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FGS Christchurch Reunion Dinner | 人間福報

FGS Christchurch Reunion Dinner

Certificates of Appointment were presented to the New Benefactors, the Subchapter Elder Advisor and the Subchapter Presidents and Deputy Presidents. photo/FGS NZ
Abbess Manshin led the blessing ceremony and recited the Prayer for the Community by the Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. photo/FGS NZ
The Abbess emphasised the significance of reunion in Chinese culture. photo/FGS NZ
BLIA South Island hosted the Reunion Dinner on 27th January 2024. photo/FGS NZ
The reunion dinner was especially prepared by the Temple team featuring a four-course set meal. photo/FGS NZ
BLIA members gathered to welcome the Year of the Dragon. photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
February 19, 2024

The Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) South Island hosted the Reunion Dinner on 27th January 2024. The event was attended by various distinguished guests, including the Deputy Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Christchurch Mr Xingfu ZHAI, Consul Yu ZHU, artists Hugh Rickard and Tricia Morant. Almost a hundred BLIA members, including BLIA South Island President Bernie SIEW and Deputy Presidents of BLIA North Island Larry YANG and Nick YOONG gathered to welcome the Year of the Dragon.

Abbess Manshin led the blessing ceremony and recited the Prayer for the Community by the Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The Abbess emphasised the significance of reunion in Chinese culture, which is meaningful as its faith and legacy. She delivered the blessings to the community of Venerable Master: May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful, by learning to live harmoniously and joyfully, just like clouds and water.

President Bernie expressed gratitude to the Great Master for building over 300 Temples around the world to benefit local communities. He also thanked the volunteers for their joyful contributions. Deputy Consul General ZHAI shared that the Lunar New Year is a time for the world to celebrate. He praised the Venerable Master’s values of Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings for injecting positive energy into the community.

The reunion dinner was especially prepared by the Temple team featuring a four-course set meal. The dishes showcased a rich variety of ingredients with a fusion of Chinese and Western cuisines. They were served to each guest’s table by the BLIA Young Adults Division (YAD), demonstrating the high quality of service collectively provided by the volunteers.

Certificates of Appointment were presented to the New Benefactors, the Subchapter Elder Advisor and the Subchapter Presidents and Deputy Presidents. They accepted the certificate in the presence of the FGS NZ Abbess Manshin and all the distinguished guests, pledging to work together to create a better world.

The event was filled with joy and contentment, and guests received auspicious New Year red packets from the Abbess, wishing everyone a blessed and peaceful New Year ahead.


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