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Jiangsu Province Buddhist Association from China Visited FGS Auckland NZ | 人間福報

Jiangsu Province Buddhist Association from China Visited FGS Auckland NZ

On 16 March 2024, a delegation from the Jiangsu Province Buddhist Association visited Fo Guang Shan Auckland.photo/FGS NZ
The delegation were warmly received by Venerable Manshin. photo/FGS NZ
Abbess led the visitors to pay homage at the Main Shrine and to pay tribute to the Founding Master of FGS Buddhist Order Venerable Master Hsing Yun, with a flower offering. photo/FGS NZ
Abbess led the visitors to pay homage at the Main Shrine and to pay tribute to the Founding Master of FGS Buddhist Order Venerable Master Hsing Yun, with a flower offering. photo/FGS NZ
Abbess Manshin guided the guests through the facilities. photo/FGS NZ
Abbess Manshin guided the guests through the facilities. photo/FGS NZ
Abbess Manshin guided the guests through the facilities. photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
March 28, 2024

On 16 March 2024, a delegation from the Jiangsu Province Buddhist Association, including Abbot of Nanjing’s Qixia Temple Venerable LongXiang, Abbot of Xuzhou’s Xinghua Chan Temple Venerable GuoGuang, Abbess of Rugao’s Fahua Temple Venerable ZhaoKong and the Academic Affairs Head of Jiangsu Buddhist College Venerable ZongZe, visited Fo Guang Shan Auckland. They were warmly received by Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan in New Zealand. Abbess led the visitors to pay homage at the Main Shrine and to pay tribute to the Founding Master of FGS Buddhist Order Venerable Master Hsing Yun, with a flower offering.

Abbess Manshin guided the guests through the facilities, explaining the community projects carried out in local society, based on the teaching of Venerable Master. Abbot LongXiang expressed gratitude to the Venerable Master for sharing kindness worldwide and benefiting the global citizens. He noted the significance of Buddhism serving the public and commended the BLIA members for their united and strong mission of bringing a joyful and positive attitude to the community. Abbot encouraged the members, acknowledging their fortune in continuing the spirit of Venerable Master’s teachings Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in New Zealand. He appreciated the Team for their efforts, emphasising the need for increased cooperation and unity. Gifts were exchanged, including calligraphy, Pu’er tea and incense burners. FGS Auckland presented a book 366 Days with Wisdom written by the Founding Master in return.



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