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Premier's Harmony Dinner: Nan Tien Temple to co-build an Inclusive and Multicultural Society | 人間福報

Premier's Harmony Dinner: Nan Tien Temple to co-build an Inclusive and Multicultural Society

The Hon. Christopher John Minns MP, Premier of New South Wales, and The Hon. Steven Kamper MP, Minister for Multiculturalism, emphasized the importance of embracing multiculturalism in their speeches. photo/The Life News Agency
The ceremony featured exciting performances. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Miao You(4th from left) stated that Humanistic Buddhism emphasizes compassion and harmony. photo/The Life News Agency
Lome Tengere(2nd from left) of the Griffith Multicultural Council NSW expressed his honour to participate in the Premier's Harmony Dinner. photo/The Life News Agency

Francis Wong
April 1, 2024

The 12th Premier's Harmony Dinner of New South Wales, Australia, was grandly held on the evening of 13 March at the Sydney International Convention Centre, recognizing individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to promoting community harmony and inclusivity, showcasing the charm of New South Wales as a successful multicultural society. Venerable Miao You, Director and Company Secretary of the Nan Tien Institute, and Venerable Zhi Li, Director for Social Education of Nan Tien Temple, were invited to attend.

The Hon. Christopher John Minns MP, Premier of New South Wales, and The Hon. Steven Kamper MP, Minister for Multiculturalism, emphasized the importance of embracing multiculturalism in their speeches and praised those who have contributed to this cause. Nick Kaldas APM, Chair of the Multicultural New South Wales Advisory Board, and CEO Joseph La Posta also welcomed attendees, stating that in the current uncertain world, strengthening community relations and social cohesion are crucial.

The official ceremony of the dinner included the presentation of the Multicultural Honor Roll, Excellence in Heritage Awards, and the Premier's Multicultural Community Medals, covering various fields such as sports, lifelong community service, community harmony, business excellence, human rights, regional unity, youth, arts and culture, language services, and community language teachers. The ceremony featured exciting performances, including the national anthem and songs such as "Give You Love," "Larissa Kovalchuk," and "Faith Sosenē" performed by the Combined Choir of New South Wales Community Language Schools Association.

Venerable Miao You stated that Humanistic Buddhism emphasizes compassion and harmony, which aligns with the multicultural ideals advocated by New South Wales. Through participation in the Premier's Harmony Dinner, Nan Tien Temple can enhance communication with other religious and cultural groups, working together to build a harmonious and inclusive society. Venerable Zhi Li pointed out that Nan Tien Temple is committed to promoting exchanges among community members from different cultural backgrounds, contributing to the construction of a harmonious society.

Lome Tengere of the Griffith Multicultural Council NSW expressed his honour to participate in the Premier's Harmony Dinner and to meet new friends from Nan Tien Temple. He also mentioned that he was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the temple with his family and share beautiful memories.

Basim, Manager of Navitas Skilled Futures, shared that on Harmony Day, being able to gather with multicultural groups and people from different countries to celebrate unique cultural traditions was a great experience for him. He also mentioned that he had visited Buddhist temples himself and really enjoyed the atmosphere there.

Government official Adul expressed his happiness to see the venerables from Nan Tien Temple at the Premier's Harmony Dinner and thanked everyone for their presence.


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