manshin, participation has grown from 3 schools in the first year to 63 schools in 2024, with over 30,000 students, teachers and parents stepping into the Temple. Since its commencement, the New Zealand Police had 47 officers to support this education program fully, enabling students to understand and apply the principles of the Three Acts of Goodness and the Four Givings in making correct choices in life. In this 10th year, Auckland and Christchurch Temples have 23 schools, with over 4,000 students and teachers registering to participate. The one-month long Festival of Cultural Sharing commenced on 30th April 2024 at FGS Buddhist Temple in Auckland, 123 students from Year 4 to 6 from St Francis Catholic School, along with 27 teachers and parents visited joyfully. The students’ anticipation filled every corner of the Temple with vitality and enthusiasm. Students from St Francis Catholic School participating in the education program for the first time are divided into three groups to engage in various enriching activities in an orderly manner. These activities include watching the movie Life of Buddha, mindfulness meditation, calligraphy experience, incense offering, writing wishing cards and police interaction sessions. The specially prepared Three Goodness Rice from the Temple received high praise from the students. In addition, the exquisite pencils imprinted with 3G Wording also brought them surprises. Deputy Principal Olivia expressed gratitude to FGS Auckland for arranging such a rich and exciting program, stating that the visit provided students with an incredible experience. Director of  Religious Studies Veronica Jones, remarked that the values presented by 3G4G resonate with the school’s core values and the tranquillity of the Temple allowed students to engage deeply and enjoyably in the activities. Student Nikki shared that her favourite session was the mindfulness meditation in the courtyard, feeling extremely comfortable with the warm sunlight shining on her. Student Natalie expressed her delight in visiting the Temple, and learning how to become a better person through 3G4G. Students Kevin and David found the calligraphy experience quite challenging but expressed their determination to return for more practice.


Multi-Faith Vigil in Sydney: Praying for World Peace and Harmony

Ben Jie May 22, 2024 On May 2, 2024, Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen of BLIA Sydney Chapter participated in the Multi-Faith Prayer Vigil event organized by The Abraham Conference Committee. The event took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Hall in Parramatta, Sydney. Approximately fifty guests attended, coming together to mourn the victims of recent violent incidents in the Sydney community and to pray for world peace. At the beginning of the gathering, Rev. Dr. Manas Goah, the chairperson of the organizing committee, emphasized the paramount importance of community safety and expressed zero tolerance for acts of violence. He called for collaboration among major religions to spread positive messages and unequivocally oppose all forms of violence. Subsequently, attendees lit peace candles, symbolizing hope for a brighter world. Religious leaders from various communities also offered prayers for the deceased and blessings for the society. Kate Xavier and Kim Chong from the organising committee expressed gratitude to Abbess Chueh Shan for representing the Buddhist community at the event. They look forward to future opportunities for collaboration and exchange with Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and BLIA Sydney Chapter in promoting interfaith initiatives. Mr. Suresh Dharmalingam, representing the Baha’i Temple, was deeply moved by the event. Despite differing beliefs, he recognized that all religious groups share a common goal: advocating for the community. He expressed hope that continued interfaith cooperation would foster harmony and unity within society. Abbess Chueh Shan highlighted the significance of participating in interfaith activities as a means to build friendships across diverse faiths and cultures. Through such exchanges, individuals gain knowledge and skills in interacting with people who hold different worldviews. The purpose of interfaith dialogue is to enhance understanding and respect for other religious systems and institutions, deepening our appreciation of their values. This interfaith interaction contributes to promoting peace, understanding, and tolerance on a global scale, aligning with Master Hsing Yun’s vision of “Humanistic Buddhism.” -- Captions Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta at the Multifaith Prayer Vigil with Rev Dr Manas Ghosh, Rabbi George Mordecai, Rabbi Jacqui Ninio, Rev Dr Patrick McInerney, Mr Ahmet Polat, Rev Dr Helen Richmond, Dr Urfi Hashmi, Ms Niloufar Khalajabadi, Ven Rabdrol Christine Beveridge, Mr Pandit Jatin Bhatt, Mr Sanmati Gandhi, Mr Jatinder Singh, Mr Ahmet Polat. Venerable Chueh Shan, Abbess of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen, Executive Committee Member of BLIA Sydney attended the Multifaith Prayer Vigil in St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall Parramatta to pray for world peace.


2024 BLIA NZ Seminar

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand March 28, 2024 On 2nd and 3rd March 2024, the Buddha Light International Association (BLIA) North Island Chapter held a two-day seminar featuring insightful lectures by FGS Abbess Manshin, Minister in Charge of FGS Auckland Venerable Rulian and Senior Advisor Lintao YU. Over 50 BLIA members attended, engaging in interactive discussions and Q&A sessions, focusing on cultivating the right mindfulness and right views. Lay Dharma Teacher Lintao YU presented the story of BLIA’s Founding by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. He highlighted the Temple’s leadership in guiding the association with the principle of promoting kindness through culture and cultivating talents through education. YU implemented several projects such as the 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing, 366 Days with Wisdom Book Gifting Project and the Annual Art Salon. He expressed gratitude for the Temple’s guidance and the members’ dedication to community service. The Venerable Master says Stability is crucial, Venerable Rulian encouraged the attendees to find their life’s purpose and to enrich lives through service. By taking on responsibilities, one can discover one’s potential, apply wisdom to dignify life and strengthen confidence in faith. President Evelyn KU expressed appreciation for the active participation and idea-sharing, noting the seminar’s role in strengthening the team. Abbess Manshin emphasised the importance of wisdom in daily life. Referring to the Venerable Master’s teachings, where there is Dharma, there is a way, implying that any problem can be resolved with wisdom. Venerable Master also pointed out that BLIA members should engage in myriad activities and create myriad affinities. By serving in various platforms, individuals cultivate personal positive karmic retribution, which manifests good qualities through actions, speech and thoughts. Starting from oneself to construct a harmonious society. On the second day, Abbess addressed the questions that arose among the members while serving in various departments within the Temple. Using simple language, she shared practical experiences of skilful means, clarifying the relationships between wealth and service, attire and attitude, as well as between remorse and gratitude. The Abbess blessed the participants, expressing hope that everyone can shine brightly, excel in quality and gracefully realise one potential through collective efforts, refining a splendid life within the heart of gratitude.


International Webinar Explores Chinese Perspectives on Human-AI Interaction

Pema Duddul April 24, 2024 On April 10, 2024, Venerable Dr Juewei , the Director of Nan Tien Institute’s Humanistic Buddhism Centre Australia, participated as a panelist in an international online seminar. The seminar, titled "The Interface between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Approaches in Global Context," was hosted by the China Forum for Civilizational Dialogue, co-organized by Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and La Civiltà Cattolica. The event aimed to foster a comprehensive dialogue on conceptual and practical frameworks for navigating the evolving relationship between humans and AI. At the heart of the discussion were key themes unearthed from a series of closed workshops held throughout the 2022-2023 academic year. These workshops, which attracted scholars, artists, and AI experts from diverse disciplines, underscored the imperative of reimagining accountability amidst the ongoing technological revolution and emphasized the necessity of fostering collaborative and co-creative partnerships between humans and AI. The event's diverse panel of speakers brought a wealth of expertise and perspectives to the table. Among them was Dr. Juewei Shi from Nan Tien Institute, whose unique background blends two decades of experience in Humanistic Buddhism and Buddhist Studies with a deep understanding of artificial intelligence and business process re-engineering. Dr. Shi's presentation shed light on the contemporary applications of Buddhism in navigating the complexities of human-AI interaction, offering valuable insights gleaned from both academia and real-world experience.   Participants of  "The Interface between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Approaches in Global Context" online seminar. photo/The Life News Agency   Joining Dr. Shi were esteemed figures such as Thomas Banchoff, Director of Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs; Qiufan Chen, an award-winning Chinese science-fiction writer renowned for his visionary contributions to the genre; Rev. Nuno Gonçalves, S.J., Director of La Civiltà Cattolica; Fen Jennifer Lin, an associate professor at City University of Hong Kong specializing in media, communication, and technology; and Debora Tonelli, the event coordinator and a prominent researcher in the field of religious studies. Throughout the webinar, participants engaged in lively discussions that traversed the philosophical, cultural, and ethical dimensions of AI-human interaction. From the implications of AI on religious and spiritual practices to the role of storytelling in shaping public perceptions of AI, the conversations were as varied as they were insightful. One of the central themes that emerged from the dialogue was the need for a more inclusive global discourse on AI that incorporates diverse perspectives from across the world. While the conversation around AI has predominantly been led by voices from the United States and Europe, the webinar highlighted the importance of amplifying voices from regions such as China, which bring their own rich philosophical and cultural traditions to the table. As the webinar drew to a close, participants were left with a renewed sense of urgency to continue exploring the complex terrain of AI-human interaction. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and embracing diverse perspectives, the webinar laid the groundwork for future endeavors aimed at navigating the evolving interface between humans and AI in an increasingly interconnected world. For those interested in delving deeper into the discussions and learning more about the speakers and their work, recordings of the webinar and additional information can be found on the China Forum for Civilizational Dialogue's website: https://chinaforum.georgetown.edu/events/the-interface-between-human-and-artificial-intelligence-chinese-approaches-in-global-context


Buddha’s Light International Association of Solomon Islands celebrated its first Buddha’s Birth Day with a Bathing of the Buddha event

Claudia Hii May 20, 2024 On the 15th of May 2024, the Buddha’s Light International Association of Solomon Islands (BLIASI) celebrated its very first Buddha’s Birth Day, since the chapter’s inauguration, with a Bathing of the Buddha event in Honiara. Under the leadership of BLIASI President, Hii Yii Ging, BLIASI members, teachers from Woodford International School and local Solomon Islanders participated in the event. President of BLIASI, Hii Yii Ging, welcomed attendees by sharing the significance of bathing the Buddha. He expressed that by using fragrant water to bathe the statue of the infant Buddha, it is symbolic of the purification of our body, speech and mind to cultivate wisdom, as well as a reminder to practice the Three Acts of Goodness in our daily lives to do good deeds, speak good words and think good thoughts. Together, attendees read and discussed the origin, purpose and significance of bathing the Buddha, followed by a procedural demonstration of how to bathe the Buddha. Those in attendance then individually participated in the bathing of the Buddha ceremony. This was then followed by a vegetarian appreciation dinner organised by BLIASI in order to creatively showcase a variety of meat-free dishes using produce readily available in the country. As attendees enjoyed dinner, they reflected and shared their personal thoughts on their Bathing of the Buddha experience. Local Solomon Islander friends, Ketty Ribeni and Jennifer Rex, expressed that they were sincerely grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Bathing of the Buddha ceremony. They shared that Buddhism is new to them and generally unknown within the Solomon Islands, but through this event, they were able to understand the importance of self-reflection and that practicing the Three Acts Goodness starts from oneself. They were excited to share what they had learnt with their friends and to encourage them to practice doing good deeds, speaking good words and thinking good thoughts together. Maria Hernandez, Middle School Curriculum Coordinator from Woodford International School, is from the USA and not a Buddhist herself, but was interested in attending the event after hearing about it. She shared that when she was working in countries such as India and Japan, she encountered female monks and had many questions, which she never had the opportunity to ask. By attending this event, she was able to ask BLIASI committee members questions to better understand Buddhism, the concept of Humanistic Buddhism and its incorporation into her work and life. Additionally, she shared that she is looking forward to visiting Fo Guang Shan branches in countries where she will work in the future. BLIASI members summarised their thoughts and experiences by sharing that they felt peace and joy on Buddha’s Birth Day. By bathing the Buddha, it was a physical reminder to keep body, speech and mind pure, as well as to cultivate wisdom and compassion, which only comes through daily practice. To come together with like-minded individuals on the auspicious day of the Buddha’s birth was a moment of immense gratitude felt by all. As BLIASI’s first Buddha Birth Day celebrations came to a close, BLIASI members were inspired to continue propagating Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism teachings in the Solomon Islands.


FGS Christchurch Buddha’s Birthday Celebration: Nourishes the Pure Land of the Human World

Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch April 26, 2024 On 20 April 2024, Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch hosted the annual Buddha’s Birthday Celebration for World Peace, with nearly 800 people in attendance. The ceremony was led by the Abbess of FGS NZ Venerable Manshin, featuring the recitation of the Heart Sutra and the Prayer for World Peace written by the Founder of FGS Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Religious blessings were conducted by Reverend Canon Ben Truman, Dean of Christchurch Cathedral and Dr Surinder Tandon, President of the Christchurch Multicultural Council. Attendees in the temple offered flowers to the Buddha and bathed the statue of Prince Siddhartha. Devotees also prayed for inner purity and societal harmony. The celebration began with the City of Christchurch Highland Pipe Band playing Scottish bagpipes. Distinguished guests included the President of BLIA South Island, Bernie SIEW, the Mayor of Christchurch Mr Phil Mauger, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Christchurch Madame HE Ying, MP for Wigram Hon Dr Megan Woods, District Commander of the Canterbury Superintendent Tony Hill, The World Peace Bell Association Christchurch representative David Bolam-Smith, the University of Canterbury Professor Mike Reid, artists Tricia Morant and Hugh Rickard were in attendance. The Temple prepared special auspicious apples as a blessing for everyone’s peace and happiness. Abbess Manshin addressed the BLIA member’s efforts in building affinities and benefiting life through making connections, joyfully serving and practicing the Noble Eightfold Path, aiming to cultivate a pure mind and create a peaceful society. President Bernie expressed gratitude for the guidance of Abbess and the Temple, as well as the dedicated support of the volunteers, emphasizing that the happiness and peace of all humanity are the goals and direction of the BLIA members. Learning from Buddha’s spirit of respect and tolerance is about finding unity in diversity, practicing equality with an attitude of mutual understanding. Mayor Phil Mauger remarked that Buddha is one of the greatest spiritual leaders in history.  Buddha‘s teaching of compassion, understanding, non-violence, tolerance, love and respect for all life is what the world needs. Hon MP Megan Wood shared that practicing the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in life advocated by the Venerable Master will definitely create a harmonious nation and a beautiful world. Superintendent Tony Hill expressed that the police department highly values the interaction with the Temple and that the FGS spirit of the collective effort is essential as NZ Police force is committed to protecting the public’s safety, which requires everyone’s collective efforts to maintain safety. Consul General He Ying praised the vitality of the BLIA Young Adult Division, thanking FGS for its continuous efforts to promote Buddhist culture, education and charity, playing a significant role in enhancing multicultural integration in South Island NZ and actively spreading the ideals of world peace. The event also featured BLIA YAD dance performances, Baby & Children Blessing Ceremony, Tea Meditation sessions, vegetarian food fair, local market stalls and lucky draw, wishing that everyone brings peace and joy home.

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