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Gratitude Abounds at TAG School’s Fall Closing Ceremony | 人間福報

Gratitude Abounds at TAG School’s Fall Closing Ceremony

Ven. Hui Dong, the abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, touches and inspires the hearts and minds of all who attend the TAG School Fall Closing Celebration. photo/Jonathan Thang

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple
January 31, 2024

Hsi Lai Temple’s TAG School held its Fall closing ceremony with nearly 200 teachers, students, parents, and friends gathered together, Dec. 17th. Abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, Ven. Hui Dong, the superintendent Ven. Yi Shan, and Vice President Connie Yip of the BLIA Los Angeles Chapter shared in the excitement as many of the students were acknowledged for their remarkable progress, excellent performance, and perfect attendance.

 A Heartwarming “thanks” to the teaching staff. photo/Jonathan Thang

Abbot Ven. Hui Dong expressed his heartfelt joy in witnessing all the students’ successful completion of the semester. He wished that their studies of the "Three Acts of Goodness" and "Four Givings" would continue to fuel and to inspire them in their future personal growth, and he encouraged each one to strive to become an outstanding individual. In an era marked by conflicts and animosity, the expansion of knowledge and of wisdom will help to elevate an inner awareness of peace that will benefit oneself and contribute to creating a more harmonious world.

TAG School Guiding venerable – Ven. Hui Cheng expressed gratitude to all the parents for their continued support and extended deep appreciation to the diligent teachers, teaching assistants, and volunteers. This gratitude-filled gathering would surely propel everyone present to carry the "Three Acts of Goodness" back home and spread Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s aspiration to share Buddhism with others through education.

 Ven. Hui Cheng, TAG School's guiding venerable, extends gratitude to all the supportive parents, and dedicated teachers, teacher assistants, and children. photo/Jonathan Thang


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Hendra Taruli, a parent representative, shared gratitude for the opportunities his daughter, Ivanka, and his son, Ignatius, have had during the school year, and the growth he has witnessed in all of the children as they grew closer together. He appreciated all the activities, and thanked the police and the firefighters—true heroes—for their participation in the Little Greeters Training Program. Yudha Dewantoro reflected on the online course experience in 2021, and expressed he is looking forward to learning even more with his children, James and Steven, so they can continue to mutually support one another. He also encouraged new families to join—believing that through the "Three Acts of Goodness," progress will undoubtedly be visible. Hendrik Hsu, an 11-year-old, shared that compassion can permeate various aspects of daily life, and can become a manifestation of wisdom.

 Hendra Taruli, parent class representative, gives words of praise and thanks for the amazing opportunities that brought about visible growth in all the children, including his own. photo/Jonathan Thang

Teacher Assistant Shiny Wu revealed insights she gained through her participation of designing cultural courses, of nurturing a sense of responsibility and of cherishing the opportunities to learn from other teachers and students. Preschool Teacher Jasmine Qian expressed immense joy at being a part of the TAG School. Her most significant realization was watching the children take the "Three Acts" back home, their ability to maintain constant gratitude, and to spread brightness and hope to others.

The audience was totally captivated by all the uplifting performances: the songs "Pass it On" and "Three Acts of Goodness” by the preschool class, the drama "Buddha’s Story” by the kids’ class, a song and dance entitled "Welcome Home" by the junior class, a heartwarming drama "Thank You Parents During the Season of Giving" by the youth class, and  “Harmonize” a song and dance by the parents’ class.

 The preschool class lights up the room as they perform. photo/Jonathan Thang

 The junior class joyfully shares the song “Welcome Home.” photo/Jonathan Thang

 The captivating performance of “Harmonize” by the parent class. photo/Jonathan Thang

Spring semester will begin March 3, 2024, welcoming children ages 4 to 15 years old. For details, kindly visit Hsi Lai Temple’s website at www.hsilai.org.

 Gratitude abounds, within the group, at the TAG School Fall Closing Ceremony. photo/Jonathan Thang



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