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FGS Christchurch Buddha’s Birthday Celebration: Nourishes the Pure Land of the Human World | 人間福報

FGS Christchurch Buddha’s Birthday Celebration: Nourishes the Pure Land of the Human World

Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch hosted the annual Buddha’s Birthday Celebration for World Peace. photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
photo/Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch

Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch
April 26, 2024

On 20 April 2024, Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Christchurch hosted the annual Buddha’s Birthday Celebration for World Peace, with nearly 800 people in attendance. The ceremony was led by the Abbess of FGS NZ Venerable Manshin, featuring the recitation of the Heart Sutra and the Prayer for World Peace written by the Founder of FGS Venerable Master Hsing Yun.

Religious blessings were conducted by Reverend Canon Ben Truman, Dean of Christchurch Cathedral and Dr Surinder Tandon, President of the Christchurch Multicultural Council. Attendees in the temple offered flowers to the Buddha and bathed the statue of Prince Siddhartha. Devotees also prayed for inner purity and societal harmony.

The celebration began with the City of Christchurch Highland Pipe Band playing Scottish bagpipes. Distinguished guests included the President of BLIA South Island, Bernie SIEW, the Mayor of Christchurch Mr Phil Mauger, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Christchurch Madame HE Ying, MP for Wigram Hon Dr Megan Woods, District Commander of the Canterbury Superintendent Tony Hill, The World Peace Bell Association Christchurch representative David Bolam-Smith, the University of Canterbury Professor Mike Reid, artists Tricia Morant and Hugh Rickard were in attendance.

The Temple prepared special auspicious apples as a blessing for everyone’s peace and happiness.

Abbess Manshin addressed the BLIA member’s efforts in building affinities and benefiting life through making connections, joyfully serving and practicing the Noble Eightfold Path, aiming to cultivate a pure mind and create a peaceful society.

President Bernie expressed gratitude for the guidance of Abbess and the Temple, as well as the dedicated support of the volunteers, emphasizing that the happiness and peace of all humanity are the goals and direction of the BLIA members. Learning from Buddha’s spirit of respect and tolerance is about finding unity in diversity, practicing equality with an attitude of mutual understanding.

Mayor Phil Mauger remarked that Buddha is one of the greatest spiritual leaders in history.  Buddha‘s teaching of compassion, understanding, non-violence, tolerance, love and respect for all life is what the world needs. Hon MP Megan Wood shared that practicing the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in life advocated by the Venerable Master will definitely create a harmonious nation and a beautiful world. Superintendent Tony Hill expressed that the police department highly values the interaction with the Temple and that the FGS spirit of the collective effort is essential as NZ Police force is committed to protecting the public’s safety, which requires everyone’s collective efforts to maintain safety.

Consul General He Ying praised the vitality of the BLIA Young Adult Division, thanking FGS for its continuous efforts to promote Buddhist culture, education and charity, playing a significant role in enhancing multicultural integration in South Island NZ and actively spreading the ideals of world peace.

The event also featured BLIA YAD dance performances, Baby & Children Blessing Ceremony, Tea Meditation sessions, vegetarian food fair, local market stalls and lucky draw, wishing that everyone brings peace and joy home.


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