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Mainstream Media Coverage on Nan Tien Temple’s Celebration of the Lunar New Year of the Dragon | 人間福報

Mainstream Media Coverage on Nan Tien Temple’s Celebration of the Lunar New Year of the Dragon

Nan Tien Temple celebrates the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, attracting attention from both local and international media outlets. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Miao You, Director of Nan Tien Institute, was interviewed by the Illawarra Mercury. photo/The Life News Agency
SBS News journalists witnessed the opening of the vegetarian food market by Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery AM of Wollongong. photo/The Life News Agency
SBS News journalists interviewed various visitors, volunteers, scholarship recipients from Nan Tien University,photo/The Life News Agency
The official What’s On in Wollongong website provided information about Nan Tien Temple's key Lunar New Year activities. photo/The Life News Agency
The official What’s On in Wollongong website provided information about Nan Tien Temple's key Lunar New Year activities. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Zhili was interviewed by The WIN News Illawarra. photo/The Life News Agency
The WIN News Illawarrainterviewed the tourists at Nan Tien Temple. photo/The Life News Agency
The Australian News reported Nan Tien Temple's Lunar New Year activities. photo/The Life News Agency

Francis Wong
February 21, 2024

Nan Tien Temple, located in Wollongong, Australia, is the largest Buddhist temple in the Southern Hemisphere. Since its consecration in 1995, it has become a landmark in the southern suburb of Wollongong, recognized by the government and media for its community care and services to the society. Together with the community, Nan Tien Temple celebrates the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, attracting attention from both local and international media outlets including newspapers, official websites, TV stations, community radio stations, and social media platforms. This attention helps draw residents and tourists from the Sydney area to Nan Tien Temple during the Lunar New Year to pray, participate in various festive activities, experience the virtues of Buddhism, and appreciate the profoundness of traditional Chinese culture.

On 7 February, Venerable Miao You, Director of Nan Tien Institute, was interviewed by the Illawarra Mercury, emphasizing the symbolic significance of the Lunar New Year as a time for renewal and the practice of “Do Good Deeds, Say Good Words, Think Good Thoughts” in daily life. She also highlighted the anniversary of the passing of the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The Year of the Dragon, Venerable Miao You noted, symbolizes good fortune and prosperity, reminding people to care for society with goodwill and humility. People born in the Year of the Dragon are described as intelligent, confident, and charismatic. The Illawarra Mercury also reported on Nan Tien Temple's Lunar New Year celebrations, including its first international vegetarian food market, prayer ceremonies, wishing trees, bell ringing ceremonies for peace, traditional lion dances, and cultural stalls and exhibitions.

On 9 February, journalists from the official SBS News television station witnessed the opening of the vegetarian food market by Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery AM of Wollongong. The journalists interviewed various visitors, volunteers, scholarship recipients from Nan Tien University, and provided official coverage, praising Nan Tien Temple for actively promoting multicultural interaction and integrating traditional Chinese culture into the community, thereby enriching the cultural diversity of the region.


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On 11 February, The WIN News Illawarra, a community media outlet, shared highlights of Nan Tien Temple's Lunar New Year activities on its official Facebook page. Venerable Zhili, Director of Nan Tien Temple's Social Education Department, emphasized the significance of the Lunar New Year as a time for family reunions and new beginnings, encouraging people to let go of negative emotions and habits from the past year and start anew with a positive attitude. She stressed that the community is like a big family, and Nan Tien Temple's celebration of the Lunar New Year aims to bring people together to share joy and happiness. Venerable Zhili further explained that the Year of the Dragon symbolizes protection, auspiciousness, and good fortune, and she encouraged serving society with compassion, joy, generosity, and humility. Visitors expressed their appreciation for experiencing traditional Chinese culture during the temple's Lunar New Year celebrations, describing it as a journey of cultural exploration.

The official What’s On in Wollongong website provided information about Nan Tien Temple's key Lunar New Year activities from New Year's Eve to the third day of the new year, including special shuttle bus services to facilitate public transportation and ease traffic congestion around the temple during the festive period.

Additionally, Chinese media outlets such as TVB Anywhere Australia, The Australian Daily, The Australian News, Yeeyi.com, 2AC Australian Chinese Radio, and 2CR Radio provided detailed coverage and previews of Nan Tien Temple's Lunar New Year celebrations, including event schedules, visiting guidelines, rituals, and offerings.

Nan Tien Temple actively promoted and reported its Lunar New Year celebrations and festivities through social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, WeChat public accounts, and Xiaohongshu, sharing the joy of the new year with the community and inviting everyone to join in the celebration.



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