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BLIA South Island participated in Restore Forests and Protect Dryland Ecology | 人間福報

BLIA South Island participated in Restore Forests and Protect Dryland Ecology

BLIA North and South Islands members have been involved in the city’s tree planting and greening charity activities since 2008. photo/FGS NZ
The Park Ranger, Fiona Fenton explained that the activity site undergoes maintenance twice a year. photo/FGS NZ
BLIA members traversed mountains and forests to reach the steep slopes and carry out the work. photo/FGS NZ
Fiona expressed gratitude for the enthusiastic participation of the BLIA members. photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
March 13, 2024

Adhering to the concept of Environmental and Spiritual Preservation, the BLIA South Island collaborated with the Christchurch City Council to hold the first T-EARTH Forest Community Project tree-planting event of the year on 2nd March 2024. The Presidents of Subchapter 1 Tiffany SU and Subchapter 2 Donald HE led more than ten members to Dry Bush, located on the outskirts of Christchurch, and joined with almost 30 locals who participated together to contribute to ecological restoration.

BLIA North and South Islands members have been involved in the city’s tree planting and greening charity activities since 2008, carrying out conservation projects in the suburbs every year. The Park Ranger, Fiona Fenton explained that the activity site undergoes maintenance twice a year. The main task of the day is to remove wild grass. BLIA members traversed mountains and forests to reach the steep slopes and carry out the work. They cleared weeds to ensure previously planted saplings could receive enough sunlight and nutrients to thrive.

Fiona highlighted that the reforestation of Dry Bush is crucial for the local ecosystem. It is beneficial for saplings to grow and contributes to the green ecology of the mountains by reintroducing native vegetation. She expressed gratitude for the enthusiastic participation of the BLIA members.

One of the members of the English Dharma Service, Deirdre Johns, shared her joy in participating in forestry activities, contributing to the green ecology and providing more habitats for birds. BLIA member Mandy shared that the event was meaningful. Despite physical tiredness, her heart was filled with joy through the connection with nature and enhanced awareness of the importance of environmental protection.



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