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New Zealand Prime Minister Luxon Inspired by Venerable Master’s Calligraphy | 人間福報

New Zealand Prime Minister Luxon Inspired by Venerable Master’s Calligraphy

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon celebrated the Lunar New Year at the Fo Guang Shan Temple in Auckland. photo/FGS NZ
The event was attended by notable guests including National Party MP Nancy LU, Howick Local Board Chairman Damian Light, NZP Senior Sergeant Anson LIN and BLIA North Island President Evelyn KU, Advisor Sally WONG, Advisor Lintao YU, Deputy President Larry YANG and Nick YOONG. photo/FGS NZ
Abbess Manshin explained the Venerable Master’s vision and the power of patience. photo/FGS NZ
Venerable Manshin presented PM Christopher Luxon with a calligraphy piece, Those Who Endure Are Powerful, inscribed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
February 19, 2024

On 9th February 2024, New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon celebrated the Lunar New Year at the Fo Guang Shan Temple in Auckland, marking his third visit to the Temple. Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of FGS New Zealand, presented him with a calligraphy piece, Those Who Endure Are Powerful, inscribed by the Founding Master of FGS Buddhist Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, along with the book Master Hsing Yun’s Eight Decades. These gifts symbolised wishes for the Prime Minister to lead the nation towards stability and prosperity with resilience.

Prime Minister Luxon, who became a Member of Parliament for the Temple’s region three years prior, expressed his deep impression of the community work done by the Temple. In February 2023, upon learning of Venerable Master’s peaceful passing, he sent immediate condolences and thanked the Grand Master for bringing the Temple to New Zealand. He also conveyed greetings to the Head Abbot of FGS, the Most Venerable Hsin Bau.

Since taking office, Prime Minister Luxon has implemented new governance strategies, including tax cuts to reduce living costs, empowering police with more authority to enhance public safety, banning mobile phones in schools and increasing teaching hours. During his visit, Abbess invited the Prime Minister to read a Dharma word from the Venerable Master: Endurance requires supreme wisdom to bear the unbearable and do the difficult. It is magnanimous compassion, insightful Bodhi wisdom and unparalleled strength. Abbess explained the Venerable Master’s vision and the power of patience, emphasising that maintaining balance through endurance can lead to a clear understanding of worldly truths and the power to effect change.

The event was attended by notable guests including National Party MP Nancy LU, Howick Local Board Chairman Damian Light, NZP Senior Sergeant Anson LIN and BLIA North Island President Evelyn KU, Advisor Sally WONG, Advisor Lintao YU, Deputy President Larry YANG and Nick YOONG. The attendees applauded the PM, expressing hope for national prosperity and harmony under his leadership. The PM expressed his gratitude, stating he would hang the Grand Master’s teachings in his office as a reminder that endurance is an essential part of life and his mission.

The celebration highlighted Fo Guang Shan New Zealand and the BLIA’s teamwork with the police, schools and various community sectors in achieving significant results in culture, education and charity. The visit of PM Luxon underscored the government’s support for New Zealand’s commitment to inclusivity.


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