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Harmonizing Tradition and Innovation: Workshop on AI Tools for Writing and Translation | 人間福報

Harmonizing Tradition and Innovation: Workshop on AI Tools for Writing and Translation

On April 9, 2024, Nan Tien Institute's Centre for Humanistic Buddhism hosted an online workshop focusing on the application of AI tools in writing and translation. photo/Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple
Venerable Miao Guang provided a comprehensive overview of the currently available AI technologies. photo/Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple

April 22, 2024

On April 9, 2024, Nan Tien Institute's Centre for Humanistic Buddhism hosted an online workshop focusing on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in writing and translation. The workshop featured Venerable Miao Guang, Deputy Chancellor of Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, who provided innovative translation ideas for volunteers engaged in translating articles for the journal "Studies on Humanistic Buddhism" (https://journal.nantien.edu.au). The event attracted volunteers from regions including the United States, Mainland China, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and Taiwan.

Exploring the AI Landscape

The session kicked off with Venerable Miao Guang providing a comprehensive overview of the currently available AI technologies. Through relevant examples, she showcased how these tools not only streamline workflows but also elevate the quality of creative output. The workshopstressed the importance of harnessing AI tools responsibly, with a focus on understanding their limitations.

Mastering the Art of AI Interaction

A highlight of the workshop was the deep dive into the art of crafting effective AI prompts.
Venerable Miao Guang elucidated how well-designed prompts can enhance AI-generated output.Participants were treated to live demonstrations and interactive exercises, experiencing firsthand the impact of strategic prompting on AI's responses.

This hands-on approach allowed attendees to grasp the nuanced interplay between AI
Capabilities and human creativity. Venerable Miao Guang encouraged reflection on how AI tools can complement the creative process, urging participants to leverage their human insight and creativity to guide AI output.

Inspiring Future Integration

As the workshop wrapped up, participants emerged with enriched perspectives on the integration of AI in writing and translation. More than just an introduction to AI tools, the  event served as a catalyst, inspiring attendees to explore innovative ways to incorporate technology into their creative workflows.

The workshop underscored the potential of AI to serve as a powerful ally in the realm of writing and translation, provided it is guided by mindful and discerning human intervention. Venerable Miao Guang's session marked a significant step towards the harmonious fusion of technology and humanistic pursuits, paving the way for future explorations in the field.


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