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Hsi Fang Temple Honored with President's Volunteer Service Award for Service at Marine Corps Recruit Depot | 人間福報

Hsi Fang Temple Honored with President's Volunteer Service Award for Service at Marine Corps Recruit Depot

In 2023, Hsi Fang Temple served at the base for over 100 hours, and the services of the venerables and volunteers were recognized, earning them the President's Volunteer Service Award. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
Chaplain Hall (2nd from left) appreciate Dharma propagation team from Hsi Fang Temple. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
Religious leaders and volunteers serve at MCRD. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
Brigadier General James A. Ryans II, Commanding General of MCRD (3rd from right), expressing gratitude and acknowledging the volunteers' dedication. photo/Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple
May 17, 2024

On April 30th, the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in San Diego hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony, Venerable Miao Zang and Venerable Zhi Ching, Dharma propagation volunteers Denny and David from Hsi Fang Temple, were invited to attend. Approximately over a hundred people attended the event.

Since 2021, Hsi Fang Temple has been leading a team of Dharma propagation volunteers, regularly visiting the base to spread the Buddha’s teachings, lead meditation sessions, and conduct the Triple Gem Refuge ceremony to provide spiritual support to the recruits. In 2023, Hsi Fang Temple served at the base for over 100 hours, and the services of the venerables and volunteers were recognized, earning them the President's Volunteer Service Award.

Every Sunday morning, there are 11 religious organizations, including Hsi Fang Temple, are there to conduct Sunday services. At MCRD, among all categories of volunteers, religious ministers collectively served for over 11,000 hours in 2023, topping all categories, with an impressive 62 individuals receiving the President's Volunteer Service Award.

Brigadier General James A. Ryans II, Commanding General of MCRD, delivered a speech expressing gratitude and acknowledging the volunteers' dedication, which greatly contributes to the recruits' mental and emotional stability, enabling them to complete rigorous training. He emphasized the importance of "serve those who serve."



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