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Actors of the Siddhartha Musical Participated in a Buddhist Thought Course to Boost Their Performance Confidence | 人間福報

Actors of the Siddhartha Musical Participated in a Buddhist Thought Course to Boost Their Performance Confidence

Led by the Siddhartha Musical's guidance Venerable, venerable Chueh Lin, the course included specially arranged team-building activities to help the actors maintain a calm mindset during performances. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Venerable Miaojing strengthened members' understanding of Buddhist philosophical concepts. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Abbess Venerable Yung Guang encouraged the actors to seize opportunities. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Actors expressed their gratitude. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
The actors and staff of the Siddhartha Musical participated in a Buddhist thought course. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple
May 16, 2024

In preparation for their trip to South Africa, 25 members of the Siddhartha Musical, including actors and staff, attended a full-day course on April 22 at the Mabuhay Temple of the Fo Guang Shan in the Philippines. The course covered topics such as Buddhist thought, meditation, and Buddhist rituals, aiming to enhance their confidence and professionalism.

Led by the Siddhartha Musical's guidance Venerable, venerable Chueh Lin, the course included specially arranged team-building activities to help the actors maintain a calm mindset during performances. With the Siddhartha Musical having been established for 17 years, such arrangements were deemed particularly important to bolster the confidence of the actors.

During the course, the actors expressed their gratitude to the masters and shared their experiences of interaction with them. For instance, Francis Isidro, who portrays King Suddhodana, thanked Venerable Chueh Lin for her encouragement and mentioned how meditation and Buddhist rituals gradually improve their performance standards. Additionally, Ivy expressed her gratitude for her acquaintance with the head abbess, Venerable Yung Guang, who always provides them with encouragement, confidence, and hope.

The course also included teachings from Abbess Venerable Miao Jing and Venerable Miao Jing. Venerable Zhi Min emphasized how Buddhist rituals can awaken the actors' self-awareness and enlightenment, while Venerable Miaojing strengthened their understanding of Buddhist philosophical concepts by introducing them to familiar figures such as Head Quarter Abbot Ven. Hsin Bau and Venerable Tzu Jung

Furthermore, actor Manchie shared his experiences of interacting with Venerable Yi Kong, who shares her understanding of Buddhism with them, allowing them to experience the wisdom of Buddhism. Venerable You Dao used meditation during the course to help the actors stabilize their emotions and relax, better equipping them to handle the pressures of performing.

In conclusion, Abbess Venerable Yung Guang encouraged the actors to seize opportunities, and they expressed gratitude for the harmony and cooperation with the song "Miss You! My Master." After the course, the residents also generously provided each person with daily necessities for their trip to South Africa, showing their care for the actors' accommodation and other needs during the journey.


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