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Year of the Dragon Celebration at Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch | 人間福報

Year of the Dragon Celebration at Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch

Family members of all ages visited the Temple to make offerings and prayers with incense, light and flower offerings. photo/FGS NZ
The Chinese New Year festivities included vibrant and traditional lion dance performances. photo/FGS NZ
The lion dance performances attracted many visitors. photo/FGS NZ
NZAttendees gathered at the Temple to celebrate the beginning of the Lunar New Year. photo/FGS NZ
Attendees were presented with the traditional auspicious red packets and calligraphy with good wishes for a blessed and prosperous new year. photo/FGS NZ
The God of Wealth also appeared, distributing candies which symbolized spiritual and financial prosperity to everyone. photo/FGS NZ
Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch held a series of celebrations to welcome the Year of the Dragon. photo/FGS

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
February 20, 2024

From 9th to 11th February 2024, the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch held a series of celebrations to welcome the Year of the Dragon. Almost 2,000 attendees gathered at the Temple to celebrate the beginning of the Lunar New Year. Venerables led the congregation in paying homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the eve and the first day of the Chinese New Year. A Prayer for the New Year, written by the Founder of the FGS Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, was recited. Everyone wishes Happy Chinese New Year to the Head Abbot of FGS Buddhist Order Most Venerable HsinBau, the FGS NZ Abbess Manshin, and all present.

Videos of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and Head Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bao bestowing blessings for 2024 were watched by the attendees. They were also presented with the traditional auspicious red packets and calligraphy with good wishes for a blessed and prosperous new year.

Family members of all ages visited the Temple to make offerings and prayers with incense, light and flower offerings to express their hopes for the coming year. The crowd struck the bell of happiness, engaged in sutra transcription, took the Wise Words of the Venerable Master, and enjoyed the auspicious porridge meal. There was a full house at the Water Drop Teahouse, with everyone joyfully participating in the events. They are grateful for the meticulous arrangements made by the temple staff and for the joyful contributions of the volunteers.

The Chinese New Year festivities included vibrant and traditional lion dance performances, which attracted many visitors. Residents came from all over the community to witness the festival, immersing themselves in the pleasant festive cultural atmosphere. Moreover, the God of Wealth also appeared, distributing candies which symbolized spiritual and financial prosperity to everyone.

Venerable Juexi, Minister in Charge of FGS Christchurch shared the importance of seizing opportunities to serve others and cultivating spiritual merits and wealth in the new year, in addition to earning money and accumulating wealth. Venerable stated that one should continue to maintain harmonious interpersonal relationships, understand the causes and effects in the world, and deal joyfully with people and situations.  Spiritual merits are treasures greater than wealth.


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