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A Journey of Enlightenment and Growth- FGS Toronto Hosts the Commencement Ceremony for the 2024 Humanistic Buddhism Courses and Universal Tea Gathering | 人間福報

A Journey of Enlightenment and Growth- FGS Toronto Hosts the Commencement Ceremony for the 2024 Humanistic Buddhism Courses and Universal Tea Gathering

A joyful group photo capturing over 160 members, symbolizing a unified commitment to a year of enriched learning and spiritual practice. photo/ Tracy Liu
The Wealth God team, sharing inspiring messages and receiving a warm response. photo/Harry Ho
YAD Toronto representative Joe Li sharing his insights.photo/Harry Ho
The Commencement Ceremony for the 2024 Humanistic Buddhism Courses on March 2nd, over 160 participants in the Dining Hall, solemnly chanting the "Ode to Triple Gem". photo/ Tracy Liu
The community's passionate singing of "My Hometown is at Fo Guang Shan." photo/ Tracy Liu
The hospitality team warmly welcomed the volunteers from various teams. photo/Harry Ho
Volunteers deeply engaged with Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan's motivational opening speech. photo/Harry Ho
The event's concluding highlight, the Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan leading the song "The Four Seas all Have Buddha’s Light Members." photo/ Tracy Liu

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto
March 28, 2024

After the conclusion of the 2024 Spring Festival celebrations, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto held its Commencement Ceremony for the 2024 Humanistic Buddhism Courses, followed by a Volunteer Tea Gathering on the afternoon of March 2nd. The event aimed to express gratitude to all supporting groups and volunteers, while also marking the beginning of the 2024 Humanistic Buddhism Courses. Over 160 volunteers attended, eager to embrace the intellectual and spiritual enrichment promised by the New Year."  

The event began with the Humanistic Buddhism Courses Commencement Ceremony. Venerable Chueh Fan, the Chancellor of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Humanistic Buddhism Courses, encouraged the dedicated volunteers to deepen their engagement with Buddhist studies. She highlighted the temple's commitment to offering a wide range of courses designed for enhancing wisdom and skills through continuous learning and study of the Dharma. She emphasized the temple's dedication to providing diverse courses aimed at enhancing wisdom and skills through continuous learning and the study of Dharma. Of particular note was the announcement of a new initiative: a 40-minute Buddhist etiquette class after the Sunday Dharma Service, tailored to guide beginners in their understanding of Buddhism.

Venerable Ru An, Director of Social Education, presented the "Practice the Buddha’s Way Passport," explaining its purpose and practicality in monitoring progress in Buddhist cultivation. Betty Young, leader of the Social Education team offered instructions regarding course registration and attendance procedures, guaranteeing a seamless educational journey for all students.

A video lecture selected from the Venerable Master’s “One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs” series was presented, emphasizing the significance of the “Universal Tea Gathering” as a platform for community building, exchange, and talent demonstration. Following this, the sharing sessions by all Venerables highlighted the achievements of various teams during the Spring Festival events, showcasing the harmonious collaboration among volunteer groups and monastics. These efforts vividly illustrated the profound impact of volunteerism at the temple, characterized by joy, dedication, and a selfless commitment to service.

As volunteers rejoiced in exquisite tea and snacks, highlights from the Spring Festival activities were showcased, celebrating the teamwork and perseverance that contributed to the event's success. Speeches and musical performances by various volunteer team leaders conveyed deep gratitude for the collective effort, resonating with all present and earning enthusiastic applause. The communal singing of "My Hometown is at Fo Guang Shan" served as a heartfelt expression of solidarity and support for the temple and its community.

In her concluding remarks, Venerable Chueh Fan reflected on the volunteers' pivotal role in enhancing the temple's environment, expressing hope that the insights gained would be deeply integrated into daily practice. This aspiration aligns with Master Hsing Yun's vision of "Coexistence and Co-prosperity," as shared at the 2023 BLIA General Conference. The gathering concluded with warmth and joy, all participants joined in a collective aspiration of Buddha's Light Shines Universally.


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