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Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa is Invited to Attend Senator's Retirement Gala | 人間福報

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa is Invited to Attend Senator's Retirement Gala

A retirement gala was held on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to honor the distinguished service of Senator Victor Oh(3rd from left). photo/The Life News Agency
Local cultural and artistic groups from Ottawa took to the stage to express their blessings through song and dance. photo/The Life News Agency
Senator Victor Oh welcomed the cenerables. photo/The Life News Agency

Wen Jue, Life News Agency
May 20, 2024

On the evening of April 20th, 2024 a retirement gala was held on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to honor the distinguished service of Senator Victor Oh, the first Chinese-Canadian appointed to the Senate. Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa was invited to attend the event, with Venerable Miao Qi, Venerable Miao Rang,  June Sun, President of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Ottawa Chapter, Elder Advisor Yi Luo, and Nancy Zhang, President of the BLIA Ottawa South Subchapter.

Senator Oh was praised for his years of dedication to protecting the rights of ethnic minorities and promoting social justice in Canada. He was appreciated for his unwavering support for religious and cultural events and his deep connection with Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa. During the gala, the representative from Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa presented Senator Oh with a calligraphy work, "Cultivate a Heart that Blooms in All Seasons" by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, and wished Senator Oh a retirement filled with auspiciousness in all seasons and a forever-young spirit.

Senator Oh, who emigrated to Toronto from Singapore at a young age, built a successful business career while actively serving the community, and became a respected leader in the Chinese-Canadian community. In addition, he was the founding chairman of the Canada-China Business Communication Council (CCBCC). He has held numerous public positions, including chair of the Safe City Mississauga and a member of the board of directors of the Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Senator Oh was nominated by former Prime Minister Stephen Harper to serve in the Senate in 2013, and will retire with honours in June of 2024.

Senator Oh reflected on his 12-year tenure in his speech, and highlighted his efforts to combat racial discrimination, to protect the rights of Chinese-Canadians, and to promote friendship between Canada and China. These efforts included the amendment of the Citizenship Act and the organization of a centennial commemoration, and, a review on the Chinese Exclusion Act in the Senate. He called for unity and cooperation among ethnic minorities, and encouraged the younger generation to participate in politics. Senator Oh added that they should speak up for themselves in society, and defend their rights in the political arena.  

The gala was also attended by fellow Chinese-Canadian Senator Yuen Pau Woo, Member of Parliament Chandra Arya, and over 200 Chinese-Canadian representatives from Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto. Local cultural and artistic groups from Ottawa took to the stage to express their blessings through song and dance.


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