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An Interfaith Exchange between BLIA Sydney and Parramatta Mission | 人間福報

An Interfaith Exchange between BLIA Sydney and Parramatta Mission

BLIA Sydney visited Parramatta Mission for an interfaith exchange. BLIA representatives led by Daniel Wu (second from the left) were warmly welcomed by representatives led by Reverend Dr. Helen Richmond (right). photo/BLIA Sydney

Florence Yuen
March 4, 2024

On February 26th 2024, Daniel Wu, President of BLIA Sydney, along with Florence Yuen, executive committee member of BLIA Sydney and Jean Kho, Advisor of BLIA Sydney West 2 Subchapter, visited Parramatta Mission in the heart of Sydney’s western district. They met with representatives from the organization, including Reverend Dr. Helen Richmond, Community General Manager Davyn de Bruyn, Service Manager Paul Moussa, and Asian community volunteer Chao Zhou, for an interfaith exchange.
Parramatta Mission, an affiliate of the Uniting Church in Australia, has a rich history of over 200 years in community outreach and support services. Their mission is to assist vulnerable populations, including the homeless, those at risk of homelessness, and individuals facing mental health challenges. Through their “Meals Plus” program, they provide food, accommodation, and support, serving breakfast and lunch from Monday to Friday. Additionally, they offer mental health services aimed at promoting well-being and reducing discrimination.

During the meeting, Daniel Wu introduced BLIA’s history and activities and shared the organization’s guiding principles of the “Four Givings” – giving confidence, joy, hope, and convenience to others. The two groups were delighted to find that BLIA’s principles and Parramatta Mission’s values of faith, hope, and joy are very much in alignment. Paul Moussa expressed gratitude towards BLIA Sydney’s expression of interest in supporting the community. According to Moussa, access to services and resources can be challenging for segments of the Chinese community due to the language barrier. Both parties explored feasible forms of collaboration, including volunteering in the Meals Plus program, providing healthy vegetarian meals, mental health support, and caring for vulnerable individuals. The goal is to enhance social services for a diverse community.

BLIA Sydney visited Parramatta Mission for an interfaith exchange. BLIA representatives led by Daniel Wu (second from the left) were warmly welcomed by representatives led by Reverend Dr. Helen Richmond (right).  photo/BLIA Sydney


Jean Kho, Elderly Advisor of BLIA West 2 Subchapter stated that despite differing religious backgrounds, the shared goal of bringing joy and hope to others unites the two organizations. This exchange highlighted the potential for collaboration between different faiths in Australia’s multicultural society, ultimately contributing to greater compassion and support for the community. As Venerable Master Hsing Yun wisely said, “While there are differences among religious groups and their doctrines may vary, but they can still seek common ground amidst their differences.”


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