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Live Demonstration of Ceramic Tile Painting in FGY Art Gallery Christchurch | 人間福報

Live Demonstration of Ceramic Tile Painting in FGY Art Gallery Christchurch

Ceramic artist Hugh Richard conducted a live demonstration. photo/FGS NZ
Hugh Richard shared his painting technique. photo/FGS NZ
The artist invited attendees to participate in the creation process. photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
April 2, 2024

The Resurgence Exhibition currently showcased at the Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery Christchurch, has received high acclaim since its opening on 27th January, 2024. The main curator of the exhibition, ceramic artist Hugh Richard, conducted a live demonstration on 16th March, offering art enthusiasts a unique chance to observe his creative process up close.

Hugh’s ceramic paintings are exquisite and lifelike. In the demonstration, he shared his painting technique, using a photograph of a seaside sunset as a reference. He cut a corner from a clay slab to use as a brush, skilfully sketching and outlining the landscape on the slab. He also invited attendees to participate in the creation process, fostering a delightful and interactive atmosphere.

Throughout the demonstration, the audience was captivated by Hugh’s dedication and attention to detail. Hugh explained that after painting, the artworks are placed in a kiln for firing, a process that permanently fuses the pigments with the ceramic. The finished pieces are not only ideal for home decoration but also serve as unique gifts.

Artist Tricia Morant was also present to show her support. The event offered art lovers a valuable and precious opportunity to engage directly with the artists and experience the joy of creation. Hugh shared that the quality behind each piece is the result of continuous hard work and dedication, and that focusing on painting is an enjoyable process. He expressed his gratitude to FGY Art Gallery Christchurch for providing the necessary resources and a beautiful venue to share the beauty of creation with the public.



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