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2024 FGS NZ Buddha’s Birthday Celebration: Cultivating Social Harmony | 人間福報

2024 FGS NZ Buddha’s Birthday Celebration: Cultivating Social Harmony

On 13 April 2024, the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland hosted the annual Buddha’s Birthday Celebration for World Peace. photo/FGS NZ
The ceremony was led by Abbess of FGS NZ Venerable Manshin. photo/FGS NZ
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Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
April 16, 2024

On 13 April 2024, the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland hosted the annual Buddha’s Birthday Celebration for World Peace. The ceremony was led by Abbess of  FGS NZ Venerable Manshin. Attendees collectively chanted the Heart Sutra and recited the Prayer for World Peace written by the Founder of FGS Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Distinguished guests from various religious backgrounds participated, including Māori elder Kaumatua Tame Hauraki, Dean of Auckland the Very Reverend Anne Mills, and Catholic representative Rev Deacon Chris Sullivan, who each offered prayers for the ceremony. Notable attendees included President Evelyn KU of the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) North Island Chapter, Director General Kendra CHEN of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland, Members of Parliament Nancy LU and Rima Nakhle, Auckland Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, Councillor Hon Maurice Williamson & Sharon Stewart, Chair of the Howick Local Board Damian Light, Superintendent Shanan Gray and Inspector Rod Honan together with nearly 500 people from diverse sectors, including religious, political, police, arts, media, schools and the community.

Participants made generous offerings to the Buddha. The BLIA Young Adult Division performed a lion dance to welcome the statue of Prince Siddhartha. Additionally, students from Papatoetoe Intermediate School sang the New Zealand national anthem and performed a Haka dance. The FGS Auckland Choir performed hymns celebrating the birth of Buddha and expressed gratitude to the Founding Master for bringing the beautiful Temple to New Zealand.

Abbess Manshin addressed the Temple’s efforts in sharing the Three Goodness values locally, which is a project of returning to one’s roots and true nature, and thus serving the community. Abbess expressed her wishes for New Zealand to thrive with peace.

President Evelyn KU thanked Abbess and the Temple for leading the community in building a Pure Land on Earth through diverse cultural, educational and charitable activities, helping to purify minds and the land. By participating in the Buddha Bathing Ceremony, attendees embodied the principles of Do Good Deeds, Say Good Words & Think Good Thoughts.

MP Nancy LU conveyed gratitude from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, acknowledging the significant contributions of Fo Guang Shan to the community and cooperation with the police. Deputy Mayor Simpson praised the Temple for infusing Auckland, one of the world’s most culturally diverse cities, with harmony, peace and joy. Director General CHEN highlighted the need for the wisdom and light of the Dharma in today’s world.

Chairman Light and Inspector Honan also praised the Temple’s supportive role in fostering community harmony. Editor Farida Master of Eastlife described the Temple as an oasis of harmony and a cultural sanctuary, appreciating its efforts in building a supportive society.

The celebration also featured a Baby & Children Blessing Ceremony, local market stalls, a One Stroke Calligraphy exhibition by the Venerable Master, a Prince Siddhartha Exhibition and tea meditation. The New Zealand Health Department provided free flu vaccinations at the event, recognizing Temple’s support of the Asian community’s VAX Heroes initiative. The day was filled with auspiciousness and joy.


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