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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended Lunar New Year celebration | 人間福報

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attended Lunar New Year celebration

The Fo Guang Dharma Drum and Lion Dance team delivered captivating performances. photo/Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau marked the lions' eyes with ceremonial dots. photo/Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a group phto with Abbess Yung Ku and others. photo/Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, accompanied by nine ministers and more than 40 Members of Parliament attended the Lunar New Year celebration. photo/Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
March 11, 2024

On February 12th, the third day of the Lunar New Year, the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada hosted a Lunar New Year celebration. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, accompanied by nine ministers and more than 40 Members of Parliament from across Canada, attended the event. Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Ottawa was among the invited participants. Abbess Yung Ku led Venerables of FGS Ottawa, BLIA Ottawa Chapter President June Sun, and nearly 30 volunteers in joining the festivities. The Fo Guang Dharma Drum and Lion Dance team, consisting of 14 young members, delivered captivating performances that earned rounds of applause from the audience.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his gratitude for the splendid opening performance by the FGS Ottawa’s Dharma Drum and Lion Dance Team. He highlighted that the Year of the Dragon symbolizes hope, health, and strength for Canada's future, and expressed appreciation for the contributions of Asian Canadians to the beloved Canadian society.

The event commenced with a performance by the young members of the FGS Dharma Drum Team, established for over two years. With rhythmic drumbeats setting the pace, the team showcased agile movements, alternating between swift and slow movements, reminiscent of seasoned warriors. The final appearance of a member holding the drumsticks high drew thunderous applause from the audience. Following this, the newly formed FGS Lion Dance Team, operating for less than 45 days, made a grand entrance. After the Prime Minister marked the lions' eyes with ceremonial dots, accompanied by the lively drum and cymbal beats, the lions performed dynamic routines, interacting with the audience, and tossing symbolic lucky candies into the crowd multiple times.

Ven. Yung Ku praised the children of the Lion Dance and Dharma Drum teams for their dedication and hard work in shouldering the task of promoting Chinese traditional culture. She also noted that through this opportunity from Fo Guang Shan, they propagated the Dharma through culture, earning them the title of “young warriors achieving great feats”.

Joy, the mother of Richard and Ryan, expressed gratitude to FGS Ottawa for providing a platform for the children to showcase themselves and Chinese traditional culture. Winnie, Anthony's mother, noted that besides providing each other with mutual assistance and affection, the children's bonds of friendship have also strengthened. She echoed Ven. Yung Ku’s sentiment, emphasizing the importance of companionship on the journey of growing up and recognizing childhood friends as invaluable treasures.

Jackie, the mother of Edison and Evan, observed a noticeable transformation in her children. As they pick up the drumsticks and stand before the drums with a serious and concentrated demeanor, it seems as though they had embraced a new sense of responsibility and honor, both towards the Dharma Drum Team and themselves. Ryshia, a member of both the Lion Dance and Dharma Drum teams, expressed that through this event, she has developed a greater sense of courage and independence.


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