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Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa Offers Compassionate Support Amidst Tragedy | 人間福報

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa Offers Compassionate Support Amidst Tragedy

Ven. Bhante Suneetha(2nd from right), a Theravada Buddhist monk from the Buddhist Congress of Canada, received the donation. photo/The Life News Agency
Group photo of Venerable You Wang(2nd from left), BLIA Ottawa South Subchapter President Nancy Zhang(left), Ven. Bhante Suneetha(middle), treasurer of the BLIA Ottawa Chapter Felicia Kho(2nd from right), and member of the South Subchapter Kwok Chun Suen(right). photo/The Life News Agency

Wen Guo, The Life News Agency
May 17, 2024

On April 2nd  2024, the monastics of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA), visited a Sri Lankan temple of the Buddhist Congress of Canada, to donate $2,000 in support of the sole surviving member of a Sri Lankan family affected by an unfortunate incident that occurred in Ottawa on March 6, 2024.

The donation was presented by Venerable You Wang of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, Felicia Kho, treasurer of the BLIA Ottawa Chapter, Nancy Zhang, president of BLIA Ottawa South Subchapter, and Kwok Chun Suen and Tim Wang, members of the South Subchapter. Ven. Bhante Suneetha, a Theravada Buddhist monk from the Buddhist Congress of Canada, received the donation. Venerable Suneetha stated that the funds would be used directly to support the affected Sri Lankan family, to help them overcome their difficulties.

The Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and the BLIA Ottawa Chapter did not hesitate to extend a helping hand in the face of this tragedy. These organizations did not only send monastics and BLIA members to the memorial service, but they also expressed their emotional support and condolences to the affected family through substantial support. Venerable Suneetha of the Buddhist Congress noted that such direct acts of kindness would bring warmth and hope to the family, and demonstrate the unity and compassion of the community.

Venerable Suneetha, who has been propagating the Dharma in the Ottawa region for over 10 years, has always strived to actively promote interaction and solidarity among religious communities. Venerable Suneetha became acquainted with the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa at the "Vesak Day on Parliament Hill" event that was hosted by Member of Parliament Chandra Arya in 2023. He was subsequently invited to attend the "Venerable Master Hsing Yun Memorial Concert" on August 4th in same year. Venerable Sunneetha expressed deep appreciation for Fo Guang Shan's approach in propagating "Humanistic Buddhism." Although this meeting was prompted by a tragedy, Venerable Suneetha hoped there would be more exchanges with Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa in the future to increase understanding of the Buddhist faith in the Ottawa area, and, to do so again during this year's Vesak Day celebrations.


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