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North America | 人間福報

FGS News

Hsi Fang Temple Fur Baby Walking and Blessing Ceremony: Connecting the Community of University Heights

Hsi Fang Temple June 6, 2024 Hsi Fang Temple and BLIA San Diego Chapter co-hosted the "Fur Baby Walking and Blessing Ceremony" on June 1st. Nearly a hundred people and 35 pets, including one tortoise, walked a total of 50 miles in the University Heights (UH) community. Eleven passersby saw the event and immediately signed up to participate. Before and after the event, Megan and Victoria led stretching exercises to warmed up before the walk and had some grounding moments after the walk. The walking route passed through several rest stations set up by collaborating local businesses to provide water and snacks for the fur babies, ensuring they maintained their energy throughout the process. Ven. Miao Zang read the prayers for the well-being and peace of mind of everyone, including the fur babies. Afterwards, the parents accompanied their pets to the front to receive blessings. The event was hosted by Roxanne Govari, owner of UH neighborhood business Pemberley Realty. Apple, a neighbor, said, though not a pet owner, expressed great joy in seeing so many adorable fur babies and feeling thankful for the event that led her to come to the temple. Valerie expressed gratitude to Hsi Fang Temple for blessing her fur baby, noting that participating in the event not only allowed them to enjoy exercise and the beauty of nature but also helped her fur baby, Pup, to make many new friends while recovering from his surgery.


MITRA Project at UC Berkeley and FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism Sign Official Agreement to Collaborate on Developing AI Tools for Buddhist Text Translation

Institute of Humanistic Buddhism June 6, 2024 On June 4, 2024, Venerable Miao Guang, Deputy Chancellor of the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, and Professor Kurt Keutzer, head of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) laboratory and the MITRA project at the University of California, Berkeley, signed a cooperation agreement to develop artificial intelligence tools for translating Buddhist texts. The agreement aims to improve the efficiency and quality of English translations of Buddhist texts, such as the Buddhist Canon and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The signing ceremony was attended by ten participants, including Venerable Ru Yang, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan North California Region; Dr. Robert Sharf, Chair of the Berkeley Center for Buddhist Studies; Sebastian Nierdich, Technical Director of the MITRA Project at UC Berkeley; Howie X. Lan, Programmer and Web Developer, UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor for Research Office; and Venerable Zhi Yue, Editor of the Fo Guang Dictionary English Translation Project. The AI model, developed by combining MITRA's technology and its corpus of over 3 million parallel texts in Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, and Chinese Buddhist scriptures with Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism's 230,000 entries of bilingual Chinese-English corpora, is already capable of translating Buddhist texts in multiple languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan. The module has achieved excellent scores on AI evaluation platforms such as BLEU and chrF++. Dr. Kurt Keutzer expressed his honor in collaborating with Fo Guang Shan on this project, which will allow the Dharma to spread more widely throughout the world. He noted that modern technology and AI can significantly improve translation efficiency and accuracy, and by utilizing high-quality data resources, better results can be achieved compared to traditional translation processes. Additionally, it can expand the scope of knowledge and thought dissemination, enabling wider access to important Buddhist resources. Prior to the signing, Dr. Sebastian Nehrdich explained the evaluation criteria for MITRA's translation accuracy, introduced the team and data analysis, and outlined the specific scope and outcomes of the collaboration. Venerable Miao Guang introduced Fo Guang Shan's translation team and the current translation content of the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, expressing hope that AI tools can be used to accelerate multi-language Dharma propagation in the future. The officially signed cooperation agreement aims to harness the potential of AI to bring Buddhist scriptures and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun to a wider modern readership. The close collaboration between the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism and the UC Berkeley MITRA project seeks to integrate Buddhist wisdom with modern technological innovation, jointly promoting the development of Buddhist literature translation. The official name and user interface of this multi-language Buddhist translation tool are expected to be announced by the end of 2024 and will be provided to Buddhist translators for testing and use. For related information, please visit the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism's website on Buddhist text translation and AI application: https://fgs-translation.org.  


2024 Fo Guang Shan America Benefactor’s Meeting Vows to Uphold Humanistic Buddhism

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple June 5, 2024 The 2024 Fo Guang Shan (FGS) America Benefactors Convention was held on April 28 at The Westin Anaheim Resort in Southern California. Nearly 400 benefactors, venerables, and Fo Guang members from Asia, North America, and South America reunited after a 7-year hiatus. The benefactors, referred to as the "stakeholders" of Fo Guang Shan by founding master Venerable Master Hsing Yun, received recognition, exchanged insights, and vowed to continue upholding Humanistic Buddhism. The meeting commenced with a Dharma talk video by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, compassionately stating that Fo Guang Shan belongs to the Four Assemblies. Its establishment relied on the benefactors' vows of support. He enumerated the benefactors' contributions to various Dharma propagation efforts, wishing all to uphold: "Glory Goes to the Buddha, Success Goes to the Community, Benefit Goes to the Monastery, Merit Goes to the Devotees," to purify society and promote cross-strait exchanges. The Fo Guang Shan Monastery Head Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau, expounded that in the Venerable Master Hsing Yun's anthology, he particularly mentioned the benefactors' accomplishments among the ten conditions for Fo Guang Shan's establishment, showing his high regard for them. He thanked the benefactors for upholding the Dharma wholeheartedly, referencing the Buddha's guidance to King Prasenajit to dedicate merits towards spiritual cultivation, ensuring blessings continually. Venerable Hui Chuan, Deputy Abbot of Fo Guang Shan, delivered a Dharma propagation report. He mentioned that in the future, on four auspicious dates–the Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Memorial Day (the 15th day of the 1st lunar month), Renunciation Anniversary (the 1st day of the 2nd lunar month), Fo Guang Shan Opening Memorial (May 16th), and Birthday (the 22nd day of the 7th lunar month)-respective branch monasteries will hold commemoration ceremonies. As instructed, after the completion of Fo Guang Shan's ancestral Dajue Monastery in Yixing, a Water and Land Dharma Service will be conducted, including a Yoga Flaming Mouth Offering requiring 108 monastics which was realized in 2023, with preparations for a Triple Platform Full Ordination Ceremony in coming years. The inauguration ceremonies of  Fo Guang Shan Tai Hua Temple and Berlin branch temple and construction plans for other Buddhist establishments require the benefactors' continued support. Venerable Hui Dong, Abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, reported on Dharma propagation across North America. Despite the pandemic, branch monasteries and Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) chapters closely cooperated like two wings of a bird, upholding Fo Guang Shan's four principal objectives. Besides promoting the online Fo Guang Shan North America Humanistic Buddhism Courses, many Fo Guang Shan branch temples actively engaged local communities by participating in national parades, and United Nations conferences and mobilizing disaster relief efforts, harmonizing theory and practice. Dr. Minh-Hoa Ta, President of the University of the West (UWest), represented the university, expressing gratitude to Venerable Master Hsing Yun's emphasis on education. Embodying Venerable Master Hsing Yun's educational philosophy of integrating theory and practice, UWest is committed to cultivating students' character and nurturing outstanding global citizens. It proactively plans and promotes various curricula, lectures, and activities, fostering exchange with universities worldwide, and presenting UWest with infinite possibilities and hope. Most Venerable Hsin Ting, Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Taihua Temple, expounded that amidst today's turbulent times, Fo Guang Shan's America branch temples serve as spiritual fortresses for devotees. In upholding the monasteries and The Triple Gem, the benefactors "perpetuate virtues across the generations, ensuring that merits accrue to their forebears and offspring”. Elder Venerable Tzu Jung, President of the Fo Guang Shan Light Transmission Council, stated that the benefactors' tireless efforts in supporting monasteries bring joy, serving as volunteers like the Thousand-Armed, Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva. She thanked them for walking the Bodhisattva path and promoting Humanistic Buddhism. Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Venerable Tzu Jung, Most Venerable Hsin Ting, Former Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Pei, Deputy Abbot Venerable Hui Chuan, Deputy Abbot Venerable Hui Zhao, Chairperson of the Benefactors' Society Venerable Yung Ping and Venerable Man Yi successively conferred certifications on benefactors of various levels. A video of Venerable Master Hsing Yun reciting “A Prayer for Lay Devotees” was played to bestow blessings. The performances were spectacular. 15-year-old Samantha Kao from Buddha’s Light Hsi Lai School (BLHLS) served as a junior host, introducing campus life. BLHLS student Seleste Tapia performed on the Khim (a stringed musical instrument of Thailand). Ms Lucy Xie, the instructor of Hsi Lai Temple’s Dunhuang Dance Troupe, performed "Nirvana and Celestial Beings." BLIA LA Chapter Young Adult Division (YAD) 2 sang "Sounds of The Human World" songs. The monastics gave a rousing chorus finale of "Song of Venerable Master Hsing Yun," "We are FGS People," and "My Hometown is at Fo Guang Shan," as benefactors waved their phones, applauding continuously. Finally, Elder Venerable Tzu Chuang was invited to offer encouragement. Recounting her journey, she expressed fortune in being assigned by Venerable Master Hsing Yun to establish a monastery in the US, made possible by the benefactors' support. After 10 arduous years, Hsi Lai Temple, lauded as the "Forbidden City of America," was completed as Venerable Master's first international propagation center. Elder Venerable Tzu Chuang repeatedly thanked all benefactors, praying everyone would actualize Venerable Master's vow: "May the Buddha's light shine universally on the three thousand realms; Let the Dharma stream flow across all five continents." After the successful convention, benefactors praised the warm, solemn proceedings and exquisite vegetarian cuisine. The presence of many elder venerables was deeply moving, and the performances conveyed a heartwarming yet lively atmosphere.


2024 FGS Toronto Press Conference Promoting World Peace and Supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto May 31, 2024 The "2024 World Religion Prayers for Peace and Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair," jointly organized by the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto and the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Toronto Chapter, is scheduled for June 9th at the Fo Guang Shan Temple in Mississauga. The event was officially unveiled at a press conference held on May 21st at the Buddha’s Light Center in Markham. The press conference was co-hosted by Venerable Chueh Fan, Abbess of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, alongside Mabel Lam, President of BLIA Toronto, Vice President Kevin Cao, and Secretary General Katherine Lam. Venerable Chueh Fan expressed gratitude to the media for their attendance and highlighted the event’s mission to transcend religious, racial, and cultural barriers in today's world. This initiative aligns with the guidance of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of BLIA, who emphasized the importance of meaningful activities, and it supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year’s blessing ceremony will be held outdoors to encourage greater public participation. Mabel Lam underscored that for over 20 years, Fo Guang Shan and BLIA have been dedicated to propagating Buddhist teachings through cultural activities, nurturing talents through education, benefiting societies through charitable programs, and purifying human hearts and minds through Buddhist practices. Each year, they organize the "World Religion Prayers for Peace and Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair," a vibrant event similar to a vegetarian expo, featuring unique delicacies from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore. This year, the event will include additional family-friendly attractions such as an ice cream truck, face painting, inflatable castles, games, and educational booths in the temple's back garden, creating a joyful summer day for all. Proceeds from the sales will contribute $10,000 to the Mississauga Food Bank, with a check presentation ceremony scheduled for the event day. Kevin Cao explained that beyond offering innovative and delicious foods, this year's Vegetarian Food Fair emphasizes "carbon reduction and environmental protection." Attendees are encouraged to support these initiatives by registering for the pilgrimage bus. Additionally, on June 22nd, Fo Guang Shan and BLIA will host the "VEGRUN" charity run, with all donations benefiting ERINOAK Kids, Ontario's largest children's treatment center. Venerable Chueh Fan also announced that in celebration of Buddha's birthday, at the temple Buddha’s Cultural Museum presented a special "Multi-media Brushwork Art Exhibition,” artworks by renowned Toronto brushwork artist Henry Ho. Additionally, the Meditation Hall on the third floor is transformed into a 3D theatre. These two exciting projects will run until August, inviting community members to visit and immerse themselves in these unique experiences. At the conclusion, Mabel Lam shared that BLIA members in Canada have recently submitted a "Meatless Monday" proposal to Parliament, which is currently under review. She expressed hope that the media would help promote this initiative among Chinese community groups, showcasing the collective strength and unity of the Chinese community. Media representatives noted that the Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair in Toronto has already garnered a stellar reputation, with enthusiastic and friendly service provided by the volunteers leaving a lasting impression. They are confident that this annual grand event will continue to receive strong support from the general public.


Commemoration of the Buddha’s Birthday at MCRD: Cleansing Our Mind as We Bathe the Buddha

D. Braun May 31, 2024 On May 12th, Venerable Miaozang, Superintendent of Hsi Fang Temple, together with BLIA members, Denny and Cindy, led the Sunday Service with the commemoration of the Buddha’s Birthday at the Marine Corp Recruit Depot (MCRD), San Diego. The venerable started the service by sharing the life of the Buddha, detailing the major events of the journey to the enlightenment, entailing the practice of the Four Noble Truths, and indicating the significance of commemorating the Buddha’s birthday by bathing the baby Buddha (Siddhartha) until today. Almost all of the approximately 60 recruits participated in this event. With each scoop of water, everyone vowed “Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words, and Think Good Thoughts.”  Everyone’s reaction was extremely positive and joyful.  Three of the recruits were interviewed about their experiences. The first MCRD recruit expressed “great, joyful, and at peace. I felt connected with the Buddha!” The second recruit reported that he experienced a calming effect, and increasingly felt himself to be a part of the wider Buddhist community. The third recruit shared he experienced a good feeling in the air, warm and safe. This event proved to be one of the most remembered and noteworthy services as we celebrated the Buddha’s birthday for the second year.  Attendees were deeply moved by the opportunity to get “up close and personal” with the Buddha, and they were joyful as a result. 01-05:  Commemoration of the Buddha’s Birthday at the Marine Corp Recruit Depot (MCRD).  With each scoop of water,  recruits vowed “Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words, and Think Good Thoughts.”


Hsi Lai Temple Buddhist Wedding - Fo Guang Youth Faith Heritage

Fo Guang ShanHsi Lai Temple May 30, 2024 On May 4, at the Hsi Lai Temple Auditorium, a heartwarming Buddhist Wedding was held for Vincent Liu, the advisor of Buddha’s Light International Association-Young Adult Division-Los Angeles 1 Subdivision (BLIA-YAD LA1), and Ricole Wu from the Buddha’s Light International Association-Young Adult Division-Chunghwa Volunteer Subdivision. The abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, Venerable Hui Dong, officiated the ceremony, blessing the couple in front of over 200 witnesses, including Hsi Lai Temple venerables, members of BLIA-YAD, and the couple's family and friends. The newlyweds held hands and pledged their happiness together. Venerable Hui Dong officiated the vows for the groom and bride. The couple performed the marriage rites, signed the marriage certificate, and exchanged gifts under the witness of Venerable Hui Dong and the primary witnesses. Venerable Hui Dong recounted the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, on the three types of husbands and wives. He advised the couple to be considerate and take care of each other in their future life. Venerable Hui Dong noted that it was his first time witnessing a wedding where he knew everyone, including the couple and their friends from the BLIA-YAD group. He emphasized that this newly established Buddhist family should continue to practice the "Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings”, form good relationships, and cultivate selflessness through community service. At the banquet, Fo Guang Shan Monastery Head Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau gave a speech. He remarked on the challenges of transitioning from a single life to a shared life in marriage, encouraging the couple to bravely face the realities of marriage. He emphasized that while love is sweet, life is practical, and to become a divine couple, one must first be a grounded one. He urged the couple to live a sincere life, apply Buddhist wisdom in their daily lives, and foster care and tolerance within their family. He expressed confidence in their ability to establish a Buddhist family, as both of them had grown up in the temple, and encouraged them to continue the legacy of their faith. He presented them with a golden plaque bearing Venerable Master Hsing Yun's calligraphy: "May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful" as a blessing. The groom, Vincent Liu, grew up at Hsi Lai Temple and has been involved with BLIA-YAD since childhood. His late parents were also Fo Guang Shan devotees, with his father Brian Wu having served as the Secretary-General of the BLIA Los Angeles Chapter. His stepmother, Helena Huang, is a dedicated volunteer at Hsi Lai Temple. His brother Jonathan was also a previous BLIA-YAD president. The bride, Ricole Wu's mother, Hsu Hsiu-chin, is a Fo Guang Shan devotee and a volunteer at Hui Chung Temple, serving as a receptionist at the temple and volunteering at the temple's art gallery. Her sister Wu Yu-tung is involved in the publicity department at Hui Chung Temple, and her younger sister Wu Kuan-ying is the vice president of the Buddha’s Light International Association - Young Adult Division - Chunghwa Central Region. Both newlyweds come from second-generation Fo Guang families and have been certified as second-level White Elephant Executive, Sudhana Lecturer and Sumati Lecturer of the Buddha’s Light International Association World Youth General Association. The couple met in 2014 at the International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Conference in Taiwan. Their eight-year relationship, marked by overcoming distance and cultural differences, was strengthened by their steadfast faith and mutual trust, culminating in their marriage, guided by Buddhist principles.


2023-2024 BLHLS End-of-the-school-year Ceremony

Audrey Ly May 30, 2024 Yet another great school year has come to a close! With almost 400 people in attendance, Fo Guang Shan Buddha’s Light Hsi Lai School hosted its annual end-of-the-school-year ceremony on May 25, 2024. Venerable Hui Dong, the principal of Hsi Lai School, delivered a speech, stating that Fo Guang Shan cultivates talents through education. In addition to acquiring knowledge, it is more important to guide children to learn compassion, love, respect, and tolerance, to become “three goodness” students, and to become useful members of society. Min-yong Chen, the Director of the Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, also delivered a speech. On behalf of the Chairman of the Overseas Community Affairs Council, Chia-ching Hsu, he expressed gratitude for Hsi Lai Temple’s 35 years of continuous promotion of Chinese education overseas, enabling children to learn Chinese culture and Buddhism. He acknowledged that today’s achievements are due to the excellent environment provided by Hsi Lai Temple and the efforts of parents, teachers, and students. Seeing many graduates returning to the school to continue serving, he encouraged the children to continue excelling in their studies and promoting culture. This stellar event featured performances from the students of the after-school and Saturday Chinese school students. They showcased their skills and talents through songs, dances, and plays. There were performances of traditional Chinese Dunhuang dance. Dancers sported beautiful blue and orange robes. They demonstrated elegant dance moves and intricate hand gestures. Kung Fu students demonstrated their athletic abilities. They showed off their flips and tricks with fans and bamboo poles, leaving the audience in amazement.   Students and their parents were recognized for their academic achievements. Their hard work over this past year was awarded with certificates and trophies. Teachers, staff members, and volunteers were thanked for their dedication to the school program. They received certificates to thank them for their commitment. The awards and certificates of appreciation were presented separately to students, teachers, and volunteers by Venerable Hui Dong; Chen Min-yong; Christine Che, President of the Southern California Council of Chinese Schools; Venerable Yi Xuan, Superintendent of Hsi Lai Temple; and Steven Chow, Vice President of the Buddha's Light International Association, Los Angeles Chapter. As we were sad to see such an amazing day come to an end, we are glad to have been able to celebrate the year’s accomplishments. Fo Guang Shan Buddha’s Light Hsi Lai School hopes to see you once again at the end-of-the-year ceremony next year!


Thousands Gather to Honor Buddha's Birthday at Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto May 28, 2024 In a grand celebration that marked both Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day, the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto hosted a series of celebration events. The festivities included the Bathing the Buddha Ceremony, the opening of a Multimedia Brushwork Art Exhibition, a 3D theatre screening of "The Buddha" in the meditation hall, and a special flower offering session in honour of mothers. These activities provided attendees with a profound understanding and experience of the ‘Eight Stages of Buddha’s Progress.' Over a thousand participants joined in the celebrations, reflecting on Buddha's teachings and expressing appreciation for mothers. The event began with an energetic Lion Dance, followed by a solemn recitation of the Ode to the Triple Gem. Eighty-four representatives from BLIA members, youth, Scouts and children presented traditional offerings to the Buddha, including incense, fruit, tea, jewels, pearls, lamps, and flowers, in a ceremony that was both solemn and deeply moving. Venerable Chueh Fan, the Abbess of the FGS Temple of Toronto, presided over the Dharma service, which included the recitation of ‘A Prayer for the Buddha's Birthday’ by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan. In her welcome speech, Venerable Chueh Fan explained the significance of Buddha's Birthday and the 'Bathing the Buddha' ritual, emphasizing the importance of a respectful heart, a purified mind, and rediscovering one's Buddha-nature. Venerable Chueh Fan also highlighted Venerable Master Hsing Yun's dedication to spreading the Buddha's teachings through various means, aiming to foster happiness and peace. She noted that youth and children would offer flowers to mothers, wishing them a happy Mother’s Day. Additionally, renowned artist Mr. Henry Ho's 'Multimedia Brushwork Art Exhibition' on the second floor, and the third-floor Meditation Hall featuring 'The Buddha' 3D Theater, invited participants to experience the ‘Eight Stages of Buddha’s Progress’ through various artistic and meditative expressions. The event was graced by several distinguished guests, including the Artist, Mr. Henry Ho; Ms. Ally Cai, Dean of the Institute of Arts at the Canadian National Artists Association; Ms. Lien Chao, Internal Vice-President of the Canadian Foundation for Asian Culture; Mrs. Mabel Lam, President of the BLIA Toronto Chapter; Venerable Miaole from the Hamilton Hermitage; and Venerable Xinlian. In his address, Mr. Henry Ho expressed gratitude for the opportunity to host the Multimedia Brushwork Art Exhibition during Buddha's Birthday celebrations. He viewed his artwork as offerings that convey inner thoughts and experiences across different times and spaces, hoping to gift attendees with his artistic expression. Mrs. Mabel Lam appreciated the thoughtful arrangements by the Venerables, which allowed for meaningful celebrations of both Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day. She reaffirmed the FGS Toronto and BLIA Toronto Chapter’s commitment to promoting Humanistic Buddhism and extended warm wishes to all mothers. The event concluded with the chanting of the 'Bathing the Buddha Verse,' led by Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan, followed by youth and children presenting 'chocolate flowers' to mothers, symbolizing gratitude. Attendees then explored exhibitions, watched the 3D film 'The Buddha,' participated in meditation sessions, and enjoyed performances including dragon and lion dances and martial arts demonstrations. The meticulously crafted Lumbini Garden and Bathing the Buddha pool in the main shrine, adorned with intricate images and flower arrangements, left a lasting impression on everyone present.


Eight Fo Guang Shan Volunteers Honored at the 2024 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto May 27, 2024 Eight dedicated volunteers from the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto were honoured at the 2024 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards ceremony, held at the Mississauga Convention Centre. The ceremony, which took place on the evening of May 9th, saw Ontario MPP Rudy Cuzzetto and Mark Pelayo, Director of the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, personally recognizing each volunteer with badges and certificates for their outstanding commitment and dedication. The 2024 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards recognized a total of 6,650 volunteers from 1,450 organizations, including 642 youth under the age of 25, across 46 sessions from April to July. Premier Doug Ford conveyed his heartfelt appreciation to all volunteers through a video message, acknowledging their invaluable contributions to improving the quality of life in Ontario. The honoured Fo Guang Shan volunteers attended the ceremony with their friends and family, dressed in formal attire. Venerable Ruzhong, the Superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, represented the temple and expressed gratitude for their longstanding dedication and support. The eight honoured volunteers, Wai Ming Wong, 30 years with the altar team; Christina Ng, 25 years with the chanting team and Water Drop Teahouse; May Yuan, 25 years with the flower arranging team; Kam Wan Li, 20 years at the Fo Guang Bookstore; Lily Pang, 20 years with the Fo Guang Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe; Jimmy Chan, 5 years with the general affairs team; Kiana Yue, active in the Fo Guang Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe and Fo Guang Scouts since childhood; and Angel Hsieh, youth volunteer leading Buddha’s Light English Children's Dharma Class. In sharing their perspectives, all eight volunteers reiterated the selfless and voluntary nature of volunteering, highlighting their individual dedication and deep gratitude for the chance to make a positive difference in their community. These volunteers exemplify the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s spirit of giving and dedication that enhances community life, embodying the values of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto.


Fo Guang Shan North America Water and Land Dharma Talk Series: Most Venerable Hsin Ting Encourages Everyone to Achieve Right Understanding and Right View

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple May 27, 2024 The 2024 Fo Guang Shan North America Water and Land Dharma Service Lecture Series invited Most Venerable Hsin Ting, the abbot of Fo Guang Shan Taihua Temple (Thailand), to give a lecture on Right Understanding and Right View at the Ding Hall of Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple on April 23. He encouraged the audience to observe the impermanence of the world through the "Three Dharma Seals", that the Five Aggregates are selfless, and to firmly believe in cause and effect. He urged cultivating a focused mind and diligently practicing the "Four Right Efforts" to create a happy life of Buddhist practice. The lecture was simultaneously translated into English, with nearly a thousand people attending in-person and online to receive the Dharma teachings. Most Venerable Hsin Ting stated that the devotees diligently cultivating during the Water and Land Dharma Service deserve affirmation. The founding master of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, emphasized that a "Dharma Service" is not just devotees reciting sutras, eating vegetarian meals, and making charitable offerings. Rather, the true meaning is for monastics to offer the Dharma to devotees, with both monastics and lay practitioners equally making offerings of materials and the Dharma, connecting through the Dharma, establishing Right Understanding and Right View. Why is it important to establish the Right Understanding and Right View? Most Venerable Hsin Ting stressed that for Buddhist practitioners, it is crucial to correctly and truly observe the world through Right Understanding and Right View and to practice according to the truth. From a worldly perspective, blessings like wealth and longevity are what people seek. However, in the Noble Eightfold Path, the Right View, which is also included in the idea of "Three Dharma Seals" - impermanence, non-self, and nirvana is perfect tranquility - represents the ultimate truth that Buddhist practitioners should constantly contemplate and uphold. Most Venerable Hsin Ting analyzed the impermanence and non-self nature of all phenomena by relating the six senses, six sense objects, and six consciousnesses to the Five Aggregates of form, feeling, perception, volition, and consciousness mentioned in the Heart Sutra. Although the 260 words of the Heart Sutra are simple enough for a three-year-old child to recite, how many people can truly comprehend it as "Avalokitesvara, while practicing the profound Perfection of Wisdom, perceived that all five aggregates are empty"? The reason beings cannot transcend all suffering is because of the notion of "self" and the grasping, clinging mind that causes suffering. Most Venerable Hsin Ting encouraged the audience to observe the arising and cessation of all things in the world with clarity, understanding, and discernment, but without grasping or generating the mind of renunciation and liberation, as the Buddha rarely emphasized renunciation and liberation. Instead, he advocated that practitioners be mindful of every thought and intention, acting to benefit others, and cultivating generosity, moral discipline, and meditation. Believing in karmic cause and effect, one should prevent wrongdoing from the fundamental level of thoughts, and accumulate virtues and blessings. Most Venerable Hsin Ting used the "rhyme of karmic retribution" to illustrate that "good deeds are rewarded, evil deeds are punished, not that they go unrewarded, but the timing has not arrived." "Firmly believing in the causes and effects of the three periods of time, guarding the body and mind, raising right mindfulness, and diligently practicing the Four Right Efforts is Right Understanding, which is also right wisdom." While "Right Understanding" sounds easy, it tests one's cultivation when faced with conflicts of interest. Most Venerable Hsin Ting further explained the importance of cultivating the "Nine Stages of Mindfulness", corresponding to the "non-abiding" mentioned in the Diamond Sutra, which refers to non-grasping. The "abiding" in the nine stages means dwelling, but not letting the mind follow after conditions. Ultimately, one's body and mind will be at ease, and even if one achieves some attainment, one will not develop arrogance, but will constantly reflect on whether one's actions of body, speech, and mind have inadvertently harmed others. "Practicing Buddhism is the most blissful thing," Most Venerable Hsin Ting encouraged establishing Right Understanding and Right View, firmly believing in the causes and effects of the three periods of time, understanding that such causes lead to such effects, and not blaming others. Happiness lies in one's own hands and can be anticipated in the future. Finally, he offered his blessings to the audience, "May the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas protect you all to be happy, healthy, prosperous, and safe every day," and provided each audience with a copy of his new book Interviewing Most Venerable Hsin Ting's: Walking the Buddhist Path – Taking the Teacher's Heart As One's Own.

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