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FGS Prayer and Blessings Shower Hacienda Heights Community - 76th Anniversary Celebration of HHIA in LA | 人間福報

FGS Prayer and Blessings Shower Hacienda Heights Community - 76th Anniversary Celebration of HHIA in LA

HHIA—Hacienda Heights Improvement Association—in Los Angeles celebrates its 76th anniversary with a banquet at the Hacienda Community Center. photo/Jonathan Thang
Hsi Lai Temple representatives include Abbot Ven. Hui Dong, Ven. Hui Cheng, and eight members of the BLIA LA. photo/Jonathan Thang
Opening ceremony. photo/Jonathan Thang
Ven. Hui Dong, the abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, offers a heartwarming opening prayer and blessings to the Hacienda Community. photo/Jonathan Thang
Ven. Hui Dong and Ven. Hui Cheng connect with participants. photo/Jonathan Thang

The Life News Agency
March 4, 2024

The Hacienda Heights Improvement Association (HHIA) in Los Angeles celebrated its 76th anniversary on January 17. The annual meeting and member dinner took place at the Hacienda Heights Community Center, with nearly 130 directors and members in attendance, including local government officials, community leaders, and the chief of police. Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple, a member of the Hacienda Heights community, was invited to participate—representatives included Ven. Hui Dong, abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, Ven. Hui Cheng, and various members of Buddha’s Light International Association Los Angeles Chapter (BLIA LA).

Ven. Hui Dong offered a heartwarming opening prayer and blessings using the prayer content of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founding master of Fo Guang Shan. The prayer wished for the prosperous development of the Hacienda Heights community, the well-being and harmony of its residents, and the collective effort to create a better life.

Scott Martin, vice chairman of HHIA, welcomed the guests, introduced the 2023 awardees, and presented certificates to the outgoing directors, recognizing their positive contributions to the Hacienda Heights community.

New directors were elected; the results showed a majority of Chinese-American directors, with 8 out of 12 seats, marking a historic moment in the 75-year history of HHIA. The newly elected directors included R. Ann Ellis-Hall, Alitzah Wiener, David Fang, Michael Wang, all residents of Hacienda Heights.

The founding purpose of HHIA has been to promote and support community projects for improvement and development, making Hacienda Heights a better place to live. Government officials in attendance included representative Anabel Cuevas of the U.S. Federal Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, representative Kyle Miller of California State Senator Bob Archuleta, representative Ryan Serrano of  Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis, and representative Ruby Duenas of U.S. Congresswoman Lisa Calderon.



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