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BLIA NZ YAD Consensus Seminar Filling Life with Right Understanding and Views | 人間福報

BLIA NZ YAD Consensus Seminar Filling Life with Right Understanding and Views

On 17 March 2024, BLIA Auckland organised the Consensus Seminar at FGS Auckland. Inviting Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of FGS NZ and Supervisor Meggan LAM of the BLIA NZ North Island Subchapter 1 as instructors, the seminar led over 20 young adults in a series of activities. photo/FGS NZ
photo/FGS NZ
photo/FGS NZ
photo/FGS NZ
photo/FGS NZ
photo/FGS NZ
photo/FGS NZ
photo/FGS NZ
photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
April 11, 2024

On 17 March 2024, BLIA Auckland organised the Consensus Seminar at FGS Auckland. Inviting Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of FGS NZ and Supervisor Meggan LAM of the BLIA NZ North Island Subchapter 1 as instructors, the seminar led over 20 young adults in a series of activities. These activities included Tai Chi meditation and interactive discussions, aiming to address and unravel challenges faced in life, learning and work, thereby establishing right understanding and views.

Meggan Lam, a member of the Auckland Health Committee and a clinical psychology consultant, guided participants to reflect on the core reasons and values behind their actions. She provided practical advice for youth in school and the workplace, such as the importance of asking for help, understanding one’s limits, maintaining transparent and timely communication with superiors, and using positive language to resolve difficulties.

Abbess answered various questions, highlighting the importance of having an enlightened mind regardless of one’s location. This involves caring about the growth of wisdom, harmonising emotions and learning to endure hardships. The Abbess shared a teaching from Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the Founder of FGS Buddhist Order, Keeping up is important. She emphasised that there’s nothing that can’t be done well or kept up with. It’s crucial to admit and accept one’s imperfections, understanding that everything is subject to change. In the transient nature of life, it’s possible to find the right ways, methods, directions and to vigorously catch up. The Abbess encouraged the youths saying, a single person can move fast, but a group can go far. Together, the youth are stronger in the team.


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