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Bridging Wisdom: UC San Diego Receives Buddhist Literature Donation | 人間福報

Bridging Wisdom: UC San Diego Receives Buddhist Literature Donation

photo/The Life News Agency
photo/The Life News Agency
photo/The Life News Agency
photo/The Life News Agency
photo/The Life News Agency

FGS Hsi Fang Temple
March 6, 2024

UC San Diego, ranked among the top 50 universities globally, received a donation of 108 Simplified Chinese versions of "The Complete Works of Ven. Master Hsing Yun" along with about 50 English translated books by the founding master of Fo Guang Shan. On February 28, Ven. Miao Zang together with Assistant Professor Aftab Jassal from the Anthropology Department, sharing on the theme "Complete Works of Ven. Master Hsing Yun – Buddhist Wisdom for Daily Life and Study", towards 30 students and professors.

Aftab began by introducing "Dependent Origination and Emptiness" through the Diamond Sutra, explaining how the concept of "self" leads to anxiety, fear, anger, etc., which are the roots of suffering. He elucidated how understanding the wisdom of emptiness can help us comprehend and practice the teachings of "Dependent Origination and Emptiness" as realized by Buddha, through reading the works of Ven. Master Hsing Yun.

Ven. Miao Zang then elaborated on four categories of reading the Ven. Master's works: Humanistic Buddhism and Daily Application, Sutras and Commentaries, Wisdom in Daily Chan Practice, and Wisdom in Social Issues. She cited examples such as "The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha" which depicts the humanity of Buddha and his interactions with the community, "Four Insights for Finding Fulfillment" which helps broaden our perspectives to see the truth on Dependent Origination and Emptiness, and " Pick it Up! Chan Stories to Inspire" which illustrates the compassion and wisdom within the Chan practice. For those interested in understanding how Buddhism views contemporary issues, "Life" would be a good book to start with. All these books are available at the UCSD library.

Professor Emeritus Richard Madsen expressed his delight at the addition of Buddhist literature to the library’s collection, stating it aids students in contemplating the truths of life. Librarian Sarah A. Buck Kachaluba thanked Hsi Fang Temple for donating the "The Complete Works" and encouraged students to come and utilize the resources.

Students inquired about delving deeper into meditation. Ven. Miao Zang recommended two books, "Calm Mind Perfect Ease" and "Meditation and Wisdom," for further reading, and welcomed them to participate in meditation courses at Hsi Fang Temple. After the lecture, students expressing that after attending the session, they felt Buddhism integrating into their lives and expressed an interest to delve deeper into Buddhist concepts and explore the Ven. Master's works.



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