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FGS Auckland Welcomes the Year of the Dragon with Joy and Blessings | 人間福報

FGS Auckland Welcomes the Year of the Dragon with Joy and Blessings

The Chinese New Year Celebration at the Temple transformed into waves of joy, touching the hearts of the people in New Zealand. photo/FGS NZ
The Temple celebrated the occasion with a variety of activities such as Lion Dance performances. photo/FGS NZ
The Temple celebrated the occasion with a variety of activities such as distribution of auspicious New Year red packets. photo/FGS NZ
The Temple celebrated the occasion with a variety of activities such as distribution of one-stroke calligraphy. photo/FGS NZ
Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan NZ, led nearly 300 attendees in chanting and praying for blessings. photo/FGS NZ
The congregation recited the New Year Prayer by the Founding Master of FGS Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. photo/FGS NZ
The congregation paid respects to the Head Abbot of FGS, the Most Venerable Hsin Bau, wishing for family well-being and world peace. photo/FGS NZ
Attendees offer the light and wish for family well-being and world peace. photo/FGS NZ
Attendees offer the light and wish for family well-being and world peace. photo/FGS NZ
Fo Guang Shan Temple Auckland welcomed over ten thousand visitors who came to offer their respects and incense to the Buddha. photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
February 20, 2024

On 10th &11th February 2024, marking the first and second days of the Year of the Dragon, Fo Guang Shan Temple Auckland welcomed over ten thousand visitors who came to offer their respects and incense to the Buddha. The Temple celebrated the occasion with a variety of activities such as Lion Dance performances, distribution of auspicious New Year red packets, vegetarian food stalls, one-stroke calligraphy and more, creating a joyful and harmonious atmosphere for the local community.

The New Year Blessing Ceremony commenced at 10 am in the Main Shrine. Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan NZ, led nearly 300 attendees in chanting and praying for blessings. The congregation recited the New Year Prayer by the Founding Master of FGS Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and paid respects to the Head Abbot of FGS, the Most Venerable Hsin Bau, wishing for family well-being and world peace.

The Abbess expressed gratitude for the immense blessings of the Venerable Master in showing compassion and kindness to the people worldwide. Abbess interpreted the Founding Master’s New Year blessings, May You Be Free as Cloud and Water, Auspicious and Joyful,  explaining that the clouds in the sky symbolise openness and the flowing waters on earth represent freedom. Clouds and water depict the boundless world within our minds, embodying ease and wisdom on the path of Buddhism. Abbess further mentioned that Buddha wishes to bring happiness, joy and a hopeful Dharma to all beings. May everyone light the lamp of their hearts in the new year, coexist and prosper together and mutually benefit each other.

During the celebration, the Abbess distributed apples symbolising the Grand Master’s compassionate blessings to all. Nearly ten thousand New Year red packets bearing the Grand Master’s wise words were handed out to the visitors. The Chinese New Year Celebration at the Temple transformed into waves of joy, touching the hearts of the people in New Zealand.


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